title: MOREL # Write here the name of your site tagline: Mobile Open Resilient Electronic Libraries # Write here the description of your site description: is a resource for readers, writers, publishers, students and teachers interested in Afro-American and Latin American culture in general, and Afro-Latin American culture in particular. It gathers book covers, excerpts, bibliographic clues and digital downloads of works by black Latin American authors in original language and in translation. img: logo.png # Substitute the file with a copy of your site's logo on /assets/img/tema background: trama.png # Substitute the file with a copy of your site's pattern on /assets/img/tema image : avatar.png email : proyectomorel@gmail.com github : twitter : instagram: # theme: morel-theme-pack template : name : MOREL site: https://morel.la image : avatar.png email : proyectomorel@gmail.com github : twitter : instagram: # Do not edit bellow unless you are an advanced user plugins: - jekyll-seo-tag permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title:output_ext excerpt_separator: "" collections: cities: output: true permalink: /cities/:name books: output: true permalink: /books/:name authors: output: true permalink: /authors/:name publishers: output: true permalink: /publishers/:name repositories: output: true permalink: /repositories/:name chriterias: output: true permalink: /chriteria/:name abouts: output: true defaults: - scope: path: "" type: "authors" values: layout: "author" - scope: path: "" type: "books" values: layout: "book" - scope: path: "" type: "cities" values: layout: "city" - scope: path: "" type: "posts" values: layout: "post" - scope: path: "" type: "publishers" values: layout: "publisher" - scope: path: "" type: "repositories" values: layout: "repository"