Wraps a Archive::Tar::Minitar::Reader with convenience methods and wrapped stream management; Input only works with random access data streams. See Input::new for details.
Creates a new Input object. If input is a stream object that responds to read), then it will simply be wrapped. Otherwise, one will be created and opened using Kernel#open. When Input#close is called, the stream object wrapped will be closed.
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# File lib/more/facets/minitar.rb, line 749 def initialize(input) if input.respond_to?(:read) @io = input else @io = open(input, "rb") end @tarreader = Archive::Tar::Minitar::Reader.new(@io) end
With no associated block, +Input::open+ is a synonym for +Input::new+. If the optional code block is given, it will be passed the new writer as an argument and the Input object will automatically be closed when the block terminates. In this instance, +Input::open+ returns the value of the block.
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# File lib/more/facets/minitar.rb, line 732 def self.open(input) stream = Input.new(input) return stream unless block_given? begin res = yield stream ensure stream.close end res end
Closes the Reader object and the wrapped data stream.
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# File lib/more/facets/minitar.rb, line 847 def close @io.close @tarreader.close end
Iterates through each entry and rewinds to the beginning of the stream when finished.
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# File lib/more/facets/minitar.rb, line 760 def each(&block) @tarreader.each { |entry| yield entry } ensure @tarreader.rewind end
Extracts the current entry to destdir. If a block is provided, it yields an action Symbol, the full name of the file being extracted (name), and a Hash of statistical information (stats).
The action will be one of:
:dir: | The entry is a directory. |
:file_start: | The entry is a file; the extract of the file is just beginning. |
:file_progress: | Yielded every 4096 bytes during the extract of the entry. |
:file_done: | Yielded when the entry is completed. |
The stats hash contains the following keys:
:current: | The current total number of bytes read in the entry. |
:currinc: | The current number of bytes read in this read cycle. |
:entry: | The entry being extracted; this is a Reader::EntryStream, with all methods thereof. |
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# File lib/more/facets/minitar.rb, line 785 def extract_entry(destdir, entry) # :yields action, name, stats: stats = { :current => 0, :currinc => 0, :entry => entry } if entry.directory? dest = File.join(destdir, entry.full_name) yield :dir, entry.full_name, stats if block_given? if Archive::Tar::Minitar.dir?(dest) begin FileUtils.chmod(entry.mode, dest) rescue Exception nil end else FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest, :mode => entry.mode) FileUtils.chmod(entry.mode, dest) end fsync_dir(dest) fsync_dir(File.join(dest, "..")) return else # it's a file destdir = File.join(destdir, File.dirname(entry.full_name)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(destdir, :mode => 0755) destfile = File.join(destdir, File.basename(entry.full_name)) FileUtils.chmod(0600, destfile) rescue nil # Errno::ENOENT yield :file_start, entry.full_name, stats if block_given? File.open(destfile, "wb", entry.mode) do |os| loop do data = entry.read(4096) break unless data stats[:currinc] = os.write(data) stats[:current] += stats[:currinc] yield :file_progress, entry.full_name, stats if block_given? end os.fsync end FileUtils.chmod(entry.mode, destfile) fsync_dir(File.dirname(destfile)) fsync_dir(File.join(File.dirname(destfile), "..")) yield :file_done, entry.full_name, stats if block_given? end end