= GirFFI by Matijs van Zuijlen http://www.github.com/mvz/ruby-gir-ffi == Description Ruby bindings for GNOME using the GObject Introspection Repository. == Features/Notes * Create bindings to any GObject-based library. * Supports both Gtk+ 2 and Gtk+ 3. * Bindings generated at runtime. * Provides overridden bindings for selected methods. * Require 'ffi-gtk2' or 'ffi-gtk3' to load overrides for Gtk2 or Gtk3. == Install * sudo gem install gir_ffi == Synopsis Basic usage: require 'gir_ffi' GirFFI.setup :TheNamespace TheNamespace.some_function obj = TheNamespace::SomeClass.new obj.some_method with, some, args Gtk2: require 'ffi-gtk2' Gtk.init win = Gtk::Window.new :toplevel win.show GObject.signal_connect(win, "destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } Gtk.main Gtk3: require 'ffi-gtk3' Gtk.init win = Gtk::Window.new :toplevel win.show GObject.signal_connect(win, "destroy") { Gtk.main_quit } Gtk.main See the `examples/` directory for more, well, examples. == Requirements * Ruby-FFI of course * gobject-introspection installed with some introspection data * The `rr` and `minitest` gems for testing Depending on the GIR data, GirFFI needs the actual libraries to be available under the name ending in plain `.so`. If GirFFI complains that it cannot find the library, try installing development packages for those libraries. On Debian and Ubuntu, the following set of packages should be enough to get `rake test` working: `libgirepository1.0-dev` (at least version 0.10), `gir1.2-gtk-2.0` and `libgtk2.0-dev`. == Hacking and contributing If you want to help out, have a look at TODO.rdoc, and the output of `rake notes`. Feel free to file bugs or send pull requests. If you want to send pull requests or patches, please: * Make sure `rake test` runs without reporting any failures. If your code breaks existing stuff, it won't get merged in. * Add tests for your feature. Otherwise, I can't see if it works or if I break it later. * Make sure latest master merges cleanly with your branch. Things might have moved around since you forked. * Try not to include changes that are irrelevant to your feature in the same commit. == License Copyright (c) 2009--2011 Matijs van Zuijlen GirFFI is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or later. See the file COPYING.LIB for more information.