module Stamina
# Automaton data-structure.
# == Examples
# The following example uses a lot of useful DRY shortcuts, so, if it does not
# fit you needs then, read on!):
# # Building an automaton for the regular language a(ba)*
# fa = do
# add_state(:initial => true)
# add_state(:accepting => true)
# connect(0,1,'a')
# connect(1,0,'b')
# end
# # It accepts 'a b a b a', rejects 'a b' as well as ''
# puts fa.accepts?('? a b a b a') # prints true
# puts fa.accepts?('? a b') # prints false
# puts fa.rejects?('?') # prints true
# == Four things you need to know
# 1. Automaton, State and Edge classes implement a Markable design pattern, that
# is, you can read and write any key/value pair you want on them using the []
# and []= operators. Note that the following keys are used by Stamina itself,
# with the obvious semantics (for automata and transducers):
# - :initial, :accepting, :error on State;
# expected to be _true_ or _false_ (_nil_ and ommitted are considered as false).
# Shortcuts for querying and setting these attributes are provided by State.
# - :symbol on Edge, with shortcuts as well on Edge.
# The convention is to use _nil_ for the epsilon symbol (aka non observable)
# on non deterministic automata.
# The following keys are reserved for future extensions:
# - :output on State and Edge.
# - :short_prefix on State.
# See also the "About states and edges" subsection of the design choices.
# 2. Why using State methods State#step and State#delta ? The Automaton class includes
# the Walking module by default, which is much more powerful !
# 3. The constructor of this class executes the argument block (between do
# and end) with instance_eval by default. You won't be able to invoke
# the methods defined in the scope of your block in such a case. See new
# for details.
# 4. This class has not been designed with efficiency in mind. If you experiment
# performance problems, read the "About Automaton modifications" sub section
# of the design choices.
# == Design choices
# This section fully details the design choices that has been made for the
# implementation of the Automaton data structure used by Stamina. It is provided
# because Automaton is one of the core classes of Stamina, that probably all
# users (and contributors) will use. Automaton usage is really user-friendly,
# so you are normally not required to read this section in the first
# place ! Read it only if of interest for you, or if you experiment unexpected
# results.
# === One Automaton class only
# One class only implements all kinds of automata: deterministic, non-deterministic,
# transducers, prefix-tree-acceptors, etc. The Markable design pattern on states and
# edges should allow you to make anything you could find useful with this class.
# === Adjacency-list graph
# This class implements an automaton using a adjacent-list graph structure.
# The automaton has state and edge array lists and exposes them through the
# _states_ and _edges_ accessors. In order to let users enjoy the enumerability
# of Ruby's arrays while allowing automata to be modified, these arrays are
# externaly modifiable. However, users are not expected to modify them!
# and future versions of Stamina will certainly remove this ability.
# === Indices exposed
# State and Edge indices in these arrays are exposed by this class. Unless stated
# explicitely, all methods taking state or edge arguments support indices as well.
# Moreover, ith_state, ith_states, ith_edge and ith_edges methods provide powerful
# access to states and edges by indices. All these methods are robust to invalid
# indices (and raise an IndexError if incorrectly invoked) but do not allow
# negative indexing (unlike ruby arrays).
# States and edges know their index in the corresponding array and expose them
# through the (read-only) _index_ accessor. These indices are always valid;
# without deletion of states or edges in the automaton, they are guaranteed not
# to change. Indices saved in your own variables must be considered deprecated
# each time you perform a deletion ! That's the only rule to respect if you plan
# to use indices.
# Indices exposition may seem a strange choice and could be interpreted as
# breaking OOP's best practice. You are not required to use them but, as will
# quiclky appear, using them is really powerful and leads to beautiful code!
