require "spec_helper" describe Nori do Nori::Parser::PARSERS.each do |parser, class_name| context "using the :#{parser} parser" do let(:parser) { parser } it "should transform a simple tag with content" do xml = "This is the contents" parse(xml).should == { 'tag' => 'This is the contents' } end it "should work with cdata tags" do xml = <<-END END parse(xml)["tag"].strip.should == "text inside cdata" end it "should transform a simple tag with attributes" do xml = "" hash = { 'tag' => { '@attr1' => '1', '@attr2' => '2' } } parse(xml).should == hash end it "should transform repeating siblings into an array" do xml =<<-XML XML parse(xml)['opt']['user'].class.should == Array hash = { 'opt' => { 'user' => [{ '@login' => 'grep', '@fullname' => 'Gary R Epstein' },{ '@login' => 'stty', '@fullname' => 'Simon T Tyson' }] } } parse(xml).should == hash end it "should not transform non-repeating siblings into an array" do xml =<<-XML XML parse(xml)['opt']['user'].class.should == Hash hash = { 'opt' => { 'user' => { '@login' => 'grep', '@fullname' => 'Gary R Epstein' } } } parse(xml).should == hash end it "should prefix attributes with an @-sign to avoid problems with overwritten values" do xml =<<-XML grep 76737 XML parse(xml)["multiRef"].should == { "login" => "grep", "@id" => "id1", "id" => "76737" } end context "without advanced typecasting" do around do |example| Nori.advanced_typecasting = false Nori.advanced_typecasting = true end it "should not transform 'true'" do parse("true")["value"].should == "true" end it "should not transform 'false'" do parse("false")["value"].should == "false" end it "should not transform Strings matching the xs:time format" do parse("09:33:55Z")["value"].should == "09:33:55Z" end it "should not transform Strings matching the xs:date format" do parse("1955-04-18-05:00")["value"].should == "1955-04-18-05:00" end it "should not transform Strings matching the xs:dateTime format" do parse("1955-04-18T11:22:33-05:00")["value"].should == "1955-04-18T11:22:33-05:00" end end context "with advanced typecasting" do around do |example| Nori.advanced_typecasting = true Nori.advanced_typecasting = false end it "should transform 'true' to TrueClass" do parse("true")["value"].should == true end it "should transform 'false' to FalseClass" do parse("false")["value"].should == false end it "should transform Strings matching the xs:time format to Time objects" do parse("09:33:55Z")["value"].should == Time.parse("09:33:55Z") end it "should transform Strings matching the xs:date format to Date objects" do parse("1955-04-18-05:00")["value"].should == Date.parse("1955-04-18-05:00") end it "should transform Strings matching the xs:dateTime format to DateTime objects" do parse("1955-04-18T11:22:33-05:00")["value"].should == DateTime.parse("1955-04-18T11:22:33-05:00") end it "should not transform Strings containing an xs:time String and more" do parse("09:33:55Z is a time")["value"].should == "09:33:55Z is a time" end it "should not transform Strings containing an xs:date String and more" do parse("1955-04-18-05:00 is a date")["value"].should == "1955-04-18-05:00 is a date" end it "should not transform Strings containing an xs:dateTime String and more" do parse("1955-04-18T11:22:33-05:00 is a dateTime")["value"].should == "1955-04-18T11:22:33-05:00 is a dateTime" end ["00-00-00", "0000-00-00", "0000-00-00T00:00:00", "0569-23-0141", "DS2001-19-1312654773", "e6:53:01:00:ce:b4:06"].each do |date_string| it "should not transform a String like '#{date_string}' to date or time" do parse("#{date_string}")["value"].should == date_string end end end context "Parsing xml with text and attributes" do before do xml =<<-XML Gary R Epstein Simon T Tyson XML @data = parse(xml) end it "correctly parse text nodes" do @data.should == { 'opt' => { 'user' => [ 'Gary R Epstein', 'Simon T Tyson' ] } } end it "be parse attributes for text node if present" do @data['opt']['user'][0].attributes.should == {'login' => 'grep'} end it "default attributes to empty hash if not present" do @data['opt']['user'][1].attributes.should == {} end it "add 'attributes' accessor methods to parsed instances of String" do @data['opt']['user'][0].should respond_to(:attributes) @data['opt']['user'][0].should respond_to(:attributes=) end it "not add 'attributes' accessor methods to all instances of String" do "some-string".should_not respond_to(:attributes) "some-string".should_not respond_to(:attributes=) end end it "should typecast an integer" do xml = "10" parse(xml)['tag'].should == 10 end it "should typecast a true