# The Sync module is responsible for keeping a model syncd with Mailee. # It's behaviour is still too rails-twooish. But soon I'll make it more # treeish using Railties and stuff. But it works. # # All you need in your model are two fields, one for the email and one # for the optin, wich is by default called "news". The name field is # optional but encouraged. # # USAGE # # # Simple example # class Client < ActiveRecord::Base # sync_with_mailee # end # # # Super hyper brainfuck complex example # class Client < ActiveRecord::Base # sync_with_mailee :email => :email_field, :name => :name_field, :news => :news_field # end module Mailee module Sync def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def sync_with_mailee(options = {}) unless syncd? # don't let AR call this twice cattr_accessor :sync_options after_create :create_in_mailee after_update :update_in_mailee after_destroy :destroy_in_mailee self.sync_options = {:email => :email, :name => :name, :news => :news}.merge(options) unless self.column_names.include?(self.sync_options[:email].to_s) raise "Campo #{sync_options[:email]} não existe em #{new.class}." end unless self.column_names.include?(self.sync_options[:name].to_s) self.sync_options[:name] = nil end unless self.column_names.include?(self.sync_options[:news].to_s) self.sync_options[:news] = nil end end include InstanceMethods end def syncd? self.included_modules.include?(InstanceMethods) end end module InstanceMethods #:nodoc: def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.extend ClassMethods end def create_in_mailee return if( sync_options[:news] and ! send(sync_options[:news])) # Não cria se houver o campo booleano e ele for falso self.class.benchmark "Criando contato no Mailee" do contact = Mailee::Contact.new contact.internal_id = id contact.email = send(sync_options[:email]) contact.name = send(sync_options[:name]) if sync_options[:name] contact.save end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao criar o contato #{id} no Mailee" end def update_in_mailee self.class.benchmark "Atualizando contato no Mailee" do contact = Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id id if contact #Se o contato existe e o booleano foi desmarcado, realiza um UNSUBSCRIBE if sync_options[:news] and (! send(sync_options[:news])) unsubscribe_in_mailee(contact) else contact.email = send(sync_options[:email]) contact.name = send(sync_options[:name]) if sync_options[:name] contact.save end else create_in_mailee # Se não achou o contato tem q inserir. end end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao atualizar o contato #{id} no Mailee" end def destroy_in_mailee contact=nil self.class.benchmark "Excluindo contato no Mailee" do contact ||= Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id id contact.destroy end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao excluir o contato #{id} no Mailee" end def unsubscribe_in_mailee contact=nil self.class.benchmark "Descadastrando contato no Mailee" do contact ||= Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id id contact.unsubscribe end rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao descadastrar o contato #{id} no Mailee" end module ClassMethods # Sends all items from the model to Mailee. # Allows passing a datetime to send only contacts updated after. # Also allows the use of a block, wich will receive the record of # the model and the record from Mailee: # # Contact.send_all_to_mailee{|i,im| im.address = i.endereco; im.save } # # IMPORTANT: # This method only _sends_ contacts. It does not receives 'em. # If you need to receive contacts, for now the best way is to export in # Mailee's web interface and import in your app. def send_all_to_mailee(after=nil) items = after ? all(:conditions => ["updated_at >= ?", after]) : all for item in items begin contact = Mailee::Contact.find_by_internal_id item.id if contact and sync_options[:news] and ! item.send(sync_options[:news]) contact.unsubscribe yield item, contact if block_given? next end unless contact next if sync_options[:news] and ! item.send(sync_options[:news]) contact = Mailee::Contact.new contact.internal_id = item.id end contact.email = item.send(sync_options[:email]) contact.name = item.send(sync_options[:name]) if sync_options[:name] contact.save yield item, contact if block_given? rescue logger.warn "MAILEE-API: Falhou ao enviar o contato #{id} ao Mailee" end end end end end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Mailee::Sync) if defined?(ActiveRecord)