module SocialStream module ToolbarConfig #Prints the default home toolbar menu def default_home_toolbar_menu items = #Notifications items << {:key => :notifications, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_notification.png")+t('notification.other')+' ('+ current_subject.mailbox.notifications.not_trashed.unread.count.to_s+')', :url => notifications_path, :options => {:link => {:id => "notifications_menu"}}} #Messages items << {:key => :messages, :name => image_tag("btn/new.png")+t('message.other')+' (' + current_subject.mailbox.inbox(:unread => true).count.to_s + ')', :url => "#", :options => {:link => {:id => "messages_menu"}}, :items => [ {:key => :message_new, :name => image_tag("btn/message_new.png")+ t(''), :url => new_message_path, :options => {:link =>{:remote=> false}}}, {:key => :message_inbox, :name => image_tag("btn/message_inbox.png")+t('message.inbox')+' (' + current_subject.mailbox.inbox(:unread => true).count.to_s + ')', :url => conversations_path, :options => {:link =>{:remote=> false}}}, {:key => :message_sentbox, :name => image_tag("btn/message_sentbox.png")+t('message.sentbox'), :url => conversations_path(:box => :sentbox), :options => {:link =>{:remote=> false}}}, {:key => :message_trash, :name => image_tag("btn/message_trash.png")+t('message.trash'), :url => conversations_path(:box => :trash)} ]} #Documents if present if SocialStream.activity_forms.include? :document items << {:key => :resources, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_resource.png",:class =>"menu_icon")+t('resource.mine'), :url => "#", :options => {:link => {:id => "resources_menu"}}, :items => [ {:key => :resources_documents,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_document.png")+t('document.title'),:url => documents_path}, {:key => :resources_pictures,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_gallery.png")+t('picture.title'),:url => pictures_path}, {:key => :resources_videos,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_video.png")+t('video.title'),:url => videos_path}, {:key => :resources_audios,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_audio.png")+t('audio.title'),:url => audios_path} ]} end #Contacts items << {:key => :contacts, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_friend.png")+t('contact.other'), :url => "#", :options => {:link => {:id => "contacts_menu"}}, :items => [ {:key => :invitations, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_friend.png")+t('contact.current'), :url => contacts_path}, {:key => :contacts_graph, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_friend.png")+t('contact.graph'), :url => ties_path}, {:key => :invitations, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_friend.png")+t('contact.pending.other'), :url => contacts_path(:pending=>true)}, {:key => :invitations, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_invitation.png")+t('invitation.toolbar'), :url => new_invitation_path} ]} #Subjects items << {:key => :groups, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_group.png")+t('group.other'), :url => "#", :options => {:link => {:id => "groups_menu"}}, :items => [{:key => :new_group ,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_group.png")+t(''),:url => new_group_path('group' => { '_founder' => current_subject.slug })}] } render_items items end #Prints the default profile toolbar menu def default_profile_toolbar_menu(subject = current_subject) items = #Information button items << {:key => :subject_info, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_edit.png")+t('menu.information'), :url => [subject, :profile] } if subject!=current_subject #Like button items << {:key => :like_button, :name => link_like_params(subject)[0], :url => link_like_params(subject)[1], :options => {:link => link_like_params(subject)[2]}} if user_signed_in? #Relation button items << {:key => :subject_relation, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_friend.png") + current_subject.contact_to!(subject).status, :url => edit_contact_path(current_subject.contact_to!(subject)) } #Send message button items << {:key => :send_message, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_send.png")+t('message.send'), :url => new_message_path(:receiver => subject.slug) } end end #Documents if present if SocialStream.activity_forms.include? :document if subject == current_subject resources_label = t('resource.mine') else resources_label = t('resource.title') end items << {:key => :resources, :name => image_tag("btn/btn_resource.png",:class =>"menu_icon")+resources_label, :url => "#", :options => {:link => {:id => "resources_menu"}}, :items => [ {:key => :resources_documents,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_document.png")+t('document.title'),:url => polymorphic_path([subject,])}, {:key => :resources_pictures,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_gallery.png")+t('picture.title'),:url => polymorphic_path([subject,])}, {:key => :resources_videos,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_video.png")+t('video.title'),:url => polymorphic_path([subject,])}, {:key => :resources_audios,:name => image_tag("btn/btn_audio.png")+t('audio.title'),:url => polymorphic_path([subject,])} ]} end render_items items end end end