** 0.0.x ** - CMD: --newtemplate to start new template - I'll need to write a basic starter template that is educational - Why have more than one built in template? Only one is needed for testing, the rest should be pulled from the web and made easily customizable by the users. Completed: - Nothing Yet ** 0.0.11 ** - Bugfix: config[:bundler_version] was listing the version of bundlegem not bundler ** 0.0.10 ** - Feature: tweaks built-in templates ** 0.0.9 ** - Bugfix: there were misconfigurations with the Rakefiles for cli_gems and c_ect gems that were corrected - Feature: `--version` option added ** 0.0.8 ** - Bugfix: fixes bug where git clone was attempted even when the a clone already took place in a prior run - Bugfix: fixes bug where I thought I was using something cool like figaro but was not - Bugfix: fixes bug where configuration wasn't loaded before running --install-best-templates - Bugfix: fixes bug where require pry was left in ** 0.0.7 ** - Feature: Ability to load templates from github via --install-best-templates - Feature: Make each user defined gem have a subfolder that is the exact project structure, so the readme for the gem can exist without fear of it being copied into new projects - Feature: Gem's display names are based on what's specified in their respective root .bundlegem - Feature: Allow better CLI parsing so -t t_name can be the first couple arguments or at the end - Bugfix: cli_gem and c_ext_gem now show up in the list - Bugfix: cli_gem and c_ext_gem had typos fixed ** 0.0.6 ** - Feature: List now indicates default template - CORE: Created TemplateManager for working with templates - BUG: Accidentally tracked in a test gem project and fixed tests to not change directory into a test area for creating new gems. - BUG: newgem template didn't have a dot in .gitignore.tt ** 0.0.5 ** - Bug in 0.0.3 that broke building template gems fixed * Template Directories part of code was being skipped for built in templates, but not all of it - Bug where sub directories were not being explicitly created - Added integration test just to make sure the built-in templates can be generated without problems - Cleaned up internal API and how the binary works ** 0.0.4 ** - Tell the user what files are being created - Created config['git_repo_url'] variable to be used in templates ** 0.0.3 ** - CMD: --list to list templates (with descriptions) - Raise error when project name already exists, do not overwrite! - Raises error if none of the files in the template directory end in .tt - Create even empty folders ** 0.0.2 ** - Added default gem template 'service' - Better syntax of bundlegem gem_name -t template_name - CMD: --help to display a help message ** 0.0.1 ** - Very basic prototype that allows you to specify templates in ~/.bundlegem/templates