# If you don't remove any state or edge, this class guarantees that indices
# are assigned in the same order as invocations of add_state and add_edge (as
# well as their plural forms and aliases).
# === About states and edges
# Edges know their source and target states, which are exposed through the
# _source_ and _target_ (read-only) accessors (also aliased as _from_ and _to_).
# States keep their incoming and outgoing edges in arrays, which are accessible
# (in fact, a copy) using State#in_edges and State#out_edges. If you use them
# for walking the automaton in a somewhat standard way, consider using the Walking
# module instead!
# Common attributes of states and edges are installed using the Markable pattern
# itself:
# - :initial, :accepting and :error on states. These
# attributes are expected to be _true_ or _false_ (_nil_ and ommitted are also
# supported and both considered as false).
# - :symbol on edges. Any object you want as long as it responds to the
# <=> operator. Also, the convention is to use _nil_ for the epsilon
# symbol (aka non observable) on non deterministic automata.
# In addition, useful shortcuts are available:
# - s.initial? is a shortcut for s[:initial] if _s_ is a State
# - s.initial! is a shortcut for s[:initial]=true if _s_ is a State
# - Similar shortcuts are available for :accepting and :error
# - e.symbol is a shortcut for e[:symbol] if _e_ is an Edge
# - e.symbol='a' is a shortcut for e[:symbol]='a' if _e_ is an Edge
# Following keys should be considered reserved by Stamina for future extensions:
# - :output on State and Edge.
# - :short_prefix on State.
# === About Automaton modifications
# This class has not been implemented with efficiency in mind. In particular, we expect
# the vast majority of Stamina core algorithms considering automata as immutable values.
# For this reason, the Automaton class does not handle modifications really efficiently.
# So, if you experiment performance problems, consider what follows:
# 1. Why updating an automaton ? Building a fresh one is much more clean and efficient !
# This is particularly true for removals.
# 2. If you can create multiples states or edges at once, consider the plural form
# of the modification methods: add_n_states and drop_states. Those methods are
# optimized for multiple updates.
# == Detailed API
class Automaton
include Stamina::Markable
# Automaton state.
class State
include Stamina::Markable
attr_reader :automaton, :index
# Creates a state.
# Arguments:
# - automaton: parent automaton of the state.
# - index: index of the state in the state list.
# - data: user data attached to this state.
def initialize(automaton, index, data)
@automaton = automaton
@index = index
@data = data.dup
@out_edges = []
@in_edges = []
@epsilon_closure = nil
### public read-only section ###############################################
# Returns true if this state is an initial state, false otherwise.
def initial?
# Sets this state as an initial state.
def initial!
@data[:initial] = true
# Returns true if this state is an accepting state, false otherwise.
def accepting?
# Sets this state as an accepting state.
def accepting!
@data[:accepting] = true
# Returns true if this state is an error state, false otherwise.
def error?
# Sets this state as an error state.
def error!
@data[:error] = true
# Returns true if this state is deterministic, false otherwise.
def deterministic?
outs = out_symbols
(outs.size==@out_edges.size) and not(outs.include?(nil))
# Checks if this state is a sink state or not. Sink states are defined as
# non accepting states having no outgoing transition or only loop
# transitions.
def sink?
!accepting? && out_edges.all?{|e|}
# Returns an array containing all incoming edges of the state. Edges are
# sorted if _sorted_ is set to true. If two incoming edges have same symbol
# no order is guaranteed between them.
# Returned array may be modified.
def in_edges(sorted=false)
sorted ? @in_edges.sort : @in_edges.dup
# Returns an array containing all outgoing edges of the state. Edges are
# sorted if _sorted_ is set to true. If two outgoing edges have same symbol
# no order is guaranteed between them.
# Returned array may be modified.
def out_edges(sorted=false)
sorted ? @out_edges.sort : @out_edges.dup
# Returns an array with the different symbols appearing on incoming edges.
# Returned array does not contain duplicates. Symbols are sorted in the
# array if _sorted_ is set to true.
# Returned array may be modified.
def in_symbols(sorted=false)
