module Domkey module View module Widgetry module Package attr_accessor :package, :container # initialize PageObject or PageObjectCollection # for PageObject expects WebdriverElement a single element definition i.e text_field, checkbox # for PageObjectCollection expects WebdriverElement a collection definition i.e. text_fields, checkboxes # @param package [Proc(WebdriverElement)] # @param package [PageObject] # @param package [Hash{Symbol => Proc(WebdriverElement)] # @param package [Hash{Symbol => PageObject] def initialize package, container=lambda { Domkey.browser } @container = container @package = initialize_this package end # access widgetry of watir elements composing this page object # @param [Symbol] (false) # @return [Hash{Symbol => WebdriverElement}] # @return [Element] raw element, i.e. Watir::Select, Watir::CheckBox (not wrapped with Dispatcher strategy) def element(key=false) return instantiator unless package.respond_to?(:each_pair) return package.fetch(key).element if key Hash[ { |key, package| [key, package.element] }] end private # talks to the browser # returns runtime element in a specified container # @return [WebdriverElement] def instantiator container_instantiator.instance_exec(&package) end # talks to the browser # returns runtime container element in a browser/driver # @return [WebdriverElement] def container_instantiator container.respond_to?(:call) ? : container.send(:instantiator) end end end end end