require 'spec_helper.rb' describe Venice::InAppReceipt do describe '.new' do let :attributes do { 'quantity' => 1, 'product_id' => '', 'transaction_id' => '1000000070107235', 'web_order_line_item_id' => '1000000026812043', 'purchase_date' => '2014-05-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT', 'purchase_date_ms' => '1401288473000', 'purchase_date_pst' => '2014-05-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles', 'original_transaction_id' => '140xxx867509', 'original_purchase_date' => '2014-05-28 14:47:53 Etc/GMT', 'original_purchase_date_ms' => '1401288473000', 'original_purchase_date_pst' => '2014-05-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles', 'is_trial_period' => false, 'version_external_identifier' => '123', 'app_item_id' => '', 'expires_date' => '2014-06-28 07:47:53 America/Los_Angeles', 'expires_date_ms' => '1403941673000' } end subject(:in_app_receipt) do attributes end its(:quantity) { 1 } its(:product_id) { '' } its(:transaction_id) { '1000000070107235' } its(:web_order_line_item_id) { '1000000026812043' } its(:purchased_at) { should be_instance_of DateTime } its(:app_item_id) { '' } its(:version_external_identifier) { '123' } its(:original) { should be_instance_of Venice::InAppReceipt } its(:expires_at) { should be_instance_of Time } it "should parse the 'original' attributes" do subject.original.should be_instance_of Venice::InAppReceipt subject.original.transaction_id.should == '140xxx867509' subject.original.purchased_at.should be_instance_of DateTime end it "should parse expires_date when expires_date_ms is missing and expires_date is the ms epoch" do attributes.delete('expires_date_ms') attributes['expires_date'] = '1403941685000' in_app_receipt.expires_at.should eq / 1000) end it 'should output a hash with attributes' do in_app_receipt.to_h.should include(quantity: 1, product_id: '', transaction_id: '1000000070107235', web_order_line_item_id: '1000000026812043', purchase_date: 'Wed, 28 May 2014 14:47:53 GMT', original_purchase_date: 'Wed, 28 May 2014 14:47:53 GMT') end end end