symbols = @in_edges.collect{|e| e.symbol}.uniq
return sorted ? (symbols.sort &automaton.symbols_comparator) : symbols
# Returns an array with the different symbols appearing on outgoing edges.
# Returned array does not contain duplicates. Symbols are sorted in the
# array if _sorted_ is set to true.
# Returned array may be modified.
def out_symbols(sorted=false)
symbols = @out_edges.collect{|e| e.symbol}.uniq
return sorted ? (symbols.sort &automaton.symbols_comparator) : symbols
# Returns an array with adjacent states (in or out edge).
# Returned array may be modified.
def adjacent_states()
# Returns an array with adjacent states along an incoming edge (without
# duplicates).
# Returned array may be modified.
def in_adjacent_states()
(@in_edges.collect {|e| e.source}).uniq
# Returns an array with adjacent states along an outgoing edge (whithout
# duplicates).
# Returned array may be modified.
def out_adjacent_states()
(@out_edges.collect {|e|}).uniq
# Returns reachable states from this one with an input _symbol_. Returned
# array does not contain duplicates and may be modified. This method if not
# epsilon symbol aware.
def step(symbol){|e| e.symbol==symbol}.collect{|e|}
# Returns the state reached from this one with an input _symbol_, or nil if
# no such state. This method is not epsilon symbol aware. Moreover it is
# expected to be used on deterministic states only. If the state is not
# deterministic, the method returns one reachable state if such a state
# exists; which one is returned must be considered non deterministic.
def dfa_step(symbol)
edge = @out_edges.find{|e| e.symbol==symbol}
edge ? : nil
# Computes the epsilon closure of this state. Epsilon closure is the set of
# all states reached from this one with a eps* input (sequence of
# zero or more epsilon symbols). The current state is always contained in
# the epsilon closure. Returns an unsorted array without duplicates; this
# array may not be modified.
def epsilon_closure()
@epsilon_closure ||= compute_epsilon_closure(
# Internal implementation of epsilon_closure. _result_ is expected to be
# a Set instance, is modified and is the returned value.
def compute_epsilon_closure(result)
result << self
step(nil).each do |t|
t.compute_epsilon_closure(result) unless result.include?(t)
raise if result.nil?
return result
# Computes an array representing the set of states that can be reached from
# this state with a given input _symbol_. Returned array does not contain
# duplicates and may be modified. No particular ordering of states in the
# array is guaranteed.
# This method is epsilon symbol aware (represented with nil) on non
# deterministic automata, meaning that it actually computes the set of
# reachable states through strings respecting the eps* symbol eps*
# regular expression, where eps is the epsilon symbol.
def delta(symbol)
if automaton.deterministic?
target = dfa_delta(symbol)
target.nil? ? [] : [target]
# 1) first compute epsilon closure of self
at_epsilon = epsilon_closure
# 2) now, look where we can go from there
at_espilon_then_symbol = at_epsilon.collect do |s|
# 3) look where we can go from there using epsilon
result = at_espilon_then_symbol.collect do |s|
# return result as an array
# Returns the target state that can be reached from this state with _symbol_
# input. Returns nil if no such state exists.
# This method is expected to be used on deterministic automata. Unlike delta,
# it returns a State instance (or nil), not an array of states. When used on
# non deterministic automata, it returns a state immediately reachable from
# this state with _symbol_ input, or nil if no such state exists. This
# method is not epsilon aware.
def dfa_delta(symbol)
return nil if symbol.nil?
edge = @out_edges.find{|e| e.symbol==symbol}
edge.nil? ? nil :
# Provides comparator of states, based on the index in the automaton state
# list. This method returns nil unless _o_ is a State from the same
# automaton than self.
def <=>(o)
