require 'pathname' require 'forwardable' #backports from ruby 2.1 class Pathname unless method_defined?(:write) def write(*args,&b) IO.write(self,*args,&b) end end unless method_defined?(:to_path) alias to_path to_str end end autoload :FileUtils, "fileutils" module ShellHelpers #SH::Pathname is Pathname with extra features #and methods from FileUtils rather than File when possible #to use this module rather than ::Pathname in a module or class, #simply define Pathname=SH::Pathname in an appropriate nesting level module PathnameExt class Base < ::Pathname #Some alias defined in FileUtils alias_method :mkdir_p, :mkpath alias_method :rm_r, :rmtree #rmtree should be rm_rf, not rm_r! def rmtree require 'fileutils' FileUtils.rm_rf(@path) nil end alias_method :rm_rf, :rmtree def shellescape require 'shellwords' to_s.shellescape end def to_relative return self if relative? relative_path_from(Pathname.slash) end #use the low level FileUtils feature to copy the metadata #if passed a dir just copy the dir metadata, not the directory recursively #Note this differs from FileUtils.copy_entry who copy directories recursively def copy_entry(dest, dereference: false, preserve: true) require 'fileutils' ent =, nil, dereference) ent.copy dest.to_s ent.copy_metadata dest.to_s if preserve end class <<self def home return end def hometilde return'~') end def slash return"/") end #differ from Pathname.pwd in that this returns a relative path def current return".") end def null return'/dev/null') end #Pathname / 'usr' def /(path) new(path) end #Pathname['/usr'] def [](path) new(path) end def cd(dir,&b) end end #these Pathname methods explicitly call so do not respect #our subclass :-( [:+,:join,:relative_path_from].each do |m| define_method m do |*args,&b|*args,&b)) end end alias_method :/, :+ #exist? returns false if called on a symlink pointing to a non existing file def may_exist? exist? or symlink? end #like read, but output nil rather than an exception if the file does #not exist def read! read rescue nil end def filewrite(*args,mode:"w",perm: nil,mkpath: false,backup: false) logger.debug("Write to #{self}"+ (perm ? " (#{perm})" : "")) if respond_to?(:logger) self.dirname.mkpath if mkpath self.backup if backup and exist? if !exist? && symlink? logger.debug "Removing bad symlink #{self}" if respond_to?(:logger) self.unlink end mode) do |fh| fh.chmod(perm) if perm #hack to pass an array to write and do the right thing if args.length == 1 && Array === args.first fh.puts(args.first) else fh.write(*args) end yield fh if block_given? end end def components each_filename.to_a end def depth each_filename.count end def entries(filter: true) c=super() if filter c.reject {|c| c.to_s=="." or c.to_s==".."} else c end end"foo")+"bar" return "foo/bar""foo").append_name("bar") return "foobar" def append_name(*args,join:'') end #loop until we get a name satisfying cond def new_name(cond) loop.with_index do |_,ind|,ind)) return n if end end #find a non existing filename def nonexisting_name return self unless self.may_exist? new_name( {|f| !f.may_exist?}) do |old_name, ind| old_name.append_name("%02d" % ind) end end #stolen from ptools ( def binary? return false if directory? bytes = stat.blksize bytes = 4096 if bytes > 4096 s = read(bytes, bytes) || "" #s = s.encode('US-ASCII', :undef => :replace).split(//) s=s.split(//) ((s.size - s.grep(" ".."~").size) / s.size.to_f) > 0.30 end #return true if the file is a text def text? #!! %x/file #{self.to_s}/.match(/text/) return false if directory? !binary? end def readbin(*args) open("rb").read(*args) end #taken from facets/split_all def split_all head, tail = split return [tail] if head.to_s == '.' || tail.to_s == '/' return [head, tail] if head.to_s == '/' return head.split_all + [tail] end def backup(suffix: '.old', overwrite: true) if self.exist? filebk=self.append_name(suffix) filebk=nonexisting_name if filebk.exist? and !overwrite logger.debug "Backup #{self} -> #{filebk}" if respond_to?(:logger),filebk) end end def abs_path(base: self.class.pwd, mode: :clean) f= absolute? ? self : base+self case mode when :clean f.cleanpath when :clean_sym f.cleanpath(consider_symlink: true) when :real f.realpath when :realdir f.realdirpath else f end end def rel_path(base: self.class.pwd, checkdir: false) base=base.dirname unless if checkdir relative_path_from(base) rescue ArgumentError => e warn "#{self}.relative_path_from(#{base}): #{e}" self end #call abs_path or rel_path according to :mode def convert_path(base: self.class.pwd, mode: :clean, checkdir: false) case mode when :clean cleanpath when :clean_sym cleanpath(consider_symlink: true) when :rel rel_path(base: base, checkdir: checkdir) when :relative rel_path(base: base, checkdir: checkdir) unless self.relative? when :absolute,:abs abs_path(base: base, mode: :abs) when :abs_clean abs_path(base: base, mode: :clean) when :abs_cleansym abs_path(base: base, mode: :cleansym) when :abs_real abs_path(base: base, mode: :real) when :abs_realdir abs_path(base: base, mode: :realdir) else self end end #path from self to target (warning: we always assume that we are one #level up self, except if inside is true) #"foo/bar");"foo/baz") # bar.rel_path_to(baz) #<ShellHelpers::Pathname:baz> # bar.rel_path_to(baz, inside: true) #<ShellHelpers::Pathname:../baz> #note: there is no real sense to use mode: :rel here, but we don't #prevent it def rel_path_to(target=self.class.pwd, base: self.class.pwd, mode: :rel, clean_mode: :abs_clean, inside: false, **opts) unless target.is_a?(self.class) sbase=opts[:source_base]||base smode=opts[:source_mode]||clean_mode tbase=opts[:target_base]||base tmode=opts[:target_mode]||clean_mode source=self.convert_path(base: sbase, mode: smode) target=target.convert_path(base: tbase, mode: tmode) from=inside ? source : source.dirname target.convert_path(base: from, mode: mode) end #overwrites Pathname#find alias orig_find find def find(*args,&b) require 'shell_helpers/utils' Utils.find(self,*args,&b) end # We now have Pathname#glob def rel_glob(pattern, expand: false) g=[] { g=Dir.glob(pattern) } if expand {|f| self+f} else {|f|} end end #follow a symlink def follow return self unless symlink? l=readlink if l.relative? self.dirname+l else l end end def dereference(mode=true) return self unless mode case mode when :simple return follow if symlink? else return follow.dereference(mode) if symlink? end self end def bad_symlink? symlink? and !dereference.exist? end def hidden? #without abs_path '.' is considered as hidden abs_path.basename.to_s[0]=="." end #remove all empty directories inside self #this includes directories which only include empty directories def rm_empty_dirs(rm:true) r=[] if directory? find(depth:true) do |file| if and file.children(false).empty? r<<file file.rmdir if rm end end end r end def rm_bad_symlinks(rm:false,hidden:false) r=[] if directory? filter=if hidden ->(x,_) {x.hidden?} else ->(*x) {false} end find(filter:filter) do |file| if file.bad_symlink? r<<file file.rm if rm end end end r end #calls an external program def call(prog,*args,pos: :last,full:false,**opts) name=to_s name=(self.class.pwd+self).to_s if full and relative? sh_args=args pos=sh_args.length if pos==:last sh_args[pos,0]=name,*sh_args,**opts) end def chattr(*args,**opts) call("chattr",*args,**opts) end def sudo_mkdir"mkdir -p #{shellescape}", sudo: true) end def sudo_mkpath"mkdir -p #{shellescape}", sudo: true) end end module FUClass attr_writer :fu_class def fu_class @fu_class||=::FileUtils end end def self.included(base) base.extend(FUClass) end module FileUtilsWrapper extend FUClass #wrapper around FileUtils #For instance Pathname#rmdir uses Dir.rmdir, but the rmdir from FileUtils is a wrapper around Dir.rmdir that accepts extra options [:rmdir, :mkdir, :cmp, :touch, :rm, :rm_r, :uptodate?, :cp,:cp_r,:mv,:ln,:ln_s,:ln_sf].each do |method| define_method method do |*args,&b| self.class.fu_class.public_send(method,self,*args,&b) end end # for these the path argument goes last [:chown, :chown_R].each do |method| define_method method do |*args,**opts,&b| require 'pry'; binding.pry self.class.fu_class.public_send(method,*args,self.to_path,&b) end end # we rewrap chdir this way, so that the argument stays a SH::Pathname def chdir(*args) self.class.fu_class.public_send(:chdir, self, *args) do |dir| yield end end #These methods are of the form FileUtils.chmod paramater, file [:chmod, :chmod_R].each do |method| define_method method do |*args,&b| self.class.fu_class.public_send(method,*args,self,&b) end end #Some alias defined in FileUtils alias_method :cd, :chdir alias_method :identical?, :cmp #We need to inverse the way we call cp, since it is the only way we can #mv/cp several files in a directory: # self.on_cp("file1","file2") #Options: preserve noop verbose force #Note: if ActionHandler is included, this will overwrite these #methods [:cp,:cp_r,:mv,:ln,:ln_s,:ln_sf].each do |method| define_method :"on_#{method}" do |*files,**opts,&b| files.each do |file| self.class.fu_class.send(method,file,self,**opts,&b) end end end alias_method :on_link, :on_ln alias_method :on_symlink, :on_ln_s end include FileUtilsWrapper module ActionHandler extend FUClass class PathnameError < StandardError #encapsulate another exception attr_accessor :ex def initialize(ex=nil) @ex=ex end def to_s @ex.to_s end end protected def do_action?