# coding: utf-8 describe Hallon::User::Post do let(:post) do Hallon::User::Post.create("burgestrand", "These be some tight tracks, yo!", tracks) end let(:tracks) do [].tap do |tracks| tracks << Hallon::Track.new(mock_track) tracks << Hallon::Track.new(mock_track_two) end end specify { post.should be_a Hallon::Loadable } describe ".new" do it "should be private" do Hallon::User::Post.should_not respond_to :new end end describe ".create" do it "should return nil if the inboxpost failed" do spotify_api.should_receive(:inbox_post_tracks).and_return(null_pointer) post.should be_nil end it "should allow you to post a single track" do post = Hallon::User::Post.create("burgestrand", nil, tracks[0]) post.tracks.should eq tracks[0, 1] end end describe "#status" do it "should return the inbox post status" do post.status.should be :ok end end describe "#tracks" do it "should return an array of tracks posted" do post.tracks.should eq tracks end end describe "#loaded?" do it "should return true only if the status is ok" do post.should_receive(:status).and_return(:is_loading) post.should_not be_loaded end it "should be true if the inbox post operation has completed" do post.should be_loaded end end describe "#message" do it "should return the message sent with the post" do post.message.should eq "These be some tight tracks, yo!" end it "returns an empty string if no message was sent" do post = Hallon::User::Post.create("burgestrand", nil, tracks) post.message.should be_nil end end describe "#recipient" do it "should return the recipient" do post.recipient.should eq Hallon::User.new("burgestrand") end end describe "#recipient_name" do it "should return the username of the post recipient" do post.recipient_name.should eq "burgestrand" end end end