return nil unless State===o
return nil unless automaton===o.automaton
return index <=> o.index
# Returns a string representation
def inspect
's' << @index.to_s
# Returns a string representation
def to_s
's' << @index.to_s
### protected write section ################################################
# Changes the index of this state in the state list. This method is only
# expected to be used by the automaton itself.
def index=(i) @index=i end
# Fired by Loaded when a user data is changed. The message is forwarded to
# the automaton.
def state_changed(what, description)
@epsilon_closure = nil
@automaton.send(:state_changed, what, description)
# Adds an incoming edge to the state.
def add_incoming_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
@in_edges << edge
# Adds an outgoing edge to the state.
def add_outgoing_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
@out_edges << edge
# Adds an incoming edge to the state.
def drop_incoming_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
# Adds an outgoing edge to the state.
def drop_outgoing_edge(edge)
@epsilon_closure = nil
protected :compute_epsilon_closure
# Automaton edge.
class Edge
include Stamina::Markable
attr_reader :automaton, :index, :from, :to
# Creates an edge.
# Arguments:
# - automaton: parent automaton of the edge.
# - index: index of the edge in the edge list.
# - data: user data attached to this edge.
# - from: source state of the edge.
# - to: target state of the edge.
def initialize(automaton, index, data, from, to)
@automaton, @index = automaton, index
@data = data
@from, @to = from, to
# Returns edge symbol.
def symbol()
# Sets edge symbol.
def symbol=(symbol)
@data[:symbol] = symbol
alias :source :from
alias :target :to
# Provides comparator of edges, based on the index in the automaton edge
# list. This method returns nil unless _o_ is an Edge from the same
# automaton than self.
# Once again, this method has nothing to do with equality, it looks at an
# index and ID only.
def <=>(o)
return nil unless Edge===o
return nil unless automaton===o.automaton
return index <=> o.index
# Returns a string representation
def inspect
'e' << @index.to_s
# Returns a string representation
def to_s
'e' << @index.to_s
### protected write section ################################################
# Changes the index of this edge in the edge list. This method is only
# expected to be used by the automaton itself.
def index=(i) @index=i end
# Fired by Loaded when a user data is changed. The message if forwarded to
# the automaton.
def state_changed(what, infos)
@automaton.send(:state_changed, what, infos)
### Automaton class ##########################################################
# State list and edge list of the automaton
attr_reader :states, :edges
# Creates an empty automaton and executes the block passed as argument. The _onself_
# argument dictates the way _block_ is executed:
# - when set to false, the block is executed traditionnally (i.e. using yield).
# In this case, methods invocations must be performed on the automaton object
# passed as block argument.
# - when set to _true_ (by default) the block is executed in the context of the
# automaton itself (i.e. with instance_eval), allowing call of its methods
# without prefixing them by the automaton variable. The automaton still
# passes itself as first block argument. Note that in this case, you won't be
# able to invoke a method defined in the scope of your block.
# Example:
# # The DRY way to do:
# do |automaton| # automaton will not be used here, but it is passed
# add_state(:initial => true)
# add_state(:accepting => true)
# connect(0, 1, 'a')
# connect(1, 0, 'b')
# # method_in_caller_scope() # commented because not allowed here !!
# end
# # The other way:
# do |automaton| # automaton MUST be used here
# automaton.add_state(:initial => true)
# automaton.add_state(:accepting => true)
# automaton.connect(0, 1, 'a')
# automaton.connect(1, 0, 'b')
# method_in_caller_scope() # allowed in this variant !!
# end
def initialize(onself=true, &block) # :yields: automaton
@states = []
@edges = []
@initials = nil
@alphabet = nil
@deterministic = nil
# if there's a block, execute it now!
if block_given?
if onself
if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.0"
instance_exec(self, &block)
# Coerces `arg` to an automaton
def self.coerce(arg)
if arg.respond_to?(:to_fa)
elsif arg.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument #{arg} for `Automaton`"
# Parses an automaton using ADL
def self.parse(str)
### public read-only section #################################################
# Returns a symbols comparator taking epsilon symbols into account. Comparator
# is provided as Proc instance which is a lambda function.
def symbols_comparator
@symbols_comparator ||= Kernel.lambda do |a,b|
if a==b then 0
elsif a.nil? then -1
elsif b.nil? then 1
else a <=> b
# Returns the number of states
def state_count() @states.size end
# Returns the number of edges
def edge_count() @edges.size end
# Returns the i-th state of the state list.
# Raises:
# - ArgumentError unless i is an Integer
# - IndexError if i is not in [0..state_count)
def ith_state(i)
raise(ArgumentError, "Integer expected, #{i} found.", caller)\
unless Integer === i
raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid state index #{i}", caller)\
unless i>=0 and i=0 and i=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if _state_ is not a valid state for this automaton.
