# Copyright 2011-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You # may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of # the License is located at # # http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/ # # or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is # distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF # ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific # language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --- :api_version: '2014-09-01' :operations: - :name: AcceptVpcPeeringConnection :method: :accept_vpc_peering_connection :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcPeeringConnectionId: - :string :outputs: :children: vpcPeeringConnection: :children: expirationTime: :type: :time tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: AllocateAddress :method: :allocate_address :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Domain: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: AssignPrivateIpAddresses :method: :assign_private_ip_addresses :inputs: NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required PrivateIpAddress: - :list: - :string - :rename: privateIpAddresses SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: - :integer AllowReassignment: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: AssociateAddress :method: :associate_address :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string PublicIp: - :string AllocationId: - :string NetworkInterfaceId: - :string PrivateIpAddress: - :string AllowReassociation: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: AssociateDhcpOptions :method: :associate_dhcp_options :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean DhcpOptionsId: - :string - :required VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: AssociateRouteTable :method: :associate_route_table :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SubnetId: - :string - :required RouteTableId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: AttachInternetGateway :method: :attach_internet_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InternetGatewayId: - :string - :required VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: AttachNetworkInterface :method: :attach_network_interface :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required InstanceId: - :string - :required DeviceIndex: - :integer - :required :outputs: {} - :name: AttachVolume :method: :attach_volume :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required InstanceId: - :string - :required Device: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean - :name: AttachVpnGateway :method: :attach_vpn_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpnGatewayId: - :string - :required VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress :method: :authorize_security_group_egress :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupId: - :string - :required SourceSecurityGroupName: - :string SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: - :string IpProtocol: - :string FromPort: - :integer ToPort: - :integer CidrIp: - :string IpPermissions: - :list: - :structure: IpProtocol: - :string - :rename: IpProtocol FromPort: - :integer - :rename: FromPort ToPort: - :integer - :rename: ToPort Groups: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId GroupName: - :string - :rename: GroupName GroupId: - :string - :rename: GroupId - :rename: UserIdGroupPairs IpRanges: - :list: - :structure: CidrIp: - :string - :rename: CidrIp - :rename: IpRanges :outputs: {} - :name: AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress :method: :authorize_security_group_ingress :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :string GroupId: - :string SourceSecurityGroupName: - :string SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: - :string IpProtocol: - :string FromPort: - :integer ToPort: - :integer CidrIp: - :string IpPermissions: - :list: - :structure: IpProtocol: - :string - :rename: IpProtocol FromPort: - :integer - :rename: FromPort ToPort: - :integer - :rename: ToPort Groups: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId GroupName: - :string - :rename: GroupName GroupId: - :string - :rename: GroupId - :rename: UserIdGroupPairs IpRanges: - :list: - :structure: CidrIp: - :string - :rename: CidrIp - :rename: IpRanges :outputs: {} - :name: BundleInstance :method: :bundle_instance :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required Storage: - :structure: S3: - :structure: Bucket: - :string - :rename: Bucket Prefix: - :string - :rename: Prefix AWSAccessKeyId: - :string UploadPolicy: - :string - :rename: UploadPolicy UploadPolicySignature: - :string - :rename: UploadPolicySignature - :required :outputs: :children: bundleInstanceTask: :children: startTime: :type: :time updateTime: :type: :time - :name: CancelBundleTask :method: :cancel_bundle_task :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean BundleId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: bundleInstanceTask: :children: startTime: :type: :time updateTime: :type: :time - :name: CancelConversionTask :method: :cancel_conversion_task :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ConversionTaskId: - :string - :required ReasonMessage: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: CancelExportTask :method: :cancel_export_task :inputs: ExportTaskId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: CancelReservedInstancesListing :method: :cancel_reserved_instances_listing :inputs: ReservedInstancesListingId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: reservedInstancesListingsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_listings_set :list: true :children: createDate: :type: :time updateDate: :type: :time instanceCounts: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instance_counts :list: true :children: instanceCount: :type: :integer priceSchedules: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :price_schedules :list: true :children: term: :type: :integer price: :type: :float active: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CancelSpotInstanceRequests :method: :cancel_spot_instance_requests :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SpotInstanceRequestId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: spotInstanceRequestIds :outputs: :children: spotInstanceRequestSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :spot_instance_request_set :list: true - :name: ConfirmProductInstance :method: :confirm_product_instance :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ProductCode: - :string - :required InstanceId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: CopyImage :method: :copy_image :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SourceRegion: - :string - :required SourceImageId: - :string - :required Name: - :string - :required Description: - :string ClientToken: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: CopySnapshot :method: :copy_snapshot :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SourceRegion: - :string - :required SourceSnapshotId: - :string - :required Description: - :string DestinationRegion: - :string - :rename: DestinationRegion PresignedUrl: - :string - :rename: PresignedUrl :outputs: {} - :name: CreateCustomerGateway :method: :create_customer_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Type: - :string - :required IpAddress: - :string - :required - :rename: PublicIp BgpAsn: - :integer - :required :outputs: :children: customerGateway: :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateDhcpOptions :method: :create_dhcp_options :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean DhcpConfiguration: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string - :rename: Key Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :required - :rename: DhcpConfigurations :outputs: :children: dhcpOptions: :children: dhcpConfigurationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :dhcp_configuration_set :list: true :children: valueSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :value_set :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateImage :method: :create_image :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required Name: - :string - :required Description: - :string NoReboot: - :boolean BlockDeviceMapping: - :list: - :structure: VirtualName: - :string - :rename: VirtualName DeviceName: - :string - :rename: DeviceName Ebs: - :structure: SnapshotId: - :string VolumeSize: - :integer DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean VolumeType: - :string Iops: - :integer Encrypted: - :boolean - :rename: Encrypted NoDevice: - :string - :rename: blockDeviceMappings :outputs: {} - :name: CreateInstanceExportTask :method: :create_instance_export_task :inputs: Description: - :string InstanceId: - :string - :required TargetEnvironment: - :string ExportToS3: - :structure: DiskImageFormat: - :string ContainerFormat: - :string S3Bucket: - :string S3Prefix: - :string - :rename: exportToS3Task :outputs: {} - :name: CreateInternetGateway :method: :create_internet_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean :outputs: :children: internetGateway: :children: attachmentSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attachment_set :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateKeyPair :method: :create_key_pair :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean KeyName: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: CreateNetworkAcl :method: :create_network_acl :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: networkAcl: :children: default: :type: :boolean entrySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :entry_set :list: true :children: ruleNumber: :type: :integer egress: :type: :boolean icmpTypeCode: :children: type: :type: :integer code: :type: :integer portRange: :children: from: :type: :integer to: :type: :integer associationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :association_set :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateNetworkAclEntry :method: :create_network_acl_entry :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkAclId: - :string - :required RuleNumber: - :integer - :required Protocol: - :string - :required RuleAction: - :string - :required Egress: - :boolean - :required CidrBlock: - :string - :required Icmp: - :structure: Type: - :integer Code: - :integer - :rename: icmpTypeCode PortRange: - :structure: From: - :integer To: - :integer :outputs: {} - :name: CreateNetworkInterface :method: :create_network_interface :inputs: SubnetId: - :string - :required Description: - :string PrivateIpAddress: - :string SecurityGroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: groups PrivateIpAddresses: - :list: - :structure: PrivateIpAddress: - :string - :required Primary: - :boolean SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: - :integer DryRun: - :boolean :outputs: :children: networkInterface: :children: requesterManaged: :type: :boolean sourceDestCheck: :type: :boolean groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true attachment: :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true privateIpAddressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :private_ip_addresses_set :list: true :children: primary: :type: :boolean - :name: CreatePlacementGroup :method: :create_placement_group :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :string - :required Strategy: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: CreateReservedInstancesListing :method: :create_reserved_instances_listing :inputs: ReservedInstancesId: - :string - :required InstanceCount: - :integer - :required PriceSchedules: - :list: - :structure: Term: - :long Price: - :double CurrencyCode: - :string - :required ClientToken: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: reservedInstancesListingsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_listings_set :list: true :children: createDate: :type: :time updateDate: :type: :time instanceCounts: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instance_counts :list: true :children: instanceCount: :type: :integer priceSchedules: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :price_schedules :list: true :children: term: :type: :integer price: :type: :float active: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateRoute :method: :create_route :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean RouteTableId: - :string - :required DestinationCidrBlock: - :string - :required GatewayId: - :string InstanceId: - :string NetworkInterfaceId: - :string VpcPeeringConnectionId: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: CreateRouteTable :method: :create_route_table :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: routeTable: :children: routeSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :route_set :list: true associationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :association_set :list: true :children: main: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true propagatingVgwSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :propagating_vgw_set :list: true - :name: CreateSecurityGroup :method: :create_security_group :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :string - :required GroupDescription: - :string - :required - :rename: Description VpcId: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: CreateSnapshot :method: :create_snapshot :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required Description: - :string :outputs: :children: startTime: :type: :time volumeSize: :type: :integer tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true encrypted: :type: :boolean - :name: CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription :method: :create_spot_datafeed_subscription :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Bucket: - :string - :required Prefix: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: CreateSubnet :method: :create_subnet :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :string - :required CidrBlock: - :string - :required AvailabilityZone: - :string :outputs: :children: subnet: :children: availableIpAddressCount: :type: :integer defaultForAz: :type: :boolean mapPublicIpOnLaunch: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateTags :method: :create_tags :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ResourceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: resources Tag: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string Value: - :string - :required - :rename: tags :outputs: {} - :name: CreateVolume :method: :create_volume :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Size: - :integer SnapshotId: - :string AvailabilityZone: - :string - :required VolumeType: - :string Iops: - :integer Encrypted: - :boolean - :rename: Encrypted :outputs: :children: size: :type: :integer createTime: :type: :time attachmentSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attachment_set :list: true :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true iops: :type: :integer encrypted: :type: :boolean - :name: CreateVpc :method: :create_vpc :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean CidrBlock: - :string - :required InstanceTenancy: - :string :outputs: :children: vpc: :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true isDefault: :type: :boolean - :name: CreateVpcPeeringConnection :method: :create_vpc_peering_connection :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :string PeerVpcId: - :string PeerOwnerId: - :string :outputs: :children: vpcPeeringConnection: :children: expirationTime: :type: :time tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: CreateVpnConnection :method: :create_vpn_connection :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Type: - :string - :required CustomerGatewayId: - :string - :required VpnGatewayId: - :string - :required Options: - :structure: StaticRoutesOnly: - :boolean :outputs: :children: vpnConnection: :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true vgwTelemetry: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :vgw_telemetry :list: true :children: lastStatusChange: :type: :time acceptedRouteCount: :type: :integer