require 'saulabs/reportable/grouping' require 'saulabs/reportable/report_cache' module Saulabs module Reportable # The Report class that does all the data retrieval and calculations. # class Report # the model the report works on (This is the class you invoke {Saulabs::Reportable::ClassMethods#reportable} on) # attr_reader :klass # the name of the report (as in {Saulabs::Reportable::ClassMethods#reportable}) # attr_reader :name # the name of the date column over that the records are aggregated # attr_reader :date_column # the name of the column that holds the values to aggregate when using a calculation aggregation like +:sum+ # attr_reader :value_column # the aggregation to use (one of +:count+, +:sum+, +:minimum+, +:maximum+ or +:average+); when using anything other than +:count+, +:value_column+ must also be specified # attr_reader :aggregation # options for the report # attr_reader :options # Initializes a new {Saulabs::Reportable::Report} # # @param [Class] klass # the model the report works on (This is the class you invoke {Saulabs::Reportable::ClassMethods#reportable} on) # @param [String] name # the name of the report (as in {Saulabs::Reportable::ClassMethods#reportable}) # @param [Hash] options # options for the report creation # # @option options [Symbol] :date_column (created_at) # the name of the date column over that the records are aggregated # @option options [String, Symbol] :value_column (:id) # the name of the column that holds the values to aggregate when using a calculation aggregation like +:sum+ # @option options [Symbol] :aggregation (:count) # the aggregation to use (one of +:count+, +:sum+, +:minimum+, +:maximum+ or +:average+); when using anything other than +:count+, +:value_column+ must also be specified # @option options [Symbol] :grouping (:day) # the period records are grouped in (+:hour+, +:day+, +:week+, +:month+); Beware that reportable treats weeks as starting on monday! # @option options [Fixnum] :limit (100) # the number of reporting periods to get (see +:grouping+) # @option options [Hash] :conditions ({}) # conditions like in +ActiveRecord::Base#find+; only records that match these conditions are reported; # @option options [Boolean] :live_data (false) # specifies whether data for the current reporting period is to be read; if +:live_data+ is +true+, you will experience a performance hit since the request cannot be satisfied from the cache alone # @option options [DateTime, Boolean] :end_date (false) # when specified, the report will only include data for the +:limit+ reporting periods until this date. # def initialize(klass, name, options = {}) ensure_valid_options(options) @klass = klass @name = name @date_column = (options[:date_column] || 'created_at').to_s @aggregation = options[:aggregation] || :count @value_column = (options[:value_column] || (@aggregation == :count ? 'id' : name)).to_s @options = { :limit => options[:limit] || 100, :conditions => options[:conditions] || [], :grouping =>[:grouping] || :day), :live_data => options[:live_data] || false, :end_date => options[:end_date] || false } @options.merge!(options) @options.freeze end # Runs the report and returns an array of array of DateTimes and Floats # # @param [Hash] options # options to run the report with # # @option options [Symbol] :grouping (:day) # the period records are grouped in (+:hour+, +:day+, +:week+, +:month+); Beware that reportable treats weeks as starting on monday! # @option options [Fixnum] :limit (100) # the number of reporting periods to get (see +:grouping+) # @option options [Hash] :conditions ({}) # conditions like in +ActiveRecord::Base#find+; only records that match these conditions are reported; # @option options [Boolean] :live_data (false) # specifies whether data for the current reporting period is to be read; if +:live_data+ is +true+, you will experience a performance hit since the request cannot be satisfied from the cache alone # @option options [DateTime, Boolean] :end_date (false) # when specified, the report will only include data for the +:limit+ reporting periods until this date. # # @return [Array>] # the result of the report as pairs of {DateTime}s and {Float}s # def run(options = {}) options = options_for_run(options) ReportCache.process(self, options) do |begin_at, end_at| read_data(begin_at, end_at, options) end end private def options_for_run(options = {}) options = options.dup ensure_valid_options(options, :run) options.reverse_merge!(@options) options[:grouping] =[:grouping]) unless options[:grouping].is_a?(Grouping) return options end def read_data(begin_at, end_at, options) conditions = setup_conditions(begin_at, end_at, options[:conditions]) @klass.send(@aggregation, @value_column, :conditions => conditions, :group => options[:grouping].to_sql(@date_column), :order => "#{options[:grouping].to_sql(@date_column)} ASC", :limit => options[:limit] ) end def setup_conditions(begin_at, end_at, custom_conditions = []) conditions = [@klass.send(:sanitize_sql_for_conditions, custom_conditions) || ''] conditions[0] += "#{(conditions[0].blank? ? '' : ' AND ')}#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_table_name(@klass.table_name)}.#{ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name(@date_column.to_s)} " conditions[0] += if begin_at && end_at 'BETWEEN ? AND ?' elsif begin_at '>= ?' elsif end_at '<= ?' else raise'You must pass either begin_at, end_at or both to setup_conditions.') end conditions << begin_at if begin_at conditions << end_at if end_at conditions end def ensure_valid_options(options, context = :initialize) case context when :initialize options.each_key do |k| raise"Invalid option #{k}!") unless [:limit, :aggregation, :grouping, :date_column, :value_column, :conditions, :live_data, :end_date].include?(k) end raise"Invalid aggregation #{options[:aggregation]}!") if options[:aggregation] && ![:count, :sum, :maximum, :minimum, :average].include?(options[:aggregation]) raise'The name of the column holding the value to sum has to be specified for aggregation :sum!') if [:sum, :maximum, :minimum, :average].include?(options[:aggregation]) && !options.key?(:value_column) when :run options.each_key do |k| raise"Invalid option #{k}!") unless [:limit, :conditions, :grouping, :live_data, :end_date].include?(k) end end raise'Options :live_data and :end_date may not both be specified!') if options[:live_data] && options[:end_date] raise"Invalid grouping #{options[:grouping]}!") if options[:grouping] && ![:hour, :day, :week, :month].include?(options[:grouping]) raise"Invalid conditions: #{options[:conditions].inspect}!") if options[:conditions] && !options[:conditions].is_a?(Array) && !options[:conditions].is_a?(Hash) raise"Invalid end date: #{options[:end_date].inspect}; must be a DateTime!") if options[:end_date] && !options[:end_date].is_a?(DateTime) && !options[:end_date].is_a?(Time) raise'End date may not be in the future!') if options[:end_date] && options[:end_date] > end end end end