require 'thor' require_relative '../model' require_relative './hosts' require_relative './services' module Rollo module Commands class Main < Thor namespace :main def self.exit_on_failure? true end desc('hosts', 'Manages the host cluster') subcommand :hosts, Rollo::Commands::Hosts desc('services', 'Manages the service cluster') subcommand :services, Rollo::Commands::Services desc('version', 'Prints the version number of rollo') def version say Rollo::VERSION end desc('roll REGION ASG_NAME ECS_CLUSTER_NAME', 'Rolls all hosts in the cluster') method_option( :batch_size, aliases: '-b', type: :numeric, default: 3, desc: 'The number of hosts / service instances to add / remove at ' + 'a time.') method_option( :maximum_service_instances, aliases: '-mx', type: :numeric, desc: 'The maximum number of service instances to expand to.') method_option( :minimum_service_instances, aliases: '-mn', type: :numeric, desc: 'The minimum number of service instances to contract to.') def roll(region, asg_name, ecs_cluster_name) host_cluster =, region) service_cluster = Rollo::Model::ServiceCluster .new(ecs_cluster_name, region) initial_hosts = host_cluster.hosts say( "Rolling instances in host cluster #{} for " + "service cluster #{}...") with_padding do unless host_cluster.has_desired_capacity? say('ERROR: Host cluster is not in stable state.') say('This may be due to scaling above or below the desired') say('capacity or because hosts are not in service or are ') say('unhealthy. Cowardly refusing to roll instances.') exit 1 end invoke( "hosts:expand", [ region, asg_name, ecs_cluster_name, host_cluster ]) invoke( "services:expand", [ region, asg_name, ecs_cluster_name, service_cluster ], maximum_instances: options[:maximum_service_instances]) invoke( "hosts:terminate", [ region, asg_name, ecs_cluster_name,, host_cluster, service_cluster ]) invoke( "hosts:contract", [ region, asg_name, ecs_cluster_name, host_cluster, service_cluster ]) invoke( "services:contract", [ region, asg_name, ecs_cluster_name, service_cluster ], minimum_instances: options[:minimum_service_instances]) end say("Instances in host cluster #{} rolled " + "successfully.") end end end end