def in_edges(state, sorted=false) to_state(state).in_edges(sorted) end
# Returns an array with outgoing edges of _state_. Edges are sorted by symbols
# if _sorted_ is set to true. If two incoming edges have same symbol, no
# order is guaranteed between them. Returned array may be modified.
# If _state_ is an Integer, this method returns the outgoing edges of the
# state'th state in the state list.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if state is not a valid state (not a state or not from this
# automaton)
def out_edges(state, sorted=false) to_state(state).out_edges(sorted) end
# Returns an array with the different symbols appearing on incoming edges of
# _state_. Returned array does not contain duplicates and may be modified;
# it is sorted if _sorted_ is set to true.
# If _state_ is an Integer, this method returns the incoming symbols of the
# state'th state in the state list.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if _state_ is not a valid state for this automaton.
def in_symbols(state, sorted=false) to_state(state).in_symbols(sorted) end
# Returns an array with the different symbols appearing on outgoing edges of
# _state_. Returned array does not contain duplicates and may be modified;
# it is sorted if _sorted_ is set to true.
# If _state_ is an Integer, this method returns the outgoing symbols of the
# state'th state in the state list.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if state is not a valid state (not a state or not from this
# automaton)
def out_symbols(state, sorted=false) to_state(state).out_symbols(sorted) end
# Returns an array with adjacent states (along incoming and outgoing edges)
# of _state_. Returned array does not contain duplicates; it may be modified.
# If _state_ is an Integer, this method returns the adjacent states of the
# state'th state in the state list.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if state is not a valid state (not a state or not from this
# automaton)
def adjacent_states(state) to_state(state).adjacent_states() end
# Returns an array with adjacent states (along incoming edges) of _state_.
# Returned array does not contain duplicates; it may be modified.
# If _state_ is an Integer, this method returns the incoming adjacent states
# of the state'th state in the state list.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if state is not a valid state (not a state or not from this
# automaton)
def in_adjacent_states(state) to_state(state).in_adjacent_states() end
# Returns an array with adjacent states (along outgoing edges) of _state_.
# Returned array does not contain duplicates; it may be modified.
# If _state_ is an Integer, this method returns the outgoing adjacent states
# of the state'th state in the state list.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if state is not a valid state (not a state or not from this
# automaton)
def out_adjacent_states(state) to_state(state).out_adjacent_states() end
# Collects all initial states of this Automaton and returns it. Returned array
# does not contain duplicates and may be modified.
# This method is epsilon symbol aware (represented with nil) on
# non-deterministic automata, meaning that it actually computes the set of
# reachable states from an initial state through strings respecting the
# eps* regular expression, where eps is the epsilon symbol.
def initial_states
if @initials.nil? or @initials.empty?
@initials = compute_initial_states
# Returns the initial state of the automaton. This method is expected to used
# on deterministic automata only. Unlike initial_states, it returns one State
# instance instead of an Array.
# When used with a non deterministic automaton, it returns one of the states
# tagged as initial. Which one is returned must be considered a non
# deterministic choice. This method is not epsilon symbol aware.
def initial_state
# Internal implementation of initial_states.
def compute_initial_states()
