#!/usr/bin/env bash #set -xu error() { local msg="${1}" echo "==> ERROR: ${msg}" exit 1 } usage() { echo "Usage: ${0} IMAGE [BOX]" echo echo "Package a qcow2 image into a vagrant-libvirt reusable box" } # Print the image's backing file backing(){ local img=${1} qemu-img info "$img" | grep 'backing file:' | cut -d ':' -f2 } # Rebase the image rebase(){ local img=${1} qemu-img rebase -p -b "" "$img" [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] && error "Error during rebase" } # Is absolute path isabspath(){ local path=${1} [[ "$path" =~ ^/.* ]] } if [ -z "$1" ]; then usage exit 1 fi IMG=$(readlink -e "$1") [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] && error "'$1': No such image" IMG_DIR=$(dirname "$IMG") IMG_BASENAME=$(basename "$IMG") BOX=${2:-} # If no box name is supplied infer one from image name if [[ -z "$BOX" ]]; then BOX_NAME=${IMG_BASENAME%.*} BOX=$BOX_NAME.box else BOX_NAME=$(basename "${BOX%.*}") fi [[ -f "$BOX" ]] && error "'$BOX': Already exists" CWD=$(pwd) TMP_DIR="$CWD/_tmp_package" TMP_IMG="$TMP_DIR/box.img" mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" [[ ! -r "$IMG" ]] && error "'$IMG': Permission denied" # We move / copy (when the image has master) the image to the tempdir # ensure that it's moved back / removed again if [[ -n $(backing "$IMG") ]]; then echo "==> Image has backing image, copying image and rebasing ..." trap "rm -rf $TMP_DIR" EXIT cp "$IMG" "$TMP_IMG" rebase "$TMP_IMG" else if fuser -s "$IMG"; then error "Image '$IMG_BASENAME' is used by another process" fi # move the image to get a speed-up and use less space on disk trap 'mv "$TMP_IMG" "$IMG"; rm -rf "$TMP_DIR"' EXIT mv "$IMG" "$TMP_IMG" fi cd "$TMP_DIR" #Using the awk int function here to truncate the virtual image size to an #integer since the fog-libvirt library does not seem to properly handle #floating point. IMG_SIZE=$(qemu-img info "$TMP_IMG" | awk '/virtual size/{print int($3)+1;}' | tr -d 'G') echo "{$IMG_SIZE}" cat > metadata.json < Vagrantfile < Creating box, tarring and gzipping" tar cvzf "$BOX" --totals ./metadata.json ./Vagrantfile ./box.img # if box is in tmpdir move it to CWD before removing tmpdir if ! isabspath "$BOX"; then mv "$BOX" "$CWD" fi echo "==> ${BOX} created" echo "==> You can now add the box:" echo "==> 'vagrant box add ${BOX} --name ${BOX_NAME}'"