## Makefile.am: produce Makefile.in from this ## copyright by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 ## see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org ## initially written by Nicholas J. Humfrey #AM_CFLAGS = @AUDIO_CFLAGS@ #AM_LDFLAGS = INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/src -I$(top_srcdir)/src/libmpg123 EXTRA_DIST = mpg123.h.in EXTRA_PROGRAMS = testcpu testcpu_dependencies = getcpuflags.$(OBJEXT) testcpu_sources = testcpu.c testcpu_LDADD = getcpuflags.$(OBJEXT) CLEANFILES = *.a # The library can have different names, depending on largefile setup. # Libtool macros think they're smart. Because of that mpg123.la does not work, it must be libmpg123.la . lib_LTLIBRARIES = libmpg123.la nodist_include_HEADERS = mpg123.h libmpg123_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-info @LIBMPG123_VERSION@ -export-symbols-regex '^mpg123_' libmpg123_la_LIBADD = @DECODER_LOBJ@ @LFS_LOBJ@ libmpg123_la_DEPENDENCIES = @DECODER_LOBJ@ @LFS_LOBJ@ libmpg123_la_SOURCES = \ intsym.h \ compat.c \ compat.h \ mpeghead.h \ parse.c \ parse.h \ frame.c \ format.c \ frame.h \ reader.h \ debug.h \ decode.h \ sample.h \ dct64.c \ synth.h \ synth_mono.h \ synth_ntom.h \ synth_8bit.h \ synths.h \ equalizer.c \ huffman.h \ icy.h \ icy2utf8.h \ id3.h \ id3.c \ true.h \ getbits.h \ optimize.h \ optimize.c \ readers.c \ tabinit.c \ libmpg123.c \ gapless.h \ mpg123lib_intern.h \ mangle.h \ getcpuflags.h \ index.h \ index.c EXTRA_libmpg123_la_SOURCES = \ lfs_alias.c \ lfs_wrap.c \ icy.c \ icy2utf8.c \ l2tables.h \ layer1.c \ layer2.c \ layer3.c \ dither.h \ dither.c \ feature.c \ dct36_3dnowext.S \ dct36_3dnow.S \ dct64_3dnowext.S \ dct64_3dnow.S \ dct64_altivec.c \ dct64_i386.c \ dct64_i486.c \ dct64_mmx.S \ dct64_sse.S \ dct64_sse_float.S \ dct64_x86_64.S \ dct64_x86_64_float.S \ dct64_neon.S \ dct64_neon_float.S \ synth_3dnowext.S \ synth_3dnow.S \ synth_altivec.c \ synth_i486.c \ synth_i586_dither.S \ synth_i586.S \ synth_mmx.S \ synth_sse3d.h \ synth_sse.S \ synth_sse_float.S \ synth_sse_s32.S \ synth_sse_accurate.S \ synth_stereo_sse_float.S \ synth_stereo_sse_s32.S \ synth_stereo_sse_accurate.S \ synth_x86_64.S \ synth_x86_64_float.S \ synth_x86_64_s32.S \ synth_x86_64_accurate.S \ synth_stereo_x86_64.S \ synth_stereo_x86_64_float.S \ synth_stereo_x86_64_s32.S \ synth_stereo_x86_64_accurate.S \ synth_arm.S \ synth_arm_accurate.S \ synth_neon.S \ synth_neon_float.S \ synth_neon_s32.S \ synth_neon_accurate.S \ synth_stereo_neon.S \ synth_stereo_neon_float.S \ synth_stereo_neon_s32.S \ synth_stereo_neon_accurate.S \ ntom.c \ synth.c \ synth_8bit.c \ synth_real.c \ synth_s32.c \ equalizer_3dnow.S \ tabinit_mmx.S \ stringbuf.c \ getcpuflags.S \ l12_integer_tables.h \ l3_integer_tables.h