require 'bio' require 'forwardable' require 'statsample' require 'genevalidator/exceptions' require 'genevalidator/ext/array' require 'genevalidator/get_raw_sequences' require 'genevalidator/validation_report' require 'genevalidator/validation_test' module GeneValidator ## # Class that stores the validation output information class DuplicationValidationOutput < ValidationReport attr_reader :pvalue attr_reader :average attr_reader :threshold attr_reader :result def initialize(short_header, header, description, pvalue, averages, threshold = 0.05, expected = :yes) @short_header = short_header @header = header @description = description @pvalue = pvalue @threshold = threshold @result = validation @expected = expected @average = averages.mean @approach = 'We expect each BLAST hit to match each region of the' \ ' query at most once. Here, we calculate the' \ ' distribution of hit coverage against the query' \ ' sequence and use the Wilcoxon test to determine if it' \ ' is higher than 1.' @explanation = explain @conclusion = conclude end def explain "The Wilcoxon test produced a p-value of #{prettify_evalue(@pvalue)}" \ "#{@result == :no ? " (average = #{@average.round(2)})." : '.'}" end def conclude if @result == :yes 'This suggests that the query sequence contains no erroneous' \ ' duplications.' else 'The null hypothesis is rejected - thus a region of the query' \ ' sequence is likely repeated more than once.' end end def print @pvalue.round(2).to_s end def validation @pvalue > @threshold ? :yes : :no end def color validation == :yes ? 'success' : 'danger' end private # Copied from SequenceServer # Formats evalue (a float expressed in scientific notation) to "a x b^c". def prettify_evalue(evalue) evalue.to_s.sub(/(\d*\.\d*)e?([+-]\d*)?/) do s = format('%.3f', Regexp.last_match[1]) s << " x 10#{Regexp.last_match[2]}" if Regexp.last_match[2] s end end end ## # This class contains the methods necessary for # finding duplicated subsequences in the predicted gene class DuplicationValidation < ValidationTest extend Forwardable def_delegators GeneValidator, :opt, :config attr_reader :raw_seq_file attr_reader :index_file_name attr_reader :raw_seq_file_load def initialize(prediction, hits) super @short_header = 'Duplication' @header = 'Duplication' @description = 'Check whether there is a duplicated subsequence' \ ' in the predicted gene by counting the hsp' \ ' residue coverage of the prediction, for each hit.' @cli_name = 'dup' @raw_seq_file = opt[:raw_sequences] @index_file_name = config[:raw_seq_file_index] @raw_seq_file_load = config[:raw_seq_file_load] @db = opt[:db] @num_threads = opt[:mafft_threads] @type = config[:type] end ## # Check duplication in the first n hits # Output: # +DuplicationValidationOutput+ object def run(n = 10) raise NotEnoughHitsError if hits.length < opt[:min_blast_hits] raise unless prediction.is_a?(Query) && !prediction.raw_sequence.nil? && hits[0].is_a?(Query) start = # get the first n hits n_hits = [n - 1, @hits.length].min less_hits = @hits[0..n_hits] # get raw sequences for less_hits less_hits.delete_if do |hit| if hit.raw_sequence.nil? hit.raw_sequence =, hit.accession_no) end hit.raw_sequence.nil? ? true : false end raise NoInternetError if averages = [] less_hits.each do |hit| coverage =, 0) # each residue of the protein should be evluated once only ranges_prediction = [] hit.hsp_list.each do |hsp| # align subsequences from the hit and prediction that match if !hsp.hit_alignment.nil? && !hsp.query_alignment.nil? hit_alignment = hsp.hit_alignment query_alignment = hsp.query_alignment else align = find_local_alignment(hit, prediction, hsp) hit_alignment = align[0] query_alignment = align[1] end coverage = check_multiple_coverage(hit_alignment, query_alignment, hsp, coverage, ranges_prediction) ranges_prediction << (hsp.match_query_from..hsp.match_query_to) end overlap = coverage.reject(&:zero?) if overlap != [] averages.push((overlap.inject(:+) / (overlap.length + 0.0)).round(2)) end end # if all hsps match only one time if averages.reject { |x| x == 1 } == [] @validation_report =, @header, @description, 1, averages) @validation_report.run_time = - start return @validation_report end pval = wilcox_test(averages) @validation_report =, @header, @description, pval, averages) @run_time = - start @validation_report rescue NotEnoughHitsError @validation_report ='Not enough evidence', :warning, @short_header, @header, @description) rescue NoMafftInstallationError @validation_report ='Mafft error', :error, @short_header, @header, @description) @validation_report.errors.push NoMafftInstallationError rescue NoInternetError @validation_report ='Internet error', :error, @short_header, @header, @description) @validation_report.errors.push NoInternetError rescue StandardError @validation_report ='Unexpected error', :error, @short_header, @header, @description) @validation_report.errors.push 'Unexpected Error' end # Only run if the BLAST output does not contain hit alignmment def find_local_alignment(hit, prediction, hsp) # indexing in blast starts from 1 hit_local = hit.raw_sequence[hsp.hit_from - 1..hsp.hit_to - 1] query_local = prediction.raw_sequence[hsp.match_query_from - 1..hsp.match_query_to - 1] # in case of nucleotide prediction sequence translate into protein # use translate with reading frame 1 because # to/from coordinates of the hsp already correspond to the # reading frame in which the prediction was read to match this hsp if @type == :nucleotide s = query_local = s.translate end opt = ['--maxiterate', '1000', '--localpair', '--anysymbol', '--quiet', '--thread', @num_threads.to_s] mafft ='mafft', opt) # local alignment for hit and query seqs = [hit_local, query_local] report = mafft.query_align(seqs) rescue StandardError raise NoMafftInstallationError end def check_multiple_coverage(hit_alignment, query_alignment, hsp, coverage, ranges_prediction) # for each hsp of the curent hit # iterate through the alignment and count the matching residues [*(0..hit_alignment.length - 1)].each do |i| residue_hit = hit_alignment[i] residue_query = query_alignment[i] next if [' ', '+', '-'].include?(residue_hit) next if residue_hit != residue_query # indexing in blast starts from 1 idx_hit = i + (hsp.hit_from - 1) - hit_alignment[0..i].scan(/-/).length idx_query = i + (hsp.match_query_from - 1) - query_alignment[0..i].scan(/-/).length coverage[idx_hit] += 1 unless in_range?(ranges_prediction, idx_query) end coverage end def in_range?(ranges, idx) ranges.each { |range| return true if range.member?(idx) } false end ## # wilcox test implementation from statsample ruby gem # many thanks to Claudio for helping us with the implementation! def wilcox_test(averages) wilcox = Statsample::Test.wilcoxon_signed_rank(,, 1)) ) averages.length < 15 ? wilcox.probability_exact : wilcox.probability_z end end end