Feature: Run specific scenarios You can choose to run a specific scenario using the file:line format, or you can pass in a file with a list of scenarios using @-notation. The line number can fall anywhere within the body of a scenario, including steps, tags, comments, description, data tables or doc strings. For scenario outlines, if the line hits one example row, just that one will be run. Otherwise all examples in the table or outline will be run. Background: Given the standard step definitions Scenario: Two scenarios, run just one of them Given a file named "features/test.feature" with: """ Feature: Scenario: Miss Given this step is undefined Scenario: Hit Given this step passes """ When I run `cucumber features/test.feature:7 --format pretty --quiet` Then it should pass with exactly: """ Feature: Scenario: Hit Given this step passes 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: Use @-notation to specify a file containing feature file list Given a file named "features/test.feature" with: """ Feature: Sample Scenario: Passing Given this step passes """ And a file named "list-of-features.txt" with: """ features/test.feature:2 """ When I run `cucumber -q @list-of-features.txt` Then it should pass with: """ Feature: Sample Scenario: Passing Given this step passes 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: Specify order of scenarios Given a file named "features/test.feature" with: """ Feature: Scenario: Given this step passes Scenario: Given this step fails """ When I run `cucumber features/test.feature:5 features/test.feature:3 -f progress` Then it should fail with: """ F. """