(mode: :all, dereference: false, **others) path=self.dereference(dereference) case mode when :none, false return false when :noclobber return false if path.may_exist? when :symlink return false unless path.symlink? when :dangling_symlink return false unless path.symlink? && ! self.exist? when :file return false if when :dir return false unless end true end RemoveError = def on_rm(recursive: false, mode: :all, dereference: false, rescue_error: true, **others) path=self.dereference(dereference) return nil unless path.may_exist? if path.do_action?(mode: mode) {|k,v| [:verbose,:noop,:force].include?(k)} if recursive #this is only called if both recursive=true and mode=:all or :dir logger.debug("rm_r #{self} (#{path}) #{fuopts}") if respond_to?(:logger) self.class.fu_class.rm_r(path, **fuopts) else logger.debug("rm #{self} (#{path}) #{fuopts}") if respond_to?(:logger) self.class.fu_class.rm(path, **fuopts) end else puts "\# #{__method__}: Skip #{self} [mode=#{mode}]" if others[:verbose] end rescue => e warn "Error in #{path}.#{__method__}: #{e}" raise unless rescue_error end def on_rm_r(**opts) on_rm(recursive:true,**opts) end def on_rm_rf(**opts) on_rm(recursive:true,force:true,**opts) end FSError = [:cp,:cp_r,:mv,:ln,:ln_s,:ln_sf].each do |method| define_method :"on_#{method}" do |*files, rescue_error: true, dereference: false, mode: :all, rm: nil, mkpath: false, **opts,&b| #FileUtils.{cp,mv,ln_s} dereference a target symlink if it points to a #directory; the only solution to not dereference it is to remove it #before hand if dereference==:none and rm.nil? dereference=false rm=:symlink end path=self.dereference(dereference) if path.do_action?(mode: mode) begin path.on_rm(mode: rm, rescue_error: false, **opts) if rm if mkpath path.to_s[-1]=="/" ? path.mkpath : path.dirname.mkpath end fuopts=opts.reject {|k,v| [:recursive].include?(k)} logger.debug("#{method} #{self} -> #{files.join(' ')} #{fuopts}") if respond_to?(:logger) files.each do |file| self.class.fu_class.send(method,file,path,**fuopts,&b) end rescue RemoveError raise unless rescue_error rescue => e warn "Error in #{self}.#{__method__}(#{files}): #{e}" raise unless rescue_error end else puts "\# #{__method__}: Skip #{path} [mode=#{mode}]" if opts[:verbose] end end end alias_method :on_link, :on_ln alias_method :on_symlink, :on_ln_s"foo").squel("bar/baz", action: :on_ln_s) #will create a symlink foo/bar/baz -> ../../bar/baz def squel(target, base: self.class.pwd, action: nil, rel_path_opts: {}, mkpath: false, **opts) out=self+base.rel_path_to(target, inside: true) out.dirname.mkpath if mkpath rel_path=out.rel_path_to(target, **rel_path_opts) #rel_path is the path from out to target out.public_send(action, rel_path,**opts) if action yield(out,rel_path, target: target, orig: self, **opts) if block_given? end def squel_dir(target, action: nil, **opts) target.find do |file| squel(file,mkpath: opts.fetch(:mkpath,!!action), **opts) do |out,rel_path| out.public_send(action, rel_path,**opts) if action and ! yield(out,rel_path, target: file, squel_target: target, orig: self, **opts) if block_given? end end end #Example: symlink all files in a directory into another, while #preserving the structure"foo").squel_dir("bar',action: :on_ln_s) #Remove these symlinks:"foo").squel_dir("bar") {|o,t| o.on_rm(mode: :symlink)} #add the relative path to target in the symlink"foo/bar").rel_ln_s("baz/toto")) #makes a symlink foo/bar -> ../baz/toto #this is similar to 'ln -rs ...' from coreutils def rel_ln_s(target) on_ln_s(rel_path_to(target)) end end include ActionHandler end #to affect the original ::Pathname, just include PathnameExt there class Pathname < PathnameExt::Base include PathnameExt end #an alternative to use Pathname::Verbose explicitly is to use #Pathname.fu_class=FileUtils::Verbose class Pathname::Verbose < Pathname @fu_class=FileUtils::Verbose end class Pathname::NoWrite < Pathname @fu_class=FileUtils::NoWrite end class Pathname::DryRun < Pathname @fu_class=FileUtils::DryRun end class VirtualFile extend Forwardable def_delegators :@tmpfile, :open, :close, :close!, :unlink attr_accessor :content, :name, :tmpfile def initialize(name, content) @content=content @tmpfile=nil @name=name end def path @tmpfile&.path && end def file create path end def create(unlink=false) require 'tempfile' unless @tmpfile&.path @tmpfile = @tmpfile.write(@content) @tmpfile.flush end if block_given? yield path @tmpfile.close(unlink) end path end def to_s @tmpfile&.path || "VirtualFile:#{@name}" end def shellescape create to_s&.shellescape end end end =begin pry load "dr/sh.rb""ploum")"plim")"plam") plim.on_cp_r(ploum, mode: :symlink, verbose: true) plim.on_cp_r(ploum, mode: :file, verbose: true) plim.on_cp_r(ploum, mode: :file, rm: :file, verbose: true) =end