RhoConnect Generator and Rake Tasks === ## RhoConnect Generator The `rhoconnect` utility is a command line tool for generating RhoConnect applications and sources. ### Generate an Application The app name is passed as a parameter. The `rhoconnect` utility will generate a directory for your application with all the necessary files to get started. We will start with running `rhoconnect app` to see the usage: :::term Usage: rhoconnect app [options] [args] Generates a new rhoconnect application. Required: name - application name Options specific for this generator: General options: -p, --pretend Run, but do not make any changes. -f, --force Overwrite files that already exist. -s, --skip Skip files that already exist. -d, --delete Delete files that have previously been generated with this generator. --no-color Don't colorize the output -h, --help Show this message --debug Do not catch errors For example: :::term $ rhoconnect app storeserver Generating with app generator: [ADDED] storeserver/config.ru [ADDED] storeserver/settings/settings.yml [ADDED] storeserver/settings/license.key [ADDED] storeserver/application.rb [ADDED] storeserver/Rakefile [ADDED] storeserver/Gemfile [ADDED] storeserver/spec/spec_helper.rb Here's a basic rundown of each of the files that were just generated: * **config.ru** - This is a rackup file which will load your application. RhoConnect uses the excellent [sinatra](http://www.sinatrarb.com/) web framework to run the application. * **settings/settings.yml** - This contains settings such as your redis connection, which source adapters exist and their parameters. You can also put custom settings here. * **settings/license.key** - The RhoConnect [license](/rhoconnect/licensing) associated with your application. The default license allows up to 10 devices to synchronize with the application. * **application.rb** - The RhoConnect application class where you can implement authentication. You can also add other custom methods here to use in your application. This class is a singleton, so all methods should be added to the `class << self` block. * **Rakefile** - This contains tasks that can be run from the terminal. * **Gemfile** - This file specifies application's dependencies using [bundler](http://gembundler.com/). * **spec/spec_helper.rb** - A helper file which loads the environment for running [specs](/rhoconnect/testing). After generating the application, you might be asked to change directories to your application directory and run bundle install. For example, you would run these commands: :::term $ cd storeserver $ bundle install ### Add a New Source Adapter To generate a source for your RhoConnect application, you can run the `rhoconnect source` command within your application directory. **NOTE:** You can also write the source into your backend application and [write a RhoConnect plugin](/rhoconnect/plugin-intro) in Java, .NET, or other language for that application. :::term Usage: rhoconnect source name [options] [args] Generates a new source adapter. Required: name - the source name(i.e. product) Options specific for this generator: General options: -p, --pretend Run, but do not make any changes. -f, --force Overwrite files that already exist. -s, --skip Skip files that already exist. -d, --delete Delete files that have previously been generated with this generator. --no-color Don't colorize the output -h, --help Show this message --debug Do not catch errors For the storeserver application example, within the sourceserver directory, run: :::term $ rhoconnect source product Generating with source generator: [ADDED] sources/product.rb [ADDED] spec/sources/product_spec.rb This generates a source adapter file `product.rb` and corresponding [rspec](http://rspec.info/) file `product_spec.rb`. If you choose, you can use this spec to implement the source adapter. ## Rake Tasks Each RhoConnect application uses [rake](https://github.com/jimweirich/rake) to manage development tasks such as starting/stopping the app, starting resque workers, and running specs. To run a RhoConnect rake task, simply type `rake the-task-to-run` in your RhoConnect application's root directory. ### Installing DTach (Mac OS / Linux only) If you're using MacOS / Linux, install [dtach](http://dtach.sourceforge.net/) on your path before running any of the rake tasks. [DTach](http://dtach.sourceforge.net/) is a simple utility which runs processes in a detached state so you can re-attach your console later. :::term $ cd storeserver $ [sudo] rake dtach:install ### Setup Redis Next, you will need to setup and start a [redis](http://redis.io/) server: :::term $ [sudo] rake redis:install $ rake redis:start The server will show that it is running on the console. ### Start the Application Open a new console window (since the redis server is running in the previous console window). Then change directories to your rhoconnect applciation and start the application. :::term $ cd storeserver $ rake rhoconnect:start If everything went well, you