/* eslint-disable func-names */ const fsp = require('fs').promises; const fsExtra = require('fs-extra'); const { queue } = require('async'); const glob = require('glob'); const os = require('os'); const { sep: pathSep, join: joinPath } = require('path'); const { buildAppMap } = require('@appland/models'); let isVerbose = false; function verbose(v = null) { if (v !== null) { isVerbose = v; } return isVerbose; } function baseName(fileName) { return fileName.substring(0, fileName.length - '.appmap.json'.length); } async function mtime(filePath) { let fileStat; try { fileStat = await fsp.stat(filePath); } catch (e) { return null; } if (!fileStat.isFile()) { return null; } return fileStat.ctime.getTime(); } /** * Call a function with each matching file. * * @param {string} pattern * @param {(filePath: string): void} fn * @param {(fileCount: number): void} fileCountFn */ async function processFiles(pattern, fn, fileCountFn = () => {}) { const q = queue(fn, 5); q.pause(); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return glob(pattern, (err, files) => { if (err) { console.warn(`An error occurred with glob pattern ${pattern}: ${err}`); return reject(err); } if (fileCountFn) { fileCountFn(files.length); } files.forEach((file) => q.push(file)); resolve(); }); }); q.resume(); await q.drain(); } /** * Lists all appmap.json files in a directory, and passes them to a function. * With `await`, `listAppMapFiles` blocks until all the files have been processed. * * @param {string} directory * @param {Function(string)} fn */ async function listAppMapFiles(directory, fn) { if (verbose()) { console.warn(`Scanning ${directory} for AppMaps`); } const files = await fsp.readdir(directory); await Promise.all( files .filter((file) => file !== '.' && file !== '..') // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow-callback .map(async function (file) { const path = joinPath(directory, file); const stat = await fsp.stat(path); if (stat.isDirectory()) { await listAppMapFiles(path, fn); } if (file.endsWith('.appmap.json')) { await fn(path); } return null; }) ); } async function loadAppMap(filePath) { return buildAppMap() .source(JSON.parse(await fsp.readFile(filePath))) .normalize() .build(); } const renameFile = async (oldName, newName) => { await fsExtra.move(oldName, newName, { clobber: true }); }; /** * Builds a directory using a tempdir, which is renamed at the end to * a specified directory name. * * @param {string} dirName * @param {function} fn */ const buildDirectory = async (dirName, fn) => { const tempDir = await fsp.mkdtemp( (await fsp.realpath(os.tmpdir())) + pathSep ); try { await fn(tempDir); await renameFile(tempDir, dirName); } catch (err) { fsExtra.remove(tempDir).catch((e) => { console.warn(`Unable to remove (cleanup) tempdir: ${e.message}`); }); throw err; } }; function formatValue(value) { if (!value) { return 'Null'; } const valueStr = value.value.indexOf('#<') === 0 ? null : value.value; return [value.class, valueStr].filter((e) => e).join(' '); } function formatHttpServerRequest(event) { const data = { method: event.httpServerRequest.request_method, path: event.httpServerRequest.normalized_path_info || event.httpServerRequest.path_info, statusCode: event.returnEvent && event.httpServerResponse ? event.httpServerResponse.status_code || event.httpServerResponse.status : '', }; return [data.method, data.path, `(${data.statusCode})`].join(' '); } module.exports = { baseName, formatValue, formatHttpServerRequest, listAppMapFiles, loadAppMap, mtime, verbose, processFiles, buildDirectory, renameFile, };