boolean" do xml = "true" parse(xml)['tag'].should be(true) end it "should typecast a false boolean" do ["false"].each do |w| parse("#{w}")['tag'].should be(false) end end it "should typecast a datetime" do xml = "2007-12-31 10:32" parse(xml)['tag'].should == Time.parse( '2007-12-31 10:32' ).utc end it "should typecast a date" do xml = "2007-12-31" parse(xml)['tag'].should == Date.parse('2007-12-31') end xml_entities = { "<" => "<", ">" => ">", '"' => """, "'" => "'", "&" => "&" } it "should unescape html entities" do xml_entities.each do |k,v| xml = "Some content #{v}" parse(xml)['tag'].should =~ end end it "should unescape XML entities in attributes" do xml_entities.each do |key, value| xml = "" parse(xml)['tag']['@attr'].should =~ end end it "should undasherize keys as tags" do xml = "Stuff" parse(xml).keys.should include('tag_1') end it "should undasherize keys as attributes" do xml = "" parse(xml)['tag1'].keys.should include('@attr_1') end it "should undasherize keys as tags and attributes" do xml = "" parse(xml).keys.should include('tag_1') parse(xml)['tag_1'].keys.should include('@attr_1') end context "with strip_namespaces set to true" do around do |example| Nori.strip_namespaces = true Nori.strip_namespaces = false end it "should strip the namespace from every tag" do xml = '' parse(xml).should have_key("Envelope") end it "converts namespaced entries to array elements" do xml = <<-XML a_name another_name XML expected_case = [{ "name" => "a_name" }, { "name" => "another_name" }] parse(xml)["history"]["case"].should == expected_case end end context "with convert_tags_to set to a custom formula" do around do |example| Nori.convert_tags_to { |tag| tag.snakecase.to_sym } Nori.convert_tags_to(nil) end it "transforms the tags to snakecase Symbols" do xml = 'active' parse(xml).should == { :user_response => { :@id => "1", :account_status => "active" } } end end it "should render nested content correctly" do xml = "Tag1 Content This is strong" parse(xml)['root']['tag1'].should == "Tag1 Content This is strong" end it "should render nested content with splshould text nodes correctly" do xml = "Tag1 ContentStuff Hi There" parse(xml)['root'].should == "Tag1 ContentStuff Hi There" end it "should ignore attributes when a child is a text node" do xml = "Stuff" parse(xml).should == { "root" => "Stuff" } end it "should ignore attributes when any child is a text node" do xml = "Stuff in italics" parse(xml).should == { "root" => "Stuff in italics" } end it "should correctly transform multiple children" do xml = <<-XML 35 Home Simpson 1988-01-01 2000-04-28 23:01 true XML hash = { "user" => { "@gender" => "m", "age" => 35, "name" => "Home Simpson", "dob" => Date.parse('1988-01-01'), "joined_at" => Time.parse("2000-04-28 23:01"), "is_cool" => true } } parse(xml).should == hash end it "should properly handle nil values (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do topic_xml = <<-EOT EOT expected_topic_hash = { 'title' => nil, 'id' => nil, 'approved' => nil, 'written_on' => nil, 'viewed_at' => nil, 'content' => nil, 'parent_id' => nil, 'nil_true' => nil, 'namespaced' => nil } parse(topic_xml)["topic"].should == expected_topic_hash end it "should handle a single record from xml (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do topic_xml = <<-EOT The First Topic David 1 true 0 2592000000 2003-07-16 2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000 --- \n1: should be an integer\n:message: Have a nice day\narray: \n- should-have-dashes: true\n should_have_underscores: true\n 1.5 135 yes EOT expected_topic_hash = { 'title' => "The First Topic", 'author_name' => "David", 'id' => 1, 'approved' => true, 'replies_count' => 0, 'replies_close_in' => 2592000000, 'written_on' =>, 7, 16), 'viewed_at' => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 9, 28), # Changed this line where the key is :message. The yaml specifies this as a symbol, and who am I to change what you specify # The line in ActiveSupport is # 'content' => { 'message' => "Have a nice day", 1 => "should be an integer", "array" => [{ "should-have-dashes" => true, "should_have_underscores" => true }] }, 'content' => { :message => "Have a nice day", 1 => "should be an integer", "array" => [{ "should-have-dashes" => true, "should_have_underscores" => true }] }, 'author_email_address' => "", 'parent_id' => nil, 'ad_revenue' => BigDecimal("1.50"), 'optimum_viewing_angle' => 135.0, 'resident' => :yes } parse(topic_xml)["topic"].each do |k,v| v.should == expected_topic_hash[k] end end it "should handle