require 'test_helper' require 'traject/indexer' require 'traject/macros/marc21' require 'json' require 'marc' # See also marc_extractor_test.rb for more detailed tests on marc extraction, # this is just a basic test to make sure our macro works passing through to there # and other options. describe "Traject::Macros::Marc21" do Marc21 = Traject::Macros::Marc21 # shortcut before do @indexer = @record = "manufacturing_consent.marc").to_a.first end describe "extract_marc" do it "extracts marc" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "title", extract_marc("245ab") end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_equal ["Manufacturing consent : the political economy of the mass media /"], output["title"] assert_equal({}, @indexer.map_record(empty_record)) end it "respects :first=>true option" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "other_id", extract_marc("035a", :first => true) end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_length 1, output["other_id"] end it "trims punctuation with :trim_punctuation => true" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "title", extract_marc("245ab", :trim_punctuation => true) end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_equal ["Manufacturing consent : the political economy of the mass media"], output["title"] assert_equal({}, @indexer.map_record(empty_record)) end it "respects :default option" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "only_default", extract_marc("9999", :default => "DEFAULT VALUE") end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_equal ["DEFAULT VALUE"], output["only_default"] end it "de-duplicates by default, respects :allow_duplicates" do # Add a second 008 f = @record.fields('008').first @record.append(f) @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "lang1", extract_marc('008[35-37]') to_field "lang2", extract_marc('008[35-37]', :allow_duplicates => true) end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_equal ["eng"], output['lang1'] assert_equal ["eng", "eng"], output['lang2'] assert_equal({}, @indexer.map_record(empty_record)) end it "fails on an extra/misspelled argument to extract_marc" do assert_raises(RuntimeError) do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "foo", extract_marc("9999", :misspelled => "Who cares") end end end it "throws away nil values unless settings['allow_nil_values]'" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field 'default_nil', extract_marc('9999', :default => nil) end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_nil output['default_nil'] end it "allows nil values if settings['allow_nil_values]'" do @indexer.settings do |s| s['allow_nil_values'] = true end @indexer.instance_eval do to_field 'default_nil', extract_marc('9999', :default => nil) end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_equal [nil], output['default_nil'] end it "Marc21::trim_punctuation class method" do assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three,") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three/") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three;") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three:") assert_equal "one two three .", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three .") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three.") assert_equal "one two [three]", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two [three]") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("one two three]") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("[one two three") assert_equal "one two three", Marc21.trim_punctuation("[one two three]") # This one was a bug before assert_equal "Feminism and art", Marc21.trim_punctuation("Feminism and art.") end it "uses :translation_map" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "cataloging_agency", extract_marc("040a", :separator => nil, :translation_map => "marc_040a_translate_test") end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_equal ["Library of Congress"], output["cataloging_agency"] end end it "supports #extract_marc_from module method" do output_arr = ::Traject::Macros::Marc21.extract_marc_from(@record, "245ab", :trim_punctuation => true) assert_equal ["Manufacturing consent : the political economy of the mass media"], output_arr end describe "serialized_marc" do it "serializes xml" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "marc_record", serialized_marc(:format => "xml") end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_length 1, output["marc_record"] assert_kind_of String, output["marc_record"].first roundtrip_record =["marc_record"].first)).first assert_equal @record, roundtrip_record end it "serializes binary UUEncoded" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "marc_record", serialized_marc(:format => "binary") end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_length 1, output["marc_record"] assert_kind_of String, output["marc_record"].first decoded = Base64.decode64(output["marc_record"].first) # just check the marc header for now assert_start_with "02067cam a2200469", decoded end it "serializes binary raw" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "marc_record", serialized_marc(:format => "binary", :binary_escape => false) end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_length 1, output["marc_record"] assert_kind_of String, output["marc_record"].first # just check the marc header for now assert_start_with "02067cam a2200469", output["marc_record"].first end it "serializes json" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "marc_record", serialized_marc(:format => "json") end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_length 1, output["marc_record"] # okay, let's actually deserialize it, why not hash = JSON.parse(output["marc_record"].first) deserialized = MARC::Record.new_from_hash(hash) assert_equal @record, deserialized end end it "#extract_all_marc_values" do @indexer.instance_eval do to_field "text", extract_all_marc_values end output = @indexer.map_record(@record) assert_length 13, output["text"] end end