AutomobileMakeModelYear.class_eval do data_miner do process "Start from scratch" do connection.drop_table table_name end schema Earth.database_options do string 'name' string 'make_name' string 'make_model_name' integer 'year' string 'make_year_name' float 'fuel_efficiency_city' string 'fuel_efficiency_city_units' float 'fuel_efficiency_highway' string 'fuel_efficiency_highway_units' end process "Derive model year names from automobile make model year variants" do AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant.run_data_miner! INSERT_IGNORE %{INTO automobile_make_model_years(name, make_name, make_model_name, year, make_year_name) SELECT automobile_make_model_year_variants.make_model_year_name, automobile_make_model_year_variants.make_name, automobile_make_model_year_variants.make_model_name, automobile_make_model_year_variants.year, automobile_make_model_year_variants.make_year_name FROM automobile_make_model_year_variants WHERE LENGTH(automobile_make_model_year_variants.make_name) > 0 AND LENGTH(automobile_make_model_year_variants.make_model_name) > 0 } end # FIXME TODO make this a method on AutomobileMakeModelYear? # TODO: weight by volume somehow # note that we used to derive averages from make years, but here we get it from variants # even without volume-weighting, the values are much better. # for example, 20km/l for a toyota prius 2006 vs. 13km/l if you use make years process "Calculate city and highway fuel efficiency from automobile make model year variants" do model_years = AutomobileMakeModelYear.arel_table variants = AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant.arel_table conditional_relation = model_years[:name].eq(variants[:make_model_year_name]) %w{ city highway }.each do |i| null_check = variants[:"fuel_efficiency_#{i}"].not_eq(nil) # sabshere 12/6/10 careful, don't use AutomobileMakeModelYearVariant.where here or you will be forced into projecting * relation = variants.project(variants[:"fuel_efficiency_#{i}"].average).where(conditional_relation).where(null_check) update_all "fuel_efficiency_#{i} = (#{relation.to_sql})" update_all "fuel_efficiency_#{i}_units = 'kilometres_per_litre'" end end verify "Year should be from 1985 to 2010" do AutomobileMakeModelYear.all.each do |model_year| unless model_year.year.to_i > 1984 and model_year.year.to_i < 2011 raise "Invalid year for AutomobileMakeModelYear #{}: #{model_year.year} (should be from 1985 to 2010)" end end end verify "Fuel efficiencies should be greater than zero" do AutomobileMakeModelYear.all.each do |model_year| %w{ city highway }.each do |type| fuel_efficiency = model_year.send(:"fuel_efficiency_#{type}") unless fuel_efficiency.to_f > 0 raise "Invalid fuel efficiency #{type} for AutomobileMakeModelYear #{}: #{fuel_efficiency} (should be > 0)" end end end end verify "Fuel efficiency units should be kilometres per litre" do AutomobileMakeModelYear.all.each do |model_year| %w{ city highway }.each do |type| units = model_year.send(:"fuel_efficiency_#{type}_units") unless units == "kilometres_per_litre" raise "Invalid fuel efficiency #{type} units for AutomobileMakeModelYear #{}: #{units} (should be kilometres_per_litre)" end end end end end end