require 'csv' def get_file_mode mode, encoding = nil if encoding "#{mode}:#{encoding}" else mode end end module PostgresCopy module ActsAsCopyTarget extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end module CopyMethods # Copy data to a file passed as a string (the file path) or to lines that are passed to a block def copy_to path = nil, options = {} options = { delimiter: ",", format: :csv, header: true }.merge(options) options_string = if options[:format] == :binary "BINARY" else "DELIMITER '#{options[:delimiter]}' CSV #{options[:header] ? 'HEADER' : ''}" end options_query = options.delete(:query) || self.all.to_sql if path raise "You have to choose between exporting to a file or receiving the lines inside a block" if block_given? connection.execute "COPY (#{options_query}) TO '#{sanitize_sql(path)}' WITH #{options_string}" else connection.raw_connection.copy_data "COPY (#{options_query}) TO STDOUT WITH #{options_string}" do while line = connection.raw_connection.get_copy_data do yield(line) if block_given? end end end return self end # Create an enumerator with each line from the CSV. # Note that using this directly in a controller response # will perform very poorly as each line will get put # into its own chunk. Joining every (eg) 100 rows together # is much, much faster. def copy_to_enumerator(options={}) buffer_lines = options.delete(:buffer_lines) # Somehow, self loses its scope once inside the Enumerator scope = self.current_scope || self result = do |y| scope.copy_to(nil, options) do |line| y << line end end if buffer_lines.to_i > 0 do |y| result.each_slice(buffer_lines.to_i) do |slice| y << slice.join end end else result end end # Copy all data to a single string def copy_to_string options = {} data = '' self.copy_to(nil, options){|l| data << l } if options[:format] == :binary data.force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT") end data end # Copy data from a CSV that can be passed as a string (the file path) or as an IO object. # * You can change the default delimiter passing delimiter: '' in the options hash # * You can map fields from the file to different fields in the table using a map in the options hash # * For further details on usage take a look at the def copy_from path_or_io, options = {} options = { delimiter: ",", format: :csv, header: true, quote: '"' }.merge(options) options[:delimiter] = "\t" if options[:format] == :tsv options_string = if options[:format] == :binary "BINARY" else quote = options[:quote] == "'" ? "''" : options[:quote] null = options.key?(:null) ? "NULL '#{options[:null]}'" : nil force_null = options.key?(:force_null) ? "FORCE_NULL(#{options[:force_null].join(',')})" : nil delimiter = options[:format] == :tsv ? "E'\t'" : "'#{options[:delimiter]}'" "WITH (" + ["DELIMITER #{delimiter}", "QUOTE '#{quote}'", null, force_null, "FORMAT CSV"].compact.join(', ') + ")" end io = path_or_io.instance_of?(String) ?, get_file_mode('r', options[:encoding])) : path_or_io if options[:format] == :binary columns_list = options[:columns] || [] elsif options[:header] line = io.gets columns_list = options[:columns] || line.strip.split(options[:delimiter]) else columns_list = options[:columns] end table = if options[:table] connection.quote_table_name(options[:table]) else quoted_table_name end columns_list ={|c| options[:map][c.to_s] || c.to_s } if options[:map] columns_string = columns_list.size > 0 ? "(\"#{columns_list.join('","')}\")" : "" connection.raw_connection.copy_data %{COPY #{table} #{columns_string} FROM STDIN #{options_string}} do if options[:format] == :binary bytes = 0 begin while line = io.readpartial(10240) connection.raw_connection.put_copy_data line bytes += line.bytesize end rescue EOFError end else line_buffer = '' while line = io.gets do next if line.strip.size == 0 line_buffer += line # If line is incomplete, get the next line until it terminates if line_buffer =~ /\n$/ || line_buffer =~ /\Z/ if block_given? begin row = CSV.parse_line(line_buffer.strip, col_sep: options[:delimiter]) yield(row) next if row.all?(&:nil?) line_buffer = CSV.generate_line(row, col_sep: options[:delimiter]) rescue CSV::MalformedCSVError next end end connection.raw_connection.put_copy_data(line_buffer) # Clear the buffer line_buffer = '' end end end end end end module ClassMethods def acts_as_copy_target extend PostgresCopy::ActsAsCopyTarget::CopyMethods end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, PostgresCopy::ActsAsCopyTarget