initials = {|s| s.initial?}
initials.collect{|s| s.epsilon_closure}.flatten.uniq
### public write section #####################################################
# Adds a new state.
# Arguments:
# - data: user-data to attach to the state (see Automaton documentation).
# Raises:
# - ArgumentError if _data_ is not a valid state data.
def add_state(data={})
data = to_valid_state_data(data)
# create new state, add it to state-list
state =, state_count, data)
@states << state
# let the automaton know that something has changed
state_changed(:state_added, state)
# return created state
alias :create_state :add_state
# Adds _n_ new states in the automaton. Created states are returned as an
# ordered array (order of states according to their index in state list).
# _data_ is duplicated for each created state.
def add_n_states(n, data={})
created = []
n.times do |i|
created << add_state(block_given? ? data.merge(yield(i)) : data.dup)
alias :create_n_states :add_n_states
# Adds a new edge, connecting _from_ and _to_ states of the automaton.
# Arguments:
# - from: either a State or a valid state index (Integer).
# - to: either a State or a valid state index (Integer).
# - data: user data to attach to the created edge (see Automaton documentation).
# Raises:
# - IndexError if _from_ is an Integer but not in [0..state_count)
# - IndexError if _to_ is an Integer but not in [0..state_count)
# - ArgumentError if _from_ is not a valid state for this automaton.
# - ArgumentError if _to_ is not a valid state for this automaton.
# - ArgumentError if _data_ is not a valid edge data.
def add_edge(from, to, data)
from, to, data = to_state(from), to_state(to), to_valid_edge_data(data)
# create edge, install it, add it to edge-list
edge =, edge_count, data, from, to)
@edges << edge
from.send(:add_outgoing_edge, edge)
to.send(:add_incoming_edge, edge)
# let automaton know that something has changed
state_changed(:edge_added, edge)
# return created edge
alias :create_edge :add_edge
alias :connect :add_edge
# Adds all states and transitions (as copies) from a different automaton.
# None of the added states are made initial. Returns the (associated state
# of the) initial state of the added part.
# This method is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Use dup instead.
# In order to ensure that names of the new states do not clash with names of
# existing states, state names may have to be removed from added states;
# this is the case if _clear_names_ is set to true.
def add_automaton(fa, clear_names = true)
initial = nil
initial = target if target.initial?
target[:initial] = false
target[:name] = nil if clear_names
# Constructs a replica of this automaton and returns a copy.
# This copy can be modified in whatever way without affecting the original
# automaton.
def dup(fa =
added = states.collect do |source|
target = fa.add_state(
yield(source, target) if block_given?
edges.each do |edge|
from, to = added[edge.from.index], added[]
fa.connect(from, to,
# Drops a state of the automaton, as well as all connected edges to that state.
# If _state_ is an integer, the state-th state of the state list is removed.
# This method returns the automaton itself.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if _edge_ is an Integer but not in [0..edge_count)
# - ArgumentError if _edge_ is not a valid edge for this automaton.
def drop_state(state)
state = to_state(state)
# remove edges first: drop_edges ensures that edge list is coherent
drop_edges(*(state.in_edges + state.out_edges).uniq)
# remove state now and renumber
state.index.upto(state_count-1) do |i|
@states[i].send(:index=, i)
state.send(:index=, -1)
state_changed(:state_dropped, state)
alias :delete_state :drop_state
# Drops all states passed as parameter as well as all their connected edges.
# Arguments may be state instances, as well as valid state indices. Duplicates
# are even supported. This method has no effect on the automaton and raises
# an error if some state argument is not valid.
# Raises:
# - ArgumentError if one state in _states_ is not a valid state of this
# automaton.
def drop_states(*states)
# check states first
states = states.collect{|s| to_state(s)}.uniq.sort
edges = states.collect{|s| (s.in_edges + s.out_edges).uniq}.flatten.uniq.sort
# Remove all edges, we do not use drop_edges to avoid spending too much
# time reindexing edges. Moreover, we can do it that way because we take
# edges in reverse indexing order (has been sorted previously)
until edges.empty?
edge = edges.pop
edge.send(:index=, -1)
state_changed(:edge_dropped, edge)
# Remove all states, same kind of hack is used
until states.empty?
