require 'spec_helper' describe Dugway::Theme do let(:theme) { Dugway.theme } describe "#layout" do it "should return the theme's layout" do theme.layout.should == read_file('layout.html') end end describe "#settings" do it "should return a hash of the theme's settings" do theme.settings.should == JSON.parse(read_file('settings.json')) end end describe "#fonts" do it "should return a hash of font settings values" do theme.fonts.should == { 'font' => 'Georgia', 'header_font' => 'Helvetica' } end end describe "#customization" do it "should return a hash of font, color, and option settings values" do theme.customization.should == { 'background_color' => '#222222', 'fixed_sidebar' => true, 'font' => 'Georgia', 'header_font' => 'Helvetica', 'link_color' => 'red', 'show_search' => false } end describe "when there are overridden customization" do before(:each) do Dugway.stub(:theme) { => false, :link_color => 'blue') } end it "should merge those values into the defaults" do theme.customization.should == { 'background_color' => '#222222', 'fixed_sidebar' => false, 'font' => 'Georgia', 'header_font' => 'Helvetica', 'link_color' => 'blue', 'show_search' => false } end end end describe "#name" do it "should return the theme's name" do == 'Test Theme' end end describe "#version" do it "should return the theme's version" do theme.version.should == '1.2.3' end end describe "#file_content" do it "should return the file content for most files" do %w( home.html products.html screenshot.jpg ).each { |file_name| theme.file_content(file_name).should == read_file(file_name) } end it "should sprocketize theme.js" do theme.file_content('theme.js').gsub(/\s+/, '').should == %{console.log('One');(function(){console.log('Two');}).call(this);} end it "should sprocketize and liquify theme.css" do theme.file_content('theme.css').gsub(/\s+/, '').should == %{html,body{height:100%;}a{background:lime;color:red;}footercitea{background:url(/images/bc_badge.png)no-repeat;}/**/} end end describe "#build_file" do it "should return the file content for most files" do %w( home.html products.html screenshot.jpg ).each { |file_name| theme.build_file(file_name).should == read_file(file_name) } end it "should sprocketize and compress theme.js" do theme.build_file('theme.js').should == %{console.log(\"One\"),function(){console.log(\"Two\")}.call(this);} end it "should sprocketize and not liquify theme.css" do theme.build_file('theme.css').gsub(/\s+/, '').should == %{html,body{height:100%;}a{background:lime;color:{{theme.link_color}};}footercitea{background:url({{'bc_badge.png'|theme_image_url}})no-repeat;}/**/} end end describe "#files" do it "should return an array of all files" do theme.files.should == ["cart.html", "checkout.html", "contact.html", "home.html", "layout.html", "maintenance.html", "product.html", "products.html", "screenshot.jpg", "settings.json", "success.html", "theme.css", "theme.js", "images/bc_badge.png", "images/small.svg"] end end describe "#image_files" do it "should return an array of all image files" do theme.image_files.should == ["images/bc_badge.png", "images/small.svg"] end end describe "#valid?" do it "should return true when a theme has everything it needs" do theme.valid?.should be(true) theme.errors.should be_empty end describe "when missing a required file" do before(:each) do theme.stub(:read_source_file).with('cart.html') { theme.unstub!(:read_source_file); nil } end it "should not be valid" do theme.valid?.should be(false) theme.errors.size.should == 1 theme.errors.first.should == 'Missing source/cart.html' end end describe "when missing a name" do before(:each) do theme.stub(:name) { nil } end it "should not be valid" do theme.valid?.should be(false) theme.errors.size.should == 1 theme.errors.first.should == 'Missing theme name in source/settings.json' end end describe "when missing a version" do before(:each) do theme.stub(:version) { nil } end it "should not be valid" do theme.valid?.should be(false) theme.errors.size.should == 1 theme.errors.first.should == 'Invalid theme version in source/settings.json (ex: 1.0.3)' end end describe "when having an invalid version" do before(:each) do theme.stub(:version) { '1.3' } end it "should not be valid" do theme.valid?.should be(false) theme.errors.size.should == 1 theme.errors.first.should == 'Invalid theme version in source/settings.json (ex: 1.0.3)' end end describe "when missing at least one image" do before(:each) do theme.stub(:image_files) { [] } end it "should not be valid" do theme.valid?.should be(false) theme.errors.size.should == 1 theme.errors.first.should == 'Missing images in source/images' end end describe "when there are several errors" do before(:each) do theme.stub(:name) { nil } theme.stub(:version) { nil } theme.stub(:image_files) { [] } end it "should return all of them" do theme.valid?.should be(false) theme.errors.size.should == 3 end end end def read_file(file_name), file_name)) end end