options: :children: staticRoutesOnly: :type: :boolean routes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :routes :list: true - :name: CreateVpnConnectionRoute :method: :create_vpn_connection_route :inputs: VpnConnectionId: - :string - :required DestinationCidrBlock: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: CreateVpnGateway :method: :create_vpn_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Type: - :string - :required AvailabilityZone: - :string :outputs: :children: vpnGateway: :children: attachments: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attachments :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true type: :rename: :vpn_type - :name: DeleteCustomerGateway :method: :delete_customer_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean CustomerGatewayId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteDhcpOptions :method: :delete_dhcp_options :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean DhcpOptionsId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteInternetGateway :method: :delete_internet_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InternetGatewayId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteKeyPair :method: :delete_key_pair :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean KeyName: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteNetworkAcl :method: :delete_network_acl :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkAclId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteNetworkAclEntry :method: :delete_network_acl_entry :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkAclId: - :string - :required RuleNumber: - :integer - :required Egress: - :boolean - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteNetworkInterface :method: :delete_network_interface :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeletePlacementGroup :method: :delete_placement_group :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteRoute :method: :delete_route :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean RouteTableId: - :string - :required DestinationCidrBlock: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteRouteTable :method: :delete_route_table :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean RouteTableId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteSecurityGroup :method: :delete_security_group :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :string GroupId: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteSnapshot :method: :delete_snapshot :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SnapshotId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription :method: :delete_spot_datafeed_subscription :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteSubnet :method: :delete_subnet :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SubnetId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteTags :method: :delete_tags :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ResourceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: resources Tag: - :list: - :structure: Key: - :string Value: - :string - :rename: tags :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteVolume :method: :delete_volume :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteVpc :method: :delete_vpc :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteVpcPeeringConnection :method: :delete_vpc_peering_connection :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcPeeringConnectionId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: return: :type: :boolean - :name: DeleteVpnConnection :method: :delete_vpn_connection :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpnConnectionId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteVpnConnectionRoute :method: :delete_vpn_connection_route :inputs: VpnConnectionId: - :string - :required DestinationCidrBlock: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeleteVpnGateway :method: :delete_vpn_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpnGatewayId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DeregisterImage :method: :deregister_image :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DescribeAccountAttributes :method: :describe_account_attributes :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean AttributeName: - :list: - :string - :rename: attributeNames :outputs: :children: accountAttributeSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :account_attribute_set :list: true :children: attributeValueSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attribute_value_set :list: true - :name: DescribeAddresses :method: :describe_addresses :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean PublicIp: - :list: - :string - :rename: PublicIps Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters AllocationId: - :list: - :string - :rename: allocationIds :outputs: :children: addressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :addresses_set :list: true :index: :key: :public_ip :name: :address_index - :name: DescribeAvailabilityZones :method: :describe_availability_zones :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ZoneName: - :list: - :string - :rename: ZoneNames Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: availabilityZoneInfo: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :availability_zone_info :list: true :children: messageSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :message_set :list: true - :name: DescribeBundleTasks :method: :describe_bundle_tasks :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean BundleId: - :list: - :string - :rename: BundleIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: bundleInstanceTasksSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :bundle_instance_tasks_set :list: true :children: startTime: :type: :time updateTime: :type: :time - :name: DescribeConversionTasks :method: :describe_conversion_tasks :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters ConversionTaskId: - :list: - :string - :rename: conversionTaskIds :outputs: :children: conversionTasks: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :conversion_tasks :list: true :children: importInstance: :children: volumes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :volumes :list: true :children: bytesConverted: :type: :integer image: :children: size: :type: :integer volume: :children: size: :type: :integer importVolume: :children: bytesConverted: :type: :integer image: :children: size: :type: :integer volume: :children: size: :type: :integer tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeCustomerGateways :method: :describe_customer_gateways :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean CustomerGatewayId: - :list: - :string - :rename: CustomerGatewayIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: Filters :outputs: :children: customerGatewaySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :customer_gateway_set :list: true :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true type: :rename: :vpn_type - :name: DescribeDhcpOptions :method: :describe_dhcp_options :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean DhcpOptionsId: - :list: - :string - :rename: DhcpOptionsIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: dhcpOptionsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :dhcp_options_set :list: true :children: dhcpConfigurationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :dhcp_configuration_set :list: true :children: valueSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :value_set :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeExportTasks :method: :describe_export_tasks :inputs: ExportTaskId: - :list: - :string - :rename: exportTaskIds :outputs: :children: exportTaskSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :export_task_set :list: true - :name: DescribeImageAttribute :method: :describe_image_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: launchPermission: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :launch_permission :list: true productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: