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See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.

  1. An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1500FPS.

    C++ 4,430 1,360 Built by @ShiqiYu @Arun179 @Solan8 @mygityf @xzyaoi 1,237 stars today
  2. One has no future if he couldn't teach himself.

    Jupyter Notebook 1,386 1,962 Built by @xiaolai @liujuanjuan1984 @awper361 @engineerWang @liudao1991 614 stars today
  3. Run VS Code on a remote server.

    TypeScript 9,018 377 Built by @code-asher @kylecarbs @nhooyr @ammario @Multishifties 628 stars today
  4. Simple & light weight (2kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scrolllll! Harness the power of the most intuitive interaction and make your websites come alive!

    JavaScript 842 24 Built by @alexfoxy 518 stars today
  5. Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML

    Elixir 703 21 Built by @chrismccord @josevalim @Gazler @alexgaribay @TheFirstAvenger 374 stars today
  6. Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox

    JavaScript 5,824 477 Built by @dannycoates @abhinadduri @dnarcese @pdehaan @milupo 309 stars today
  7. A complete ML study path, focused on TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn

    350 83 Built by @clone95 @3nomis @RojerGS 241 stars today
  8. Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows

    C++ 12,989 1,734 Built by @sanderl @mcooley @joshkoon @janisozaur @rudyhuyn 241 stars today
  9. A delightful list of personal tech blogs

    1,500 112 Built by @jkup @meetzaveri @farskid @nehabo @petermbenjamin 191 stars today
  10. 📬 Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client.

    Rust 2,640 43 Built by @timvisee @0xflotus @robotmachine @MagicFab @ignatenkobrain 178 stars today
  11. Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework

    10,863 1,138 Built by @nsadeveloper789 @ctubbsii @NonCreature0714 @Merculous @compucat 164 stars today
  12. 【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。

    Java 29,591 9,118 Built by @Snailclimb @Goose9527 @fanofxiaofeng @Gene1994 @illusorycloud 152 stars today
  13. A collection of essential TypeScript types

    TypeScript 743 17 Built by @sindresorhus @BendingBender 169 stars today
  14. LAnguage Representations Kit

    Python 185 33 Built by @kuke @tianxin1860 151 stars today
  15. PanModal is an elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.

    Swift 465 19 Built by @TosinAF @tun57 @Marcocanc 160 stars today
  16. A fast, bump-allocated virtual DOM library for Rust and WebAssembly.

    Rust 445 14 Built by @fitzgen @dependabot-bot @dependabot @tschneidereit 158 stars today
  17. 使用 Vue.js 开发跨平台应用的前端框架

    Vue 3,394 359 Built by @zhetengbiji @xiaoyucoding @hulinNeil @hbcui1984 @shenhai 141 stars today
  18. 😋 技术面试必备基础知识

    53,372 16,428 Built by @CyC2018 @kwongtailau @crossoverJie @Lisanaaa @MachineChen 126 stars today
  19. 🌈Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~

    Python 1,632 110 Built by @zhaoolee 135 stars today
  20. Thoughts on Go performance optimization

    3,527 194 Built by @dgryski @vitordagamagodoy @danielfireman @edsrzf @wgliang 140 stars today
  21. Unbelievably space efficient data structures in Golang.

    Go 776 46 Built by @drmingdrmer @wenbobuaa @lishulong @templexxx @SCKelemen 136 stars today
  22. Visual Studio Code

    TypeScript 71,459 9,504 Built by @bpasero @joaomoreno @jrieken @isidorn @alexandrudima 127 stars today
  23. Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.

    Dart 56,695 6,125 Built by @abarth @Hixie @HansMuller @devoncarew @cbracken 118 stars today
  24. NSFW detection on the client-side via Tensorflow JS

    JavaScript 2,112 100 Built by @GantMan @dependabot-bot @jstudenski @fvonhoven @jamonholmgren 121 stars today
  25. 微信公众号排版编辑器,转化 Markdown 微信特制的 HTML

