module("Html5Parser"); var should = function(msg, options){ try{ if('equal'){ equals( options.expected, options.actual, msg ); }else if('safe'){ options.test(); ok(true, msg); }else{ ok(false, 'unknown test '; } }catch(e){ //no nothing equals(true, false, options.msg||'This test failed.'); }finally{ //TODO: might as well keep score here return this; } }; test("XML Standard Entities: Spot Check", function() { expect(2); var htmlstr = "
<Hello>, "W'rld"!
"; var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = htmlstr; should("Replace entities at nodeValue",{ be:'equal', actual : doc. getElementById('xmlentity'). childNodes[0]. nodeValue, expected : ', "W\'rld"!' }). should("serialize only &, < and > for TextNode with innerHTML",{ be: 'equal', actual : doc. getElementById('xmlentity'). innerHTML, expected : '<Hello>, "W\'rld"!' }); }); test("HTML Standard Entities: Spot Check", function() { expect(1); var htmlstr = "
" & < > "+ "  © ® ¥ ¶ " + "Ê Õ æ ÷ Κ θ "+ "• … ™ ⇒ ∑ ♣ " + "  —
"; var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = htmlstr; should("serialize only &, < and > for TextNode with innerHTML",{ be:'equal', actual:doc. getElementById('htmlentity'). innerHTML, expected : '" & < > '+ '\xA0 \xA9 \xAE \xA5 \xB6 '+ '\xCA \xD5 \xE6 \xF7 \u039A \u03B8 '+ '\u2022 \u2026 \u2122 \u21D2 \u2211 \u2663 '+ '\u2002 \u2014' }); }); test("Serialization Conventions", function(){ }); test("Ugly HTML Parsing", function() { expect(1); var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); doc.body.innerHTML = '

this is a pig... 'oink! oink!'

'; should('correct the unclosed p tag',{ be:'equal', actual:doc. getElementById('pig'). xml, expected:'

this is a pig... \'oink! oink!\'

' }); }); test("Really Ugly HTML Parsing", function() { expect(1); should('parse the document without error',{ be:'safe', test:function(){ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument(); doc.load('html/malformed.html'); } }); }); // Local Variables: // espresso-indent-level:4 // c-basic-offset:4 // tab-width:4 // End: