# frozen_string_literal: true # main entrypoint for tests and silly stuff from Makefile.. # This Class externalizes all relevant things from other libs while I learn how to do it from there # eg from RicDisk. require 'English' module Storazzo # This is the Main Class - an entrypoint to call the meravilles hidden therein. # # Example: # >> Storazzo.hi("ciao bello") # => Hello from Storazzo v0.1.1! # # Arguments: # message: (String) - optional # Can be same name as Module: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13261474/ruby-modules-and-classes-same-name-in-structure module Storazzo class Main require 'storazzo/colors' extend Storazzo::Colors # version 1.2 def self.say_hi(message = nil) str = get_hi(message) puts str str end # salutation def self.get_hi(message = nil) str = "Hello from Storazzo v#{begin white Storazzo.version rescue StandardError "Error: #{$ERROR_INFO}" end}!" str += " Message: '#{yellow message.to_s}'" if message str end def self.all_mounts(opts = {}) opts_verbose = opts.fetch :verbose, true say_hi "Storazzo::Main.all_mounts(): BEGIN - RicDiskVersion is: #{Storazzo::RicDiskUgly::RICDISK_VERSION}" pwhite('1. First I load the config in verbose mode..') config = Storazzo::RicDiskConfig.instance config.load # puts config.object_id # puts Storazzo::RicDiskConfig.instance.object_id pwhite 'TODO(ricc): show a list of all RicDisk relevant mounts' if opts_verbose # d = Storazzo::RicDisk.new config.iterate_through_file_list_for_disks # analyze_local_system # sbrodola_ricdisk("/Volumes/") Storazzo::RicDisk.test Storazzo::RicDisk.find_active_dirs # Storazzo::RicDisk.sbrodola_ricdisk StorazzoMod::root + "./var/disks/" # sbrodola_ricdisk(StorazzoMod::root + "./var/disks/") rescue "[Storazzo::AllMount] SomeError: #{$!}" hi 'Storazzo::Main.all_mounts(): END' end def self.all_tests # include vs extend: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15097929/ruby-module-require-and-include # => http://www.railstips.org/blog/archives/2009/05/15/include-vs-extend-in-ruby/ # include Storazzo::Colors extend Storazzo::Colors pwhite 'All tests BEGIN - todo obsolete this now that I have proper Rake testing suite...' deb 'Maybe debug is enabled?' say_hi # This works with EXTEND.. puts(yellow('Just YELLOW 0')) # This reqwuires a INCLUDE. # puts(Storazzo::Colors.yellow "Test YELLOW 1 self") # puts(Colors.yellow "Test YELLOW 1 self") # puts(Colors.green "Test YELLOW 2 ohne self") pwhite 'All tests END' # puts "All tests END" end end end end