module Ultrasphinx =begin rdoc == Spelling support In order to spellcheck your user's query, Ultrasphinx bundles a small spelling module. First, make sure Aspell 0.6, an appropriate Aspell dictionary, and the Rubygem 'raspell' are all installed. Then, copy <tt>examples/app.multi</tt> into your Aspell dictionary folder. It allows you to use Sphinx to generate a custom wordlist for your app. Modify it if you don't want to also use the default American English dictionary. Then, to build the custom wordlist, run: rake ultrasphinx:spelling:build Now you can see if a query is correctly spelled as so: @correction = Ultrasphinx::Spell.correct(@search.query) If @correction is not nil, go ahead and suggest it to the user. Otherwise, the query was already correct. =end module Spell SP ="app") SP.suggestion_mode = Aspell::NORMAL SP.set_option("ignore-case", "true") def self.correct string correction = string.gsub(/[\w\']+/) do |word| unless SP.check(word) SP.suggest(word).first else word end end correction if correction != string end end end