volumeSize: :type: :integer deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean iops: :type: :integer encrypted: :type: :boolean - :name: DescribeImages :method: :describe_images :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageId: - :list: - :string - :rename: ImageIds Owner: - :list: - :string - :rename: Owners ExecutableBy: - :list: - :string - :rename: ExecutableUsers Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: imagesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :images_set :list: true :children: isPublic: :type: :boolean productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: volumeSize: :type: :integer deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean iops: :type: :integer encrypted: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true :index: :key: :image_id :name: :image_index - :name: DescribeInstanceAttribute :method: :describe_instance_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: disableApiTermination: :children: value: :type: :boolean blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true ebsOptimized: :children: value: :type: :boolean sourceDestCheck: :children: value: :type: :boolean groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true - :name: DescribeInstanceStatus :method: :describe_instance_status :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :rename: InstanceIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters NextToken: - :string MaxResults: - :integer IncludeAllInstances: - :boolean :outputs: :children: instanceStatusSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instance_status_set :list: true :children: eventsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :events_set :list: true :children: notBefore: :type: :time notAfter: :type: :time instanceState: :children: code: :type: :integer systemStatus: :children: details: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :details :list: true :children: impairedSince: :type: :time instanceStatus: :children: details: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :details :list: true :children: impairedSince: :type: :time - :name: DescribeInstances :method: :describe_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :rename: InstanceIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters NextToken: - :string MaxResults: - :integer :outputs: :children: reservationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reservation_set :list: true :children: groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true :children: instanceState: :children: code: :type: :integer amiLaunchIndex: :type: :integer productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true launchTime: :type: :time blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true sourceDestCheck: :type: :boolean networkInterfaceSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :network_interface_set :list: true :children: sourceDestCheck: :type: :boolean groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true attachment: :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean privateIpAddressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :private_ip_addresses_set :list: true :children: primary: :type: :boolean ebsOptimized: :type: :boolean :index: :key: :instance_id :name: :instance_index :index: :key_path: - :instances_set - :instance_id :name: :reservation_index - :name: DescribeInternetGateways :method: :describe_internet_gateways :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InternetGatewayId: - :list: - :string - :rename: internetGatewayIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: internetGatewaySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :internet_gateway_set :list: true :children: attachmentSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attachment_set :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeKeyPairs :method: :describe_key_pairs :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean KeyName: - :list: - :string - :rename: KeyNames Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: keySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :key_set :list: true :index: :key: :key_name :name: :key_index - :name: DescribeNetworkAcls :method: :describe_network_acls :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkAclId: - :list: - :string - :rename: networkAclIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: networkAclSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :network_acl_set :list: true :children: default: :type: :boolean entrySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :entry_set :list: true :children: ruleNumber: :type: :integer egress: :type: :boolean icmpTypeCode: :children: type: :type: :integer code: :type: :integer portRange: :children: from: :type: :integer to: :type: :integer associationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :association_set :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute :method: :describe_network_interface_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string :outputs: :children: sourceDestCheck: :children: value: :type: :boolean groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true attachment: :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean - :name: DescribeNetworkInterfaces :method: :describe_network_interfaces :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkInterfaceId: - :list: - :string - :rename: networkInterfaceIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: networkInterfaceSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :network_interface_set :list: true :children: requesterManaged: :type: :boolean sourceDestCheck: :type: :boolean groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :groups :list: true attachment: :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true privateIpAddressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :private_ip_addresses_set :list: true :children: primary: :type: :boolean :rename: :set - :name: DescribePlacementGroups :method: :describe_placement_groups :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :list: - :string - :rename: groupNames Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: placementGroupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :placement_group_set :list: true - :name: DescribeRegions :method: :describe_regions :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean RegionName: - :list: - :string - :rename: RegionNames Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: regionInfo: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :region_info :list: true - :name: DescribeReservedInstances :method: :describe_reserved_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ReservedInstancesId: - :list: - :string - :rename: ReservedInstancesIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters OfferingType: - :string :outputs: :children: reservedInstancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_set :list: true :children: start: :type: :time end: :type: :time duration: :type: :integer usagePrice: :type: :float fixedPrice: :type: :float instanceCount: :type: :integer tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true recurringCharges: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :recurring_charges :list: true :children: amount: :type: :float - :name: DescribeReservedInstancesListings :method: :describe_reserved_instances_listings :inputs: ReservedInstancesId: - :string ReservedInstancesListingId: - :string Filters: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values :outputs: :children: reservedInstancesListingsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_listings_set :list: true :children: createDate: :type: :time updateDate: :type: :time instanceCounts: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instance_counts :list: true :children: instanceCount: :type: :integer priceSchedules: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :price_schedules :list: true :children: term: :type: :integer price: :type: :float active: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeReservedInstancesModifications :method: :describe_reserved_instances_modifications :inputs: ReservedInstancesModificationId: - :list: - :string - :rename: ReservedInstancesModificationIds NextToken: - :string Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: reservedInstancesModificationsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_modifications_set :list: true :children: reservedInstancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_set :list: true modificationResultSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :modification_result_set :list: true :children: targetConfiguration: :children: instanceCount: :type: :integer createDate: :type: :time updateDate: :type: :time effectiveDate: :type: :time - :name: DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings :method: :describe_reserved_instances_offerings :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ReservedInstancesOfferingId: - :list: - :string - :rename: ReservedInstancesOfferingIds InstanceType: - :string AvailabilityZone: - :string ProductDescription: - :string Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters InstanceTenancy: - :string OfferingType: - :string NextToken: - :string MaxResults: - :integer IncludeMarketplace: - :boolean MinDuration: - :long MaxDuration: - :long MaxInstanceCount: - :integer :outputs: :children: reservedInstancesOfferingsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :reserved_instances_offerings_set :list: true :children: duration: :type: :integer usagePrice: :type: :float fixedPrice: :type: :float recurringCharges: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :recurring_charges :list: true :children: amount: :type: :float marketplace: :type: :boolean pricingDetailsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :pricing_details_set :list: true :children: price: :type: :float count: :type: :integer - :name: DescribeRouteTables :method: :describe_route_tables :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean RouteTableId: - :list: - :string - :rename: routeTableIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: routeTableSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :route_table_set :list: true :children: routeSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :route_set :list: true associationSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :association_set :list: true :children: main: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true propagatingVgwSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :propagating_vgw_set :list: true - :name: DescribeSecurityGroups :method: :describe_security_groups :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :list: - :string - :rename: GroupNames GroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: GroupIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: securityGroupInfo: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :security_group_info :list: true :children: ipPermissions: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :ip_permissions :list: true :children: fromPort: :type: :integer toPort: :type: :integer groups: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :groups :list: true ipRanges: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :ip_ranges :list: true ipPermissionsEgress: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :ip_permissions_egress :list: true :children: fromPort: :type: :integer toPort: :type: :integer groups: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :groups :list: true ipRanges: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :ip_ranges :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true :index: :key: :group_id :name: :security_group_index - :name: DescribeSnapshotAttribute :method: :describe_snapshot_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SnapshotId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: createVolumePermission: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :create_volume_permission :list: true productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true - :name: DescribeSnapshots :method: :describe_snapshots :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SnapshotId: - :list: - :string - :rename: SnapshotIds Owner: - :list: - :string - :rename: OwnerIds RestorableBy: - :list: - :string - :rename: RestorableByUserIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: snapshotSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :snapshot_set :list: true :children: startTime: :type: :time volumeSize: :type: :integer tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true encrypted: :type: :boolean :index: :key: :snapshot_id :name: :snapshot_index - :name: DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription :method: :describe_spot_datafeed_subscription :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: DescribeSpotInstanceRequests :method: :describe_spot_instance_requests :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SpotInstanceRequestId: - :list: - :string - :rename: spotInstanceRequestIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: spotInstanceRequestSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :spot_instance_request_set :list: true :children: status: :children: updateTime: :type: :time validFrom: :type: :time validUntil: :type: :time launchSpecification: :children: groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: volumeSize: :type: :integer deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean iops: :type: :integer encrypted: :type: :boolean monitoringEnabled: :type: :boolean networkInterfaceSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :network_interface_set :list: true :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer SecurityGroupId: :ignore: true :children: SecurityGroupId: :rename: :security_group_id :list: true deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean privateIpAddressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :private_ip_addresses_set :list: true :children: primary: :type: :boolean secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: :type: :integer associatePublicIpAddress: :type: :boolean ebsOptimized: :type: :boolean createTime: :type: :time tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeSpotPriceHistory :method: :describe_spot_price_history :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean StartTime: - :timestamp EndTime: - :timestamp InstanceType: - :list: - :string - :rename: instanceTypes ProductDescription: - :list: - :string - :rename: productDescriptions Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters AvailabilityZone: - :string MaxResults: - :integer NextToken: - :string :outputs: :children: spotPriceHistorySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :spot_price_history_set :list: true :children: timestamp: :type: :time - :name: DescribeSubnets :method: :describe_subnets :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SubnetId: - :list: - :string - :rename: SubnetIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: Filters :outputs: :children: subnetSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :subnet_set :list: true :children: availableIpAddressCount: :type: :integer defaultForAz: :type: :boolean mapPublicIpOnLaunch: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeTags :method: :describe_tags :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters MaxResults: - :integer NextToken: - :string :outputs: :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true :index: :keys: - :resource_type - :resource_id - :key :name: :tag_index - :name: DescribeVolumeAttribute :method: :describe_volume_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string :outputs: :children: autoEnableIO: :children: value: :type: :boolean productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true - :name: DescribeVolumeStatus :method: :describe_volume_status :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :list: - :string - :rename: VolumeIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters NextToken: - :string MaxResults: - :integer :outputs: :children: volumeStatusSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :volume_status_set :list: true :children: volumeStatus: :children: details: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :details :list: true eventsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :events_set :list: true :children: notBefore: :type: :time notAfter: :type: :time actionsSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :actions_set :list: true - :name: DescribeVolumes :method: :describe_volumes :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :list: - :string - :rename: VolumeIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters NextToken: - :string MaxResults: - :integer :outputs: :children: volumeSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :volume_set :list: true :children: size: :type: :integer createTime: :type: :time attachmentSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attachment_set :list: true :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true iops: :type: :integer encrypted: :type: :boolean :index: :key: :volume_id :name: :volume_index - :name: DescribeVpcAttribute :method: :describe_vpc_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string :outputs: :children: enableDnsSupport: :children: value: :type: :boolean enableDnsHostnames: :children: value: :type: :boolean - :name: DescribeVpcPeeringConnections :method: :describe_vpc_peering_connections :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcPeeringConnectionId: - :list: - :string - :rename: vpcPeeringConnectionIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: filters :outputs: :children: vpcPeeringConnectionSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :vpc_peering_connection_set :list: true :children: expirationTime: :type: :time tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: DescribeVpcs :method: :describe_vpcs :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcId: - :list: - :string - :rename: VpcIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: Filters :outputs: :children: vpcSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :vpc_set :list: true :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true isDefault: :type: :boolean - :name: DescribeVpnConnections :method: :describe_vpn_connections :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpnConnectionId: - :list: - :string - :rename: VpnConnectionIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: Filters :outputs: :children: vpnConnectionSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :vpn_connection_set :list: true :children: tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true vgwTelemetry: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :vgw_telemetry :list: true :children: lastStatusChange: :type: :time acceptedRouteCount: :type: :integer options: :children: staticRoutesOnly: :type: :boolean routes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :routes :list: true type: :rename: :vpn_type - :name: DescribeVpnGateways :method: :describe_vpn_gateways :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpnGatewayId: - :list: - :string - :rename: VpnGatewayIds Filter: - :list: - :structure: Name: - :string Value: - :list: - :string - :rename: Values - :rename: Filters :outputs: :children: vpnGatewaySet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :vpn_gateway_set :list: true :children: attachments: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :attachments :list: true tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true type: :rename: :vpn_type - :name: DetachInternetGateway :method: :detach_internet_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InternetGatewayId: - :string - :required VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DetachNetworkInterface :method: :detach_network_interface :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean AttachmentId: - :string - :required Force: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: DetachVolume :method: :detach_volume :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required InstanceId: - :string Device: - :string Force: - :boolean :outputs: :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean - :name: DetachVpnGateway :method: :detach_vpn_gateway :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpnGatewayId: - :string - :required VpcId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DisableVgwRoutePropagation :method: :disable_vgw_route_propagation :inputs: RouteTableId: - :string - :required GatewayId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: DisassociateAddress :method: :disassociate_address :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean PublicIp: - :string AssociationId: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: DisassociateRouteTable :method: :disassociate_route_table :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean AssociationId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: EnableVgwRoutePropagation :method: :enable_vgw_route_propagation :inputs: RouteTableId: - :string - :required GatewayId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: EnableVolumeIO :method: :enable_volume_io :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: GetConsoleOutput :method: :get_console_output :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: timestamp: :type: :time - :name: GetPasswordData :method: :get_password_data :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: timestamp: :type: :time - :name: ImportInstance :method: :import_instance :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean Description: - :string LaunchSpecification: - :structure: Architecture: - :string GroupName: - :list: - :string - :rename: groupNames GroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: groupIds AdditionalInfo: - :string UserData: - :string InstanceType: - :string Placement: - :structure: AvailabilityZone: - :string - :rename: AvailabilityZone GroupName: - :string Tenancy: - :string Monitoring: - :boolean SubnetId: - :string InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: - :string PrivateIpAddress: - :string DiskImage: - :list: - :structure: Image: - :structure: Format: - :string - :required Bytes: - :long - :required ImportManifestUrl: - :string - :required Description: - :string Volume: - :structure: Size: - :long - :required - :rename: diskImages Platform: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: conversionTask: :children: importInstance: :children: volumes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :volumes :list: true :children: bytesConverted: :type: :integer image: :children: size: :type: :integer volume: :children: size: :type: :integer importVolume: :children: bytesConverted: :type: :integer image: :children: size: :type: :integer volume: :children: size: :type: :integer tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: ImportKeyPair :method: :import_key_pair :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean KeyName: - :string - :required PublicKeyMaterial: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: ImportVolume :method: :import_volume :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean AvailabilityZone: - :string - :required Image: - :structure: Format: - :string - :required Bytes: - :long - :required ImportManifestUrl: - :string - :required - :required Description: - :string Volume: - :structure: Size: - :long - :required - :required :outputs: :children: conversionTask: :children: importInstance: :children: volumes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :volumes :list: true :children: bytesConverted: :type: :integer image: :children: size: :type: :integer volume: :children: size: :type: :integer importVolume: :children: bytesConverted: :type: :integer image: :children: size: :type: :integer volume: :children: size: :type: :integer tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: ModifyImageAttribute :method: :modify_image_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string OperationType: - :string UserId: - :list: - :string - :rename: UserIds UserGroup: - :list: - :string - :rename: UserGroups