(ns generator (:require [cheshire.core :as json] [clojure.java.shell :refer [sh]] [clojure.java.io :refer [reader]] [stencil.core :as stencil]) (:import (java.io File IOException))) (defn file-exists? "Helper function to determine if a given file exists." [path] (.exists (File. path))) (defn warn-and-exit "Wrapper function to warn with the given message and then exit with a non-zero return" [message] (println message) (System/exit 1)) (defn clone-test-data "Clone the x-common repo from github" [] (sh "git" "clone" "git@github.com:exercism/x-common")) (defn load-test-data "Clones and loads the test data for the given exercise" [exercise-name] (when-not (file-exists? "x-common") (clone-test-data)) (let [test-data-filename (format "x-common/exercises/%s/canonical-data.json" exercise-name)] (when-not (file-exists? test-data-filename) (warn-and-exit (format "Could not find test data for %s (looking in %s)" exercise-name test-data-filename))) (json/parse-stream (reader test-data-filename)))) (defn munge-test-data "Loads the generator namespace for the exercise and calls the munge-data function on the given test-data." [exercise-name test-data] (let [exercise-ns (symbol (str exercise-name "-generator"))] (try (require [exercise-ns]) (if-let [munge-data-fn (ns-resolve exercise-ns (symbol "munge-data"))] (munge-data-fn test-data) (do (println (format "No munge-data function defined in %s" exercise-ns)) (println (format "Skipping any munging of canonical-data for %s" exercise-name)) test-data)) (catch IOException e (println (format "Could not require %s due to an exception:\n\t%s" exercise-ns (.getMessage e))) (println (format "Skipping any munging of canonical-data for %s" exercise-name)) test-data)))) (defn generate-test-data "Munges the test-data and renders the test for the exercise using the test template." [exercise-name test-template-path test-data] (let [munged-test-data (munge-test-data exercise-name test-data) template (slurp test-template-path)] (spit (format "exercises/%s/test/%s_test.clj" exercise-name exercise-name) (stencil/render-string template munged-test-data)))) (defn -main "Uses the test template for the exercise and test data to generate test cases." [exercise-name & args] (let [test-template-path (format "exercises/%s/.meta/%s.mustache" exercise-name exercise-name) test-data (load-test-data exercise-name)] (if (file-exists? test-template-path) (do (generate-test-data exercise-name test-template-path test-data) (println (format "Generated tests for %s exercise using template %s" exercise-name test-template-path))) (warn-and-exit (format "No exercise test template found at '%s'" test-template-path)))) (shutdown-agents))