state = states.pop
state.send(:index=, -1)
state_changed(:state_dropped, state)
# sanitize state and edge lists
@states.each_with_index {|s,i| s.send(:index=,i)}
@edges.each_with_index {|e,i| e.send(:index=,i)}
# Drops an edge in the automaton. If _edge_ is an integer, the edge-th edge
# of the edge list is removed. This method returns the automaton itself.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if _edge_ is an Integer but not in [0..edge_count)
# - ArgumentError if _edge_ is not a valid edge for this automaton.
def drop_edge(edge)
edge = to_edge(edge)
edge.index.upto(edge_count-1) do |i|
@edges[i].send(:index=, i)
state_changed(:edge_dropped, edge)
alias :delete_edge :drop_edge
# Drops all edges passed as parameters. Arguments may be edge objects,
# as well as valid edge indices. Duplicates are even supported. This method
# has no effect on the automaton and raises an error if some edge argument
# is not valid.
# Raises:
# - ArgumentError if one edge in _edges_ is not a valid edge of this automaton.
def drop_edges(*edges)
# check edges first
edges = edges.collect{|e| to_edge(e)}.uniq
# remove all edges
edges.each do |e|
e.send(:index=, -1)
state_changed(:edge_dropped, e)
@edges.each_with_index do |e,i|
alias :delete_edges :drop_edges
### protected section ########################################################
# Converts a _state_ argument to a valid State of this automaton.
# There are three ways to refer to a state, by position in the internal
# collection of states, using an instance of State and using a name of a
# state (represented with a String).
# Raises:
# - IndexError if state is an Integer and state<0 or state>=state_count.
# - ArgumentError if state is not a valid state (not a state or not from this
# automaton)
def to_state(state)
case state
when State
return state if state.automaton==self and state==@states[state.index]
raise ArgumentError, "Not a state of this automaton", caller
when Integer
return ith_state(state)
when String
result = get_state(state)
return result unless result.nil?
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid state argument #{state}", caller
# Converts an _edge_ argument to a valid Edge of this automaton.
# Raises:
# - IndexError if _edge_ is an Integer but not in [0..edge_count)
# - ArgumentError if _edge_ is not a valid edge (not a edge or not from this
# automaton)
def to_edge(edge)
case edge
when Edge
return edge if edge.automaton==self and edge==@edges[edge.index]
raise ArgumentError, "Not an edge of this automaton", caller
when Integer
return ith_edge(edge)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid edge argument #{edge}", caller
# Checks if a given user-data contains enough information to be attached to
# a given state. Returns the data if ok.
# Raises:
# - ArgumentError if data is not considered a valid state data.
def to_valid_state_data(data)
"User data should be an Hash", caller) unless Hash===data
# Checks if a given user-data contains enough information to be attached to
# a given edge. Returns the data if ok.
# Raises:
# - ArgumentError if data is not considered a valid edge data.
def to_valid_edge_data(data)
return {:symbol => data} if data.nil? or data.is_a?(String)
"User data should be an Hash", caller) unless Hash===data
"User data should contain a :symbol attribute.",
caller) unless data.has_key?(:symbol)
"Edge :symbol attribute cannot be an array.",
caller) if Array===data[:symbol]
### public sections with useful utilities ####################################
# Returns true if the automaton is deterministic, false otherwise
def deterministic?
if @deterministic.nil?
@deterministic = @states.all?{|s| s.deterministic?}
### public & protected sections about alphabet ###############################
# Deduces the alphabet from the automaton edges.
def deduce_alphabet
edges.collect{|e| e.symbol}.uniq.compact.sort
# Returns the alphabet of the automaton.
def alphabet
@alphabet || deduce_alphabet
# Sets the aphabet of the automaton. _alph_ is expected to be an array without
# nil nor duplicated. This method raises an ArgumentError otherwise. Such an
# error is also raised if a symbol used on the automaton edges is not included
# in _alph_.
def alphabet=(alph)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid alphabet" unless alph.uniq.compact.size==alph.size
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid alphabet" unless deduce_alphabet.reject{|s| alph.include?(s)}.empty?