ProductCode: - :list: - :string - :rename: ProductCodes Value: - :string LaunchPermission: - :structure: Add: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId Group: - :string - :rename: Group Remove: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId Group: - :string - :rename: Group Description: - :structure: Value: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: ModifyInstanceAttribute :method: :modify_instance_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string Value: - :string BlockDeviceMapping: - :list: - :structure: DeviceName: - :string Ebs: - :structure: VolumeId: - :string DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean VirtualName: - :string NoDevice: - :string - :rename: blockDeviceMappings SourceDestCheck: - :structure: Value: - :boolean DisableApiTermination: - :structure: Value: - :boolean InstanceType: - :structure: Value: - :string Kernel: - :structure: Value: - :string Ramdisk: - :structure: Value: - :string UserData: - :structure: Value: - :string InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: - :structure: Value: - :string GroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: groups EbsOptimized: - :structure: Value: - :boolean SriovNetSupport: - :structure: Value: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute :method: :modify_network_interface_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required Description: - :structure: Value: - :string SourceDestCheck: - :structure: Value: - :boolean SecurityGroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: groups Attachment: - :structure: AttachmentId: - :string DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: ModifyReservedInstances :method: :modify_reserved_instances :inputs: ClientToken: - :string ReservedInstancesId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: ReservedInstancesIds ReservedInstancesConfigurationSetItemType: - :list: - :structure: AvailabilityZone: - :string Platform: - :string InstanceCount: - :integer InstanceType: - :string - :required - :rename: targetConfigurations :outputs: {} - :name: ModifySnapshotAttribute :method: :modify_snapshot_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SnapshotId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string OperationType: - :string UserId: - :list: - :string - :rename: UserIds UserGroup: - :list: - :string - :rename: GroupNames CreateVolumePermission: - :structure: Add: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId Group: - :string - :rename: Group Remove: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId Group: - :string - :rename: Group :outputs: {} - :name: ModifySubnetAttribute :method: :modify_subnet_attribute :inputs: SubnetId: - :string - :required - :rename: SubnetId MapPublicIpOnLaunch: - :structure: Value: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: ModifyVolumeAttribute :method: :modify_volume_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VolumeId: - :string - :required AutoEnableIO: - :structure: Value: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: ModifyVpcAttribute :method: :modify_vpc_attribute :inputs: VpcId: - :string - :required - :rename: VpcId EnableDnsSupport: - :structure: Value: - :boolean EnableDnsHostnames: - :structure: Value: - :boolean :outputs: {} - :name: MonitorInstances :method: :monitor_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: InstanceIds :outputs: :children: instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true - :name: PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering :method: :purchase_reserved_instances_offering :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ReservedInstancesOfferingId: - :string - :required InstanceCount: - :integer - :required LimitPrice: - :structure: Amount: - :double CurrencyCode: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: RebootInstances :method: :reboot_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: InstanceIds :outputs: {} - :name: RegisterImage :method: :register_image :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageLocation: - :string Name: - :string - :required Description: - :string Architecture: - :string KernelId: - :string RamdiskId: - :string RootDeviceName: - :string BlockDeviceMapping: - :list: - :structure: VirtualName: - :string - :rename: VirtualName DeviceName: - :string - :rename: DeviceName Ebs: - :structure: SnapshotId: - :string VolumeSize: - :integer DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean VolumeType: - :string Iops: - :integer Encrypted: - :boolean - :rename: Encrypted NoDevice: - :string - :rename: blockDeviceMappings VirtualizationType: - :string SriovNetSupport: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: RejectVpcPeeringConnection :method: :reject_vpc_peering_connection :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean VpcPeeringConnectionId: - :string - :required :outputs: :children: return: :type: :boolean - :name: ReleaseAddress :method: :release_address :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean PublicIp: - :string AllocationId: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: ReplaceNetworkAclAssociation :method: :replace_network_acl_association :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean AssociationId: - :string - :required NetworkAclId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: ReplaceNetworkAclEntry :method: :replace_network_acl_entry :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkAclId: - :string - :required RuleNumber: - :integer - :required Protocol: - :string - :required RuleAction: - :string - :required Egress: - :boolean - :required CidrBlock: - :string - :required Icmp: - :structure: Type: - :integer Code: - :integer - :rename: icmpTypeCode PortRange: - :structure: From: - :integer To: - :integer :outputs: {} - :name: ReplaceRoute :method: :replace_route :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean RouteTableId: - :string - :required DestinationCidrBlock: - :string - :required GatewayId: - :string InstanceId: - :string NetworkInterfaceId: - :string VpcPeeringConnectionId: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: ReplaceRouteTableAssociation :method: :replace_route_table_association :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean AssociationId: - :string - :required RouteTableId: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: ReportInstanceStatus :method: :report_instance_status :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: instances Status: - :string - :required StartTime: - :timestamp EndTime: - :timestamp ReasonCode: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: reasonCodes Description: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: RequestSpotInstances :method: :request_spot_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SpotPrice: - :string - :required InstanceCount: - :integer Type: - :string ValidFrom: - :timestamp ValidUntil: - :timestamp LaunchGroup: - :string AvailabilityZoneGroup: - :string LaunchSpecification: - :structure: ImageId: - :string KeyName: - :string UserData: - :string AddressingType: - :string InstanceType: - :string Placement: - :structure: AvailabilityZone: - :string GroupName: - :string KernelId: - :string RamdiskId: - :string BlockDeviceMapping: - :list: - :structure: VirtualName: - :string - :rename: VirtualName DeviceName: - :string - :rename: DeviceName Ebs: - :structure: SnapshotId: - :string VolumeSize: - :integer DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean VolumeType: - :string Iops: - :integer Encrypted: - :boolean - :rename: Encrypted NoDevice: - :string - :rename: blockDeviceMappings Monitoring: - :structure: Enabled: - :boolean - :required SubnetId: - :string NetworkInterface: - :list: - :structure: NetworkInterfaceId: - :string DeviceIndex: - :integer SubnetId: - :string Description: - :string PrivateIpAddress: - :string SecurityGroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: groups DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean PrivateIpAddressesSet: - :list: - :structure: PrivateIpAddress: - :string - :required Primary: - :boolean - :rename: privateIpAddresses SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: - :integer AssociatePublicIpAddress: - :boolean - :rename: networkInterfaces IamInstanceProfile: - :structure: Arn: - :string Name: - :string EbsOptimized: - :boolean SecurityGroup: - :list: - :string - :rename: SecurityGroups SecurityGroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: SecurityGroupIds :outputs: :children: spotInstanceRequestSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :spot_instance_request_set :list: true :children: status: :children: updateTime: :type: :time validFrom: :type: :time validUntil: :type: :time launchSpecification: :children: groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: volumeSize: :type: :integer deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean iops: :type: :integer encrypted: :type: :boolean monitoringEnabled: :type: :boolean networkInterfaceSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :network_interface_set :list: true :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer SecurityGroupId: :ignore: true :children: SecurityGroupId: :rename: :security_group_id :list: true deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean privateIpAddressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :private_ip_addresses_set :list: true :children: primary: :type: :boolean secondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: :type: :integer associatePublicIpAddress: :type: :boolean ebsOptimized: :type: :boolean createTime: :type: :time tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true - :name: ResetImageAttribute :method: :reset_image_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: ResetInstanceAttribute :method: :reset_instance_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: ResetNetworkInterfaceAttribute :method: :reset_network_interface_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required SourceDestCheck: - :string :outputs: {} - :name: ResetSnapshotAttribute :method: :reset_snapshot_attribute :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean SnapshotId: - :string - :required Attribute: - :string - :required :outputs: {} - :name: RevokeSecurityGroupEgress :method: :revoke_security_group_egress :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupId: - :string - :required SourceSecurityGroupName: - :string SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: - :string IpProtocol: - :string FromPort: - :integer ToPort: - :integer CidrIp: - :string IpPermissions: - :list: - :structure: IpProtocol: - :string - :rename: IpProtocol FromPort: - :integer - :rename: FromPort ToPort: - :integer - :rename: ToPort Groups: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId GroupName: - :string - :rename: GroupName GroupId: - :string - :rename: GroupId - :rename: UserIdGroupPairs IpRanges: - :list: - :structure: CidrIp: - :string - :rename: CidrIp - :rename: IpRanges :outputs: {} - :name: RevokeSecurityGroupIngress :method: :revoke_security_group_ingress :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean GroupName: - :string GroupId: - :string SourceSecurityGroupName: - :string SourceSecurityGroupOwnerId: - :string IpProtocol: - :string FromPort: - :integer ToPort: - :integer CidrIp: - :string IpPermissions: - :list: - :structure: IpProtocol: - :string - :rename: IpProtocol FromPort: - :integer - :rename: FromPort ToPort: - :integer - :rename: ToPort Groups: - :list: - :structure: UserId: - :string - :rename: UserId GroupName: - :string - :rename: GroupName GroupId: - :string - :rename: GroupId - :rename: UserIdGroupPairs IpRanges: - :list: - :structure: CidrIp: - :string - :rename: CidrIp - :rename: IpRanges :outputs: {} - :name: RunInstances :method: :run_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean ImageId: - :string - :required MinCount: - :integer - :required MaxCount: - :integer - :required KeyName: - :string SecurityGroup: - :list: - :string - :rename: SecurityGroups SecurityGroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: SecurityGroupIds UserData: - :string InstanceType: - :string Placement: - :structure: AvailabilityZone: - :string - :rename: AvailabilityZone GroupName: - :string Tenancy: - :string KernelId: - :string RamdiskId: - :string BlockDeviceMapping: - :list: - :structure: VirtualName: - :string - :rename: VirtualName DeviceName: - :string - :rename: DeviceName Ebs: - :structure: SnapshotId: - :string VolumeSize: - :integer DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean VolumeType: - :string Iops: - :integer Encrypted: - :boolean - :rename: Encrypted NoDevice: - :string - :rename: BlockDeviceMappings Monitoring: - :structure: Enabled: - :boolean - :required SubnetId: - :string DisableApiTermination: - :boolean InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior: - :string PrivateIpAddress: - :string ClientToken: - :string AdditionalInfo: - :string NetworkInterface: - :list: - :structure: NetworkInterfaceId: - :string DeviceIndex: - :integer SubnetId: - :string Description: - :string PrivateIpAddress: - :string SecurityGroupId: - :list: - :string - :rename: groups DeleteOnTermination: - :boolean PrivateIpAddresses: - :list: - :structure: PrivateIpAddress: - :string - :required Primary: - :boolean - :rename: privateIpAddresses SecondaryPrivateIpAddressCount: - :integer AssociatePublicIpAddress: - :boolean - :rename: networkInterfaces IamInstanceProfile: - :structure: Arn: - :string Name: - :string EbsOptimized: - :boolean :outputs: :children: groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true :children: instanceState: :children: code: :type: :integer amiLaunchIndex: :type: :integer productCodes: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :product_codes :list: true launchTime: :type: :time blockDeviceMapping: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :block_device_mapping :list: true :children: ebs: :children: attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean tagSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :tag_set :list: true groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true sourceDestCheck: :type: :boolean networkInterfaceSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :network_interface_set :list: true :children: sourceDestCheck: :type: :boolean groupSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :group_set :list: true attachment: :children: deviceIndex: :type: :integer attachTime: :type: :time deleteOnTermination: :type: :boolean privateIpAddressesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :private_ip_addresses_set :list: true :children: primary: :type: :boolean ebsOptimized: :type: :boolean - :name: StartInstances :method: :start_instances :inputs: InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: InstanceIds AdditionalInfo: - :string DryRun: - :boolean :outputs: :children: instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true :children: currentState: :children: code: :type: :integer previousState: :children: code: :type: :integer - :name: StopInstances :method: :stop_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: InstanceIds Force: - :boolean :outputs: :children: instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true :children: currentState: :children: code: :type: :integer previousState: :children: code: :type: :integer - :name: TerminateInstances :method: :terminate_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: InstanceIds :outputs: :children: instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true :children: currentState: :children: code: :type: :integer previousState: :children: code: :type: :integer - :name: UnassignPrivateIpAddresses :method: :unassign_private_ip_addresses :inputs: NetworkInterfaceId: - :string - :required PrivateIpAddress: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: privateIpAddresses :outputs: {} - :name: UnmonitorInstances :method: :unmonitor_instances :inputs: DryRun: - :boolean InstanceId: - :list: - :string - :required - :rename: InstanceIds :outputs: :children: instancesSet: :ignore: true :children: item: :rename: :instances_set :list: true