module Honeybadger class Worker # This code comes from batsd class MetricsCollection < Array PERCENTILE_METHOD_SIGNATURE = /\Apercentile_(.+)\z/.freeze # Calculates the sum of values in the array def sum inject( nil ) { |sum,x| sum ? sum+x : x }; end # Calculates the arithmetic mean of values in the array def mean self.sum.to_f / self.length end # Calculates the median of values in the array def median self.sort[self.length/2] end # Calculates the value of the upper percentile of values # in the array. If only a single value is provided in the array, that is # returned def percentile(threshold) if (count > 1) self.sort! # strip off the top 100-threshold threshold_index = (((100 - threshold).to_f / 100) * count).round self[0..-threshold_index].last else self.first end end # Calculates the mean squared error of values in the array def mean_squared m = mean{|v| (v-m)**2}).sum end # Calculates the standard deviatiation of values in the array def standard_dev (mean_squared/(count-1))**0.5 end # Allow [1,2,3].percentile_90, [1,2,3].percentile(75), etc. def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ PERCENTILE_METHOD_SIGNATURE percentile($1.to_i) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) method.to_s =~ PERCENTILE_METHOD_SIGNATURE or super end end end end