@alphabet = alph.sort
### public section about coercions ###########################################
# Returns a finite automaton
def to_fa
# Returns a deterministic finite automaton
def to_dfa
self.deterministic? ? self : self.determinize
# Returns a canonical deterministic finite automaton
def to_cdfa
cdfa = self
cdfa = cdfa.determinize unless self.deterministic?
cdfa = cdfa.complete unless self.complete?
cdfa = cdfa.minimize
# Returns a regular language
def to_reglang
### public section about dot utilities #######################################
# Converts a hash of attributes (typically automaton, state or edge attributes)
# to a [...]
dot string. Braces are part of the output.
def attributes2dot(attrs)
buffer = ""
attrs.keys.sort{|k1,k2| k1.to_s <=> k2.to_s}.each do |key|
buffer << " " unless buffer.empty?
value = attrs[key].to_s.gsub('"','\"')
buffer << "#{key}=\"#{value}\""
# Generates a dot output from an automaton. The rewriter block takes
# two arguments: the first one is a Markable instance (graph, state or
# edge), the second one indicates which kind of element is passed (through
# :automaton, :state or :edge symbol). The rewriter is expected to return a
# hash-like object providing dot attributes for the element.
# When no rewriter is provided, a default one is used by default, providing
# the following behavior:
# - on :automaton
# {:rankdir => "LR"}
# - on :state
# {:shape => "doublecircle/circle" (following accepting?),
# :style => "filled",
# :fillcolor => "green/red/white" (if initial?/error?/else, respectively)}
# - on edge
# {:label => "#{edge.symbol}"}
def to_dot(&rewriter)
unless rewriter
to_dot do |elm, kind|
case kind
when :automaton
{:pack => true, :rankdir => "LR", :ranksep => 0, :margin => 0}
when :state
{:shape => (elm.accepting? ? "doublecircle" : "circle"),
:style => "filled",
:color => "black",
:fillcolor => (elm.initial? ? "green" : (elm.error? ? "red" : "white")),
:width => 0.6, :height => 0.6, :fixedsize => true
when :edge
{:label => elm.symbol.nil? ? '' : elm.symbol.to_s,
:arrowsize => 0.7}
buffer = "digraph G {\n"
attrs = attributes2dot(, :automaton))
buffer << " graph [#{attrs}];\n"
states.sort{|s1,s2| s1[:depth] <=> s2[:depth]}.each do |s|
attrs = attributes2dot(, :state))
buffer << " #{s.index} [#{attrs}];\n"
edges.each do |e|
attrs = attributes2dot(, :edge))
buffer << " #{e.source.index} -> #{} [#{attrs}];\n"
buffer << "}\n"
### public section about adl utilities #######################################
# Prints this automaton in ADL format
def to_adl(buffer = "")
Stamina::ADL.print_automaton(self, buffer)
### public section about reordering ##########################################
# Uses a comparator block to reorder the state list.
def order_states(&block)
raise ArgumentError, "A comparator block must be given" unless block_given?
raise ArgumentError, "A comparator block of arity 2 must be given" unless block.arity==2
@states.each_with_index{|s,i| s.send(:index=, i)}
### protected section about changes ##########################################
# Fires by write method when an automaton change occurs.
def state_changed(what, infos)
@initials = nil
@deterministic = nil
protected :compute_initial_states
DUM ={ add_state(:initial => true, :accepting => false) }
DEE ={ add_state(:initial => true, :accepting => true) }
end # class Automaton
end # module Stamina
require_relative 'automaton/walking'
require_relative 'automaton/complete'
require_relative 'automaton/complement'
require_relative 'automaton/strip'
require_relative 'automaton/equivalence'
require_relative 'automaton/determinize'
require_relative 'automaton/minimize'
require_relative 'automaton/metrics'
require_relative 'automaton/compose'
require_relative 'automaton/hide'