module BetterRailsDebugger class GroupInstance include ::Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps belongs_to :analysis_group, class_name: "::BetterRailsDebugger::AnalysisGroup" has_many :objects, class_name: "::BetterRailsDebugger::ObjectInformation", inverse_of: :group_instance, dependent: :delete_all has_many :trace_point_items, class_name: "::BetterRailsDebugger::TracePointItem", inverse_of: :group_instance, dependent: :delete_all # Basic information field :identifier, type: String field :metadata, type: Hash # Status information field :status, type: String field :total_classes, type: Integer # Total number of used Classes field :total_memory, type: Integer # Total memory used in bytes field :total_files, type: Integer # Total file used on allocation # Internal use field :caller_file, type: String field :allocations_per_file, type: String field :memsize_per_file, type: String ## Memory methods def memsize_per_file_hash return @memsize_per_file_hash if @memsize_per_file_hash.present? @memsize_per_file_hash = JSON.parse(memsize_per_file.to_s) rescue {} end def allocations_per_file_hash return @allocations_per_file if @allocations_per_file.present? @allocations_per_file = JSON.parse(allocations_per_file.to_s) rescue {} end def files_that_use_more_memory(n) memsize_per_file_hash.to_a.sort_by do |a| a[1] end.reverse[0..n] end def files_with_more_allocations(n) allocations_per_file_hash.to_a.sort_by do |a| a[1] end.reverse[0..n] end def count_methods return @count_methods if @count_methods @count_methods = trace_point_items.each do |item| @count_methods["#{item.source_file}:#{item.source_line}"] ||= { item: item, count: 0 } @count_methods["#{item.source_file}:#{item.source_line}"][:count] += 1 end @count_methods end def most_used_methods(n) count_methods.to_a.sort_by do |a| a[1][:count] end.reverse[0..n].to_h end # Return an array of hash file => mem that consume more than 10 MB(default) or ram aprox # TODO: The amount of consumed ram must be configurable def big_files(max_size=10.megabytes) return @big_files if @big_files @big_files = (memsize_per_file_hash || {}).select do |key, size| size >= max_size end end # Return an array of hashed that contains some information about the classes that consume more than `max_size` bytess def big_classes(max_size=1.megabytes) return @big_classes if @big_classes @big_classes = {} ObjectInformation.where(:group_instance_id =>, => max_size).all.each do |object| @big_classes[object.class_name] ||= {total_mem: 0, average: 0, count: 0} @big_classes[object.class_name][:total_mem] += object.memsize @big_classes[object.class_name][:count] += 1 end @big_classes.each_pair do |klass, hash| @big_classes[klass][:average] = @big_classes[klass][:total_mem] / @big_classes[klass][:count] end @big_classes end ## Trace point methods def track_allocation_of?(path) return true if match_file_list?(path) or called_from_caller_file?(path) false end private def match_file_list?(path) analysis_group.analise_paths.any? do |regexp| regexp.match?(path) end end def called_from_caller_file?(path) return false if !analysis_group.analise_memory_in_code return true if analysis_group.analise_memory_in_code and /#{caller_file}/.match?(path) false end end end