multiple records (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do topics_xml = <<-EOT The First Topic David 1 false 0 2592000000 2003-07-16 2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000 Have a nice day The Second Topic Jason 1 false 0 2592000000 2003-07-16 2003-07-16T09:28:00+0000 Have a nice day EOT expected_topic_hash = { 'title' => "The First Topic", 'author_name' => "David", 'id' => 1, 'approved' => false, 'replies_count' => 0, 'replies_close_in' => 2592000000, 'written_on' =>, 7, 16), 'viewed_at' => Time.utc(2003, 7, 16, 9, 28), 'content' => "Have a nice day", 'author_email_address' => "", 'parent_id' => nil } # puts Nori.parse(topics_xml)['topics'].first.inspect parse(topics_xml)["topics"].first.each do |k,v| v.should == expected_topic_hash[k] end end it "should handle a single record from_xml with attributes other than type (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do topic_xml = <<-EOT EOT expected_topic_hash = { '@id' => "175756086", '@owner' => "55569174@N00", '@secret' => "0279bf37a1", '@server' => "76", '@title' => "Colored Pencil PhotoBooth Fun", '@ispublic' => "1", '@isfriend' => "0", '@isfamily' => "0", } parse(topic_xml)["rsp"]["photos"]["photo"].each do |k, v| v.should == expected_topic_hash[k] end end it "should handle an emtpy array (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do blog_xml = <<-XML XML expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => []}} parse(blog_xml).should == expected_blog_hash end it "should handle empty array with whitespace from xml (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do blog_xml = <<-XML XML expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => []}} parse(blog_xml).should == expected_blog_hash end it "should handle array with one entry from_xml (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do blog_xml = <<-XML a post XML expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => ["a post"]}} parse(blog_xml).should == expected_blog_hash end it "should handle array with multiple entries from xml (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do blog_xml = <<-XML a post another post XML expected_blog_hash = {"blog" => {"posts" => ["a post", "another post"]}} parse(blog_xml).should == expected_blog_hash end it "should handle file types (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do blog_xml = <<-XML XML hash = parse(blog_xml) hash.keys.should include('blog') hash['blog'].keys.should include('logo') file = hash['blog']['logo'] file.original_filename.should == 'logo.png' file.content_type.should == 'image/png' end it "should handle file from xml with defaults (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do blog_xml = <<-XML XML file = parse(blog_xml)['blog']['logo'] file.original_filename.should == 'untitled' file.content_type.should == 'application/octet-stream' end it "should handle xsd like types from xml (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do bacon_xml = <<-EOT 0.5 12.50 1 2007-12-25T12:34:56+0000 YmFiZS5wbmc= EOT expected_bacon_hash = { 'weight' => 0.5, 'chunky' => true, 'price' => BigDecimal("12.50"), 'expires_at' => Time.utc(2007,12,25,12,34,56), 'notes' => "", 'illustration' => "babe.png" } parse(bacon_xml)["bacon"].should == expected_bacon_hash end it "should let type trickle through when unknown (ActiveSupport Compatible)" do product_xml = <<-EOT 0.5 image.gif EOT expected_product_hash = { 'weight' => 0.5, 'image' => {'@type' => 'ProductImage', 'filename' => 'image.gif' }, } parse(product_xml)["product"].should == expected_product_hash end it "should handle unescaping from xml (ActiveResource Compatible)" #do # xml_string = 'First & Last NameFirst &amp; Last Name' # expected_hash = { # 'bare_string' => 'First & Last Name', # 'pre_escaped_string' => 'First & Last Name' # } # # parse(xml_string)['person'].should == expected_hash # end it "handle an empty xml string" do parse('').should == {} end # As returned in the response body by the unfuddle XML API when creating objects it "handle an xml string containing a single space" do parse(' ').should == {} end end describe "using different nori" do let(:parser) { parser } let(:different_nori) do module DifferentNori extend Nori end DifferentNori.configure do |config| config.convert_tags_to { |tag| tag.upcase } end DifferentNori end it "should transform with different nori" do xml = "xml" parse(xml).should == { "SomeThing" => "xml" } different_nori.parse(xml, parser).should == { "SOMETHING" => "xml" } end end end def parse(xml) Nori.parse xml, parser end end