should see the following in your console: [05:47:10 PM 2011-04-19] Rhoconnect Server v3.0.0 started... To open the web console, navigate to [http://localhost:9292/](http://localhost:9292) in your browser or run: :::term $ rake rhoconnect:web ### Creating executable WAR containers (JRuby environment only) It is possible to create Java WAR containers for your Rhoconnect application that can be deployed into the Java App Servers (for example, JBoss). To create the executable WAR container, execute the following command in your app's root directory: :::term $ cd storeserver $ rake rhoconnect:war This will build the WAR file named .war that can be deployed into the Java App Server. ### Common Tasks RhoConnect applications come with many useful rake tasks for administrative and development workflows. Some common ones are: * `rake dtach:install` - (Mac OS / Linux only) This will install [dtach](http://dtach.sourceforge.net/) to /usr/local/bin. * `rake redis:install` - This will install to the system. On Mac OS / Linux, it will attempt to install in '/usr/local/bin' (on windows, C:\redis-), unless you have specified a REDIS_HOME to use instead. If you cannot install redis on Linux due to insufficient user permissions, then follows these [instructions](/rhoconnect/install). * `rake rhoconnect:set_admin_password` - Set the RhoConnect administrator password. The default password is blank ''. * `rake rhoconnect:get_token` - Get a RhoConnect API token to use for calling the RhoConnect REST API. **NOTE: On Mac OS / Linux, you need to install dtach (i.e. by running `rake dtach:install`) to run the following tasks: ** * `rake redis:start` - This will launch a redis server in a new console. * `rake redis:stop` - Stop the currently-running redis server. * `rake redis:attach` - (Mac OS / Linux only) Attach to a currently-running redis server. * `rake rhoconnect:start` - Start the RhoConnect application in a new console. This requires a running redis server. * `rake rhoconnect:stop` - Stop the currently-running RhoConnect application. * `rake rhoconnect:attach` - (Mac OS / Linux only) Attach to a currently-running RhoConnect application. * `rake rhoconnect:clean_start` - Useful for development, resets and bootstraps the RhoConnect application with a test user. Some other useful development tasks: * `rake rhoconnect:reset` - Reset the RhoConnect application to the initial state. This WILL DELETE ALL DATA IN REDIS! So be sure you don't run this in production! * `rake rhoconnect:spec` - Run all source adapter specs in spec/sources/. * `rake rhoconnect:web` - Open the RhoConnect web console in a browser. Here is a complete list of the rake tasks available in a RhoConnect application: :::term $ cd storeserver $ rake -T (in ~/storeserver) rake dtach:about # About dtach rake dtach:install # Install dtach 0.8 from source rake redis:about # About redis rake redis:attach # Attach to redis dtach socket rake redis:download # Download package rake redis:install # Install the latest verison of Redis from Github (requires git, duh) rake redis:restart # Restart redis rake redis:start # Start redis rake redis:stop # Stop redis rake resque:work # Start a Resque worker rake resque:workers # Start multiple Resque workers. rake rhoconnect:attach # Attach to rhoconnect console rake rhoconnect:clean_start # Clean rhoconnect, get token, and create new user rake rhoconnect:create_user # Creates and subscribes user for application in rhoconnect rake rhoconnect:delete_device # Deletes a device from rhoconnect rake rhoconnect:delete_user # Deletes a user from rhoconnect rake rhoconnect:flushdb # Flush data store - WARNING: THIS REMOVES ALL DATA IN RHOCONNECT rake rhoconnect:get_token # Fetches current api token from rhoconnect rake rhoconnect:reset # Reset the rhoconnect database (you will need to run rhoconnect:get_token afterwards) rake rhoconnect:reset_refresh # Reset source refresh time rake rhoconnect:restart # Alias for `rake rhoconnect:stop; rake rhoconnect:start` rake rhoconnect:set_admin_password # Sets the admin password rake rhoconnect:spec # Run source adapter specs rake rhoconnect:start # Start rhoconnect server rake rhoconnect:stop # Stop rhoconnect server rake rhoconnect:war # Build executable WAR file to be used in Java App Servers rake rhoconnect:web # Launch the web console in a browser - uses :syncserver: in settings.yml ## Generate Source Connecting to a backend service with RhoConnect requires that you write a small amount of code for the query, create, update and delete operations of your particular enterprise backend. The collection of the code for these operations is called a source. To generate source for your RhoConnect application: * Generate a Ruby code [RhoConnect source adapter](/rhoconnect/source-adapters). * Write the source code (the query, create, update and delete operations) into your backend application and [write a RhoConnect plugin](/rhoconnect/plugin-intro) in the language that matchs your backend application, such as Java or .NET.