#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'pathname' require 'rubygems' require 'rake' gems = %w( sbf-dm-core sbf-dm-aggregates sbf-dm-constraints sbf-dm-migrations sbf-dm-transactions sbf-dm-serializer sbf-dm-timestamps sbf-dm-validations sbf-dm-types ) AUTHOR = 'opensource_firespring'.freeze EMAIL = 'opensource@firespring.com'.freeze GEM_NAME = 'sbf-data_mapper'.freeze GEM_VERSION = '1.2.0'.freeze GEM_DEPENDENCIES = gems.map { |gem_name| [gem_name, "~> #{GEM_VERSION}"] } GEM_CLEAN = %w(**/*.{gem,DS_Store} *.db doc/rdoc .config **/coverage cache).freeze GEM_EXTRAS = {has_rdoc: 'yard'}.freeze PROJECT_NAME = 'sbf-data_mapper'.freeze PROJECT_URL = 'https://datamapper.org'.freeze PROJECT_DESCRIPTION = 'Faster, Better, Simpler.'.freeze PROJECT_SUMMARY = 'An Object/Relational Mapper for Ruby'.freeze WINDOWS = begin (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /win32|mingw|bccwin|cygwin/) rescue nil end SUDO = WINDOWS ? '' : ('sudo' unless ENV['SUDOLESS']) desc "Install #{GEM_NAME}" task install: :package do sh %(#{SUDO} gem install --local pkg/#{GEM_NAME}-#{GEM_VERSION}) end task(:spec) {} # this gem does not provide any specs ## HOE TASKS require 'hoe' @config_file = '~/.rubyforge/user-config.yml' @config = nil RUBYFORGE_USERNAME = 'unknown'.freeze def rubyforge_username unless @config begin @config = YAML.safe_load_file(File.expand_path(@config_file)) rescue puts <<~EOS ERROR: No rubyforge config file found: #{@config_file} Run 'rubyforge setup' to prepare your env for access to Rubyforge - See http://newgem.rubyforge.org/rubyforge.html for more details EOS exit end end RUBYFORGE_USERNAME.replace @config['username'] end Hoe.spec PROJECT_NAME do |p| p.developer(AUTHOR, EMAIL) p.description = PROJECT_DESCRIPTION p.summary = PROJECT_SUMMARY # p.url = PROJECT_URL # p.rubyforge_name = PROJECT_NAME if PROJECT_NAME p.clean_globs |= GEM_CLEAN p.spec_extras = GEM_EXTRAS if GEM_EXTRAS GEM_DEPENDENCIES.each do |dep| p.extra_deps << dep end end