    JavaScript 359 33 Built by @lyricat 120 stars today
Other: Languages
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1C Enterprise ABAP ABNF ActionScript Ada Adobe Font Metrics Agda AGS Script Alloy Alpine Abuild AMPL AngelScript Ant Build System ANTLR ApacheConf Apex API Blueprint APL Apollo Guidance Computer AppleScript Arc AsciiDoc ASN.1 ASP AspectJ Assembly Asymptote ATS Augeas AutoHotkey AutoIt Awk Ballerina Batchfile Befunge Bison BitBake Blade BlitzBasic BlitzMax Bluespec Boo Brainfuck Brightscript Bro C C# C++ C-ObjDump C2hs Haskell Cap'n Proto CartoCSS Ceylon Chapel Charity ChucK Cirru Clarion Clean Click CLIPS Clojure Closure Templates Cloud Firestore Security Rules CMake COBOL CoffeeScript ColdFusion ColdFusion CFC COLLADA Common Lisp Common Workflow Language Component Pascal CoNLL-U Cool Coq Cpp-ObjDump Creole Crystal CSON Csound Csound Document Csound Score CSS CSV Cuda CWeb Cycript Cython D D-ObjDump Darcs Patch Dart DataWeave desktop Diff DIGITAL Command Language DM DNS Zone Dockerfile Dogescript DTrace Dylan E Eagle Easybuild EBNF eC Ecere Projects ECL ECLiPSe Edje Data Collection edn Eiffel EJS Elixir Elm Emacs Lisp EmberScript EML EQ Erlang F# F* Factor Fancy Fantom FIGlet Font Filebench WML Filterscript fish FLUX Formatted Forth Fortran FreeMarker Frege G-code Game Maker Language GAMS GAP GCC Machine Description GDB GDScript Genie Genshi Gentoo Ebuild Gentoo Eclass Gerber Image Gettext Catalog Gherkin GLSL Glyph Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format GN Gnuplot Go Golo Gosu Grace Gradle Grammatical Framework Graph Modeling Language GraphQL Graphviz (DOT) Groovy Groovy Server Pages Hack Haml Handlebars HAProxy Harbour Haskell Haxe HCL HiveQL HLSL HTML HTML+Django HTML+ECR HTML+EEX HTML+ERB HTML+PHP HTML+Razor HTTP HXML Hy HyPhy IDL Idris IGOR Pro Inform 7 INI Inno Setup Io Ioke IRC log Isabelle Isabelle ROOT J Jasmin Java Java Properties Java Server Pages JavaScript JFlex Jison Jison Lex Jolie JSON JSON with Comments JSON5 JSONiq JSONLD Jsonnet JSX Julia Jupyter Notebook KiCad Layout KiCad Legacy Layout KiCad Schematic Kit Kotlin KRL LabVIEW Lasso Latte Lean Less Lex LFE LilyPond Limbo Linker Script Linux Kernel Module Liquid Literate Agda Literate CoffeeScript Literate Haskell LiveScript LLVM Logos Logtalk LOLCODE LookML LoomScript LSL Lua M M4 M4Sugar Makefile Mako Markdown Marko Mask Mathematica MATLAB Maven POM Max MAXScript mcfunction MediaWiki Mercury Meson Metal MiniD Mirah Modelica Modula-2 Modula-3 Module Management System Monkey Moocode MoonScript MQL4 MQL5 MTML MUF mupad Myghty NCL Nearley Nemerle nesC NetLinx NetLinx+ERB NetLogo NewLisp Nextflow Nginx Nim Ninja Nit Nix NL NSIS Nu NumPy ObjDump Objective-C Objective-C++ Objective-J OCaml Omgrofl ooc Opa Opal OpenCL OpenEdge ABL OpenRC runscript OpenSCAD OpenType Feature File Org Ox Oxygene Oz P4 Pan Papyrus Parrot Parrot Assembly Parrot Internal Representation Pascal Pawn Pep8 Perl Perl 6 PHP Pic Pickle PicoLisp PigLatin Pike PLpgSQL PLSQL Pod Pod 6 PogoScript Pony PostCSS PostScript POV-Ray SDL PowerBuilder PowerShell Processing Prolog Propeller Spin Protocol Buffer Public Key Pug Puppet Pure Data PureBasic PureScript Python Python console Python traceback q QMake QML Quake R Racket Ragel RAML Rascal Raw token data RDoc REALbasic Reason Rebol Red Redcode Regular Expression Ren'Py RenderScript reStructuredText REXX RHTML Rich Text Format Ring RMarkdown RobotFramework Roff Rouge RPC RPM Spec Ruby RUNOFF Rust Sage SaltStack SAS Sass Scala Scaml Scheme Scilab SCSS sed Self ShaderLab Shell ShellSession Shen Slash Slice Slim Smali Smalltalk Smarty SMT Solidity SourcePawn SPARQL Spline Font Database SQF SQL SQLPL Squirrel SRecode Template Stan Standard ML Stata STON Stylus SubRip Text SugarSS SuperCollider SVG Swift SystemVerilog Tcl Tcsh Tea Terra TeX Text Textile Thrift TI Program TLA TOML Turing Turtle Twig TXL Type Language TypeScript Unified Parallel C Unity3D Asset Unix Assembly Uno UnrealScript UrWeb Vala VCL Verilog VHDL Vim script Visual Basic Volt Vue Wavefront Material Wavefront Object wdl Web Ontology Language WebAssembly WebIDL Windows Registry Entries wisp World of Warcraft Addon Data X BitMap X Font Directory Index X PixMap X10 xBase XC XCompose XML Xojo XPages XProc XQuery XS XSLT Xtend Yacc YAML YANG YARA YASnippet Zephir Zig Zimpl
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