import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { set } from 'ember-metal'; import HistoryLocation from '../../lib/location/history_location'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let FakeHistory, HistoryTestLocation, location; function createLocation(options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } location = HistoryTestLocation.create(options); } function mockBrowserLocation(path) { // This is a neat trick to auto-magically extract the hostname from any // url by letting the browser do the work ;) let tmp = document.createElement('a'); tmp.href = path; let protocol = !tmp.protocol || tmp.protocol === ':' ? 'http' : tmp.protocol; let pathname = tmp.pathname.match(/^\//) ? tmp.pathname : '/' + tmp.pathname; return { hash: tmp.hash, host: || 'localhost', hostname: tmp.hostname || 'localhost', href: tmp.href, pathname: pathname, port: tmp.port || '', protocol: protocol, search:, }; } moduleFor( 'HistoryLocation', class extends AbstractTestCase { constructor() { super(); FakeHistory = { state: null, _states: [], replaceState(state) { this.state = state; this._states[0] = state; }, pushState(state) { this.state = state; this._states.unshift(state); }, }; HistoryTestLocation = HistoryLocation.extend({ history: FakeHistory, }); } teardown() { run(() => { if (location) { location.destroy(); } }); } ['@test HistoryLocation initState does not get fired on init'](assert) { assert.expect(1); HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { assert.ok(true, 'init was called'); this._super(...arguments); }, initState() { assert.ok(false, 'initState() should not be called automatically'); }, }); createLocation(); } ["@test webkit doesn't fire popstate on page load"](assert) { assert.expect(1); HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ initState() { this._super(...arguments); // these two should be equal to be able // to successfully detect webkit initial popstate assert.equal(this._previousURL, this.getURL()); }, }); createLocation(); location.initState(); } ['@test base URL is removed when retrieving the current pathname'](assert) { assert.expect(1); HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/base/foo/bar')); set(this, 'baseURL', '/base/'); }, initState() { this._super(...arguments); assert.equal(this.getURL(), '/foo/bar'); }, }); createLocation(); location.initState(); } ['@test base URL is preserved when moving around'](assert) { assert.expect(2); HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/base/foo/bar')); set(this, 'baseURL', '/base/'); }, }); createLocation(); location.initState(); location.setURL('/one/two'); assert.equal(location._historyState.path, '/base/one/two'); assert.ok(location._historyState.uuid); } ['@test setURL continues to set even with a null state (iframes may set this)'](assert) { createLocation(); location.initState(); FakeHistory.pushState(null); location.setURL('/three/four'); assert.equal(location._historyState.path, '/three/four'); assert.ok(location._historyState.uuid); } ['@test replaceURL continues to set even with a null state (iframes may set this)'](assert) { createLocation(); location.initState(); FakeHistory.pushState(null); location.replaceURL('/three/four'); assert.equal(location._historyState.path, '/three/four'); assert.ok(location._historyState.uuid); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() returns the current url, excluding both rootURL and baseURL']( assert ) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/base/foo/bar')); set(this, 'rootURL', '/app/'); set(this, 'baseURL', '/base/'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() returns the current url, does not remove rootURL if its not at start of url']( assert ) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/foo/bar/baz')); set(this, 'rootURL', '/bar/'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar/baz'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() will not remove the rootURL when only a partial match']( assert ) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/bars/baz')); set(this, 'rootURL', '/bar/'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/bars/baz'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() returns the current url, does not remove baseURL if its not at start of url']( assert ) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/foo/bar/baz')); set(this, 'baseURL', '/bar/'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar/baz'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() will not remove the baseURL when only a partial match']( assert ) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/bars/baz')); set(this, 'baseURL', '/bar/'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/bars/baz'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() includes'](assert) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/foo/bar?time=morphin')); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar?time=morphin'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() includes location.hash'](assert) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/foo/bar#pink-power-ranger')); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar#pink-power-ranger'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() includes location.hash and'](assert) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/foo/bar?time=morphin#pink-power-ranger')); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar?time=morphin#pink-power-ranger'); } ['@test HistoryLocation.getURL() drops duplicate slashes'](assert) { HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); let location = mockBrowserLocation('//'); location.pathname = '//'; // mockBrowserLocation does not allow for `//`, so force it set(this, 'location', location); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/'); } ['@test Existing state is preserved on init'](assert) { let existingState = { path: '/route/path', uuid: 'abcd', }; FakeHistory.state = existingState; HistoryTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'location', mockBrowserLocation('/route/path')); }, }); createLocation(); location.initState(); assert.deepEqual(location.getState(), existingState); } } );