### Copyright 2014 Pixar ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License") ### with the following modification; you may not use this file except in ### compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it: ### Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with: ### ### 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade ### names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor ### and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of ### the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file. ### ### You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is ### distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ### KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific ### language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License. ### ### ### module JSS ##################################### ### Module Variables ##################################### ##################################### ### Classes ##################################### ### ### A mysql connection to the JSS database. ### ### This is a singleton class, only one can exist at a time, and it ### is created, but not connected, automatically when the module loads. ### ### Use it via the JSS::DB_CNX constant (for connection metadata) ### and the JSS::DB_CNX.db attribute (which contains the actual mysql ### query interface) for making queries ### ### Direct MySQL access is minimal and discouraged, since it ### bypasses the API, and can be very dangerous. However, it's necessary ### to overcome some limitations of the API or to access custom tables. ### ### While a database connction isn't required for most things, ### warnings will be sent to stderr when functionality is limited due to ### a lack of a database connection i.e. when JSS::DB_CNX.connected? == false ### ### To make a connection with credentials, just call the #connect method thus: ### JSS::DB_CNX.connect :server => 'server.company.com', :user => "user", :pw => "pw" ### ### Other options include: ### :db_name => which database to connect to, defaults to 'jamfsoftware' ### :port => tcp port for connection to server, defaults to the standard mysql port. ### :connect_timeout => seconds to wait before giving up on connection, defaults to 120 ### :read_timeout => seconds to wait before giving up on recieving data, defaults to 120 ### :write_timeout => seconds to wait before giving up on sending data, defaults to 120 ### :timeout => sets all three timeouts to the same value, defaults to 120 ### ### Calling JSS::DB_CNX.connect again will re-use any values not provided. ### but will create a new connection. ### class DBConnection include Singleton ##################################### ### Class Constants ##################################### ### The name of the JSS database on the mysql server DEFAULT_DB_NAME = "jamfsoftware" ### give the connection a 120 second timeout, for really slow ### net connections (like... from airplanes) DFT_TIMEOUT = 120 ### DFT_SOCKET = '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' ### the strftime format for reading/writing dates in the db SQL_DATE_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" attr_reader :server attr_reader :port attr_reader :socket attr_reader :user attr_reader :db_name attr_reader :connect_timeout attr_reader :read_timeout attr_reader :write_timeout attr_reader :connected def initialize () require 'mysql' @mysql = Mysql.init @connected = false end #init ### ### Connect to the JSS MySQL database. ### ### @param args[Hash] the keyed arguments for connection. ### ### @option args :server[String] Required, the hostname of the JSS API server ### ### @option args :port[Integer] the port number to connect with, defaults to the default Mysql TCP port ### ### @option args :socket[String,Pathname] when the server is 'localhost', the path to the connection socket. ### ### @option args :db_name[String] the name of the database to use, defaults to 'jamfsoftware' ### ### @option args :user[String] Required, the mysql user to connect as ### ### @option args :pw[String,Symbol] Required, the password for that user, or :prompt, or :stdin ### If :prompt, the user is promted on the commandline to enter the password for the :user. ### If :stdin#, the password is read from a line of std in represented by the digit at #, ### so :stdin3 reads the passwd from the third line of standard input. defaults to line 2, ### if no digit is supplied. see {JSS.stdin} ### ### @option args :connect_timeout[Integer] the number of seconds to wait for an initial response, defaults to 120 ### ### @option args :read_timeout[Integer] the number of seconds before read-request times out, defaults to 120 ### ### @option args :write_timeout[Integer] the number of seconds before write-request times out, defaults to 120 ### ### @option args :timeout[Integer] used for any of the timeouts that aren't explicitly set. ### ### @return [true] the connection was successfully made. ### def connect(args = {}) # settings from config if they aren't in the args args[:server] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_server_name args[:port] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_server_port args[:socket] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_server_socket args[:db_name] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_name args[:user] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_username args[:connect_timeout] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_connect_timeout args[:read_timeout] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_read_timeout args[:write_timeout] ||= JSS::CONFIG.db_write_timeout ### if one timeout was given, use it for all three args[:connect_timeout] ||= args[:timeout] args[:read_timeout] ||= args[:timeout] args[:write_timeout] ||= args[:timeout] ### if these weren't given, use the defaults args[:connect_timeout] ||= DFT_TIMEOUT args[:read_timeout] ||= DFT_TIMEOUT args[:write_timeout] ||= DFT_TIMEOUT args[:port] ||= Mysql::MYSQL_TCP_PORT args[:socket] ||= DFT_SOCKET args[:db_name] ||= DEFAULT_DB_NAME @mysql.close if connected? @server = args[:server] @port = args[:port] @socket = args[:socket] @mysql_name = args[:db_name] @user = args[:user] @connect_timeout = args[:connect_timeout] @read_timeout = args[:read_timeout] @write_timeout = args[:write_timeout] # make sure we have a user raise JSS::MissingDataError, "No JSS user specified, or listed in configuration." unless args[:user] # passwd from prompt, stdin, or args? raise JSS::MissingDataError, "Missing :pw (or :prompt/:stdin) for user '#{@user}'" unless args[:pw] @pw = if args[:pw] == :prompt JSS.prompt_for_password "Enter the password for the MySQL user '#{@user}':" elsif args[:pw].is_a?(Symbol) and args[:pw].to_s.start_with?('stdin') args[:pw].to_s =~ /^stdin(\d+)$/ line = $1 line ||= 2 JSS.stdin line else args[:pw] end @mysql = Mysql.init @mysql.options Mysql::OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, @connect_timeout @mysql.options Mysql::OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, @read_timeout @mysql.options Mysql::OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, @write_timeout @mysql.connect @server, @user , @pw , @mysql_name, @port, @socket @connected = true end # reconnect ### ### @return [Mysql] The mysql database connection itself ### def db raise JSS::InvalidConnectionError, "No database connection. Please use JSS::DB_CNX.connect" unless JSS::DB_CNX.connected? @mysql end ### ### close the connection to the database ### it'll have to be re-connected before using again ### def disconnect @mysql.close if connected? @connected = false nil end # disconnect #### Aliases alias connected? connected end # class DBConnection ### The single instance of the DBConnection DB_CNX = DBConnection.instance ### ### @return [Mysql] The mysql database available through the DBConnection.instance ### def self.db DB_CNX.db end end # module