// -*- objc -*- #include "../font.h" #include #import #import #include "rays/exception.h" #include "helper.h" namespace Rays { typedef std::shared_ptr CFDictionaryPtr; typedef std::shared_ptr CFAttributedStringPtr; typedef std::shared_ptr CGDataProviderPtr; typedef std::shared_ptr CGFontPtr; typedef std::shared_ptr CTLinePtr; struct RawFont::Data { CTFontRef font = NULL; String path; ~Data () { if (font) { CFRelease(font); font = NULL; } } };// RawFont::Data static CTLinePtr make_line (CTFontRef font, const char* str) { if (!font || !str || *str == '\0') return NULL; CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName, kCTForegroundColorFromContextAttributeName }; CFTypeRef values[] = { font, kCFBooleanTrue }; size_t nkeys = sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]); CFDictionaryPtr attr( CFDictionaryCreate( NULL, (const void**) &keys, (const void**) &values, nkeys, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks), CFRelease); CFAttributedStringPtr attrstr( CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, cfstring(str).get(), attr.get()), CFRelease); return CTLinePtr( CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrstr.get()), CFRelease); } const FontFamilyMap& get_font_families () { static const FontFamilyMap MAP = []() { FontFamilyMap map; for (NSString* family in UIFont.familyNames) { FontFamilyMap::mapped_type array; for (NSString* name in [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName: family]) array.emplace_back(name.UTF8String); map[family.UTF8String] = array; } return map; }(); return MAP; } RawFont RawFont_load (const char* path, coord size) { if (!path) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); CGDataProviderPtr data_provider( CGDataProviderCreateWithFilename(path), CGDataProviderRelease); if (!data_provider) rays_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "failed to create CGDataProvider"); CGFontPtr cgfont( CGFontCreateWithDataProvider(data_provider.get()), CGFontRelease); if (!cgfont) rays_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "failed to create CGFont"); CTFontRef ctfont = CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont( cgfont.get(), size, NULL, NULL); if (!ctfont) rays_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "failed to create CTFont"); RawFont rawfont; rawfont.self->font = ctfont; rawfont.self->path = path; return rawfont; } RawFont::RawFont () { } RawFont::RawFont (const char* name, coord size) { self->font = name ? CTFontCreateWithName(cfstring(name).get(), size, NULL) : CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage(kCTFontSystemFontType, size, NULL); } RawFont::RawFont (const This& obj, coord size) { const char* path = obj.self->path.empty() ? NULL : obj.self->path.c_str(); if (path) *this = RawFont_load(path, size); else self->font = CTFontCreateWithName(cfstring(obj.name()).get(), size, NULL); } RawFont::~RawFont () { } void RawFont::draw_string ( void* context_, coord context_height, const char* str, coord x, coord y) const { CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) context_; if (!context) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (!str) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (*str == '\0') return; if (!*this) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); CTLinePtr line = make_line(self->font, str); if (!line) rays_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "creating CTLineRef failed."); coord width, height, ascent = 0; width = ceil(get_width(str)); height = ceil(get_height(&ascent)); ascent = floor(ascent); CGRect rect = CGRectMake(x, context_height - height - y, width, height); CGContextClearRect(context, rect); //CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0, 0, 0, 1); //CGContextFillRect(context, rect); CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 1, 1, 1); CGContextSaveGState(context); CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, CGAffineTransformIdentity); CGContextSetTextPosition(context, x, context_height - ascent - y); CTLineDraw(line.get(), context); CGContextRestoreGState(context); } String RawFont::name () const { if (!*this) return ""; CFStringPtr str(CTFontCopyFullName(self->font), CFRelease); enum {BUFSIZE = 2048}; char buf[BUFSIZE + 1]; if (!CFStringGetCString(str.get(), buf, BUFSIZE, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) buf[0] = '\0'; return buf; } coord RawFont::size () const { if (!*this) return 0; return CTFontGetSize(self->font); } coord RawFont::get_width (const char* str) const { if (!str) argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (!*this) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if (*str == '\0') return 0; CTLinePtr line = make_line(self->font, str); if (!line) rays_error(__FILE__, __LINE__, "creating CTLineRef failed."); return CTLineGetTypographicBounds(line.get(), NULL, NULL, NULL); } coord RawFont::get_height (coord* ascent, coord* descent, coord* leading) const { if (!*this) invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); CGFloat asc = CTFontGetAscent(self->font); CGFloat desc = CTFontGetDescent(self->font); CGFloat lead = CTFontGetLeading(self->font); if (ascent) *ascent = asc; if (descent) *descent = desc; if (leading) *leading = lead; return asc + desc + lead; } RawFont::operator bool () const { return !!self->font; } bool RawFont::operator ! () const { return !operator bool(); } }// Rays