module Workarea module DataFile class Format attr_reader :operation delegate_missing_to :operation def initialize(operation = nil) @operation = operation end def slug end def unit I18n.t("workarea.data_file.#{}.unit") end # This method exists for showing sample file content and for testing. # # All the funkiness is so this doesn't have to be written for each format. # Simply implement your #export method and #serialize will come along for # the ride. # # @param [Object] # @return [String] # def serialize(models) file = copy = scoped_models = Array.wrap(models) copy.define_singleton_method(:models) { scoped_models } copy.define_singleton_method(:tempfile) { file } copy.export! file.rewind ensure file.close file.unlink end def clean_ignored_fields(object) if object.is_a?(Hash) Hash[ object.except(*Workarea.config.data_file_ignored_fields).map do |key, value| [key, clean_ignored_fields(value)] end ] elsif object.is_a?(Array) { |o| clean_ignored_fields(o) } else object end end # Special case for Users, since +password+ is a hashed field. Set # the password attribute from the column if given, otherwise # assign a randomized password to the User so they can be # imported via CSV/JSON without knowing what the hashed result of # their intended password is. def assign_password(model, password = nil) return unless model.is_a?(User::Passwords) return if model.persisted? && password.blank? model.password = if password.present? password elsif model.new_record? "#{SecureRandom.hex(10)}_aA1" end end # Return the class specified by the +_type+ attribute, or the # default +model_class+ for the operation. # # @param [Hash] attrs - Attributes from the row # @return [Class] Model class constant def model_class_for(attrs = {}) type = attrs.symbolize_keys.slice(:type, :_type).values.first type&.constantize || model_class end end end end