See what the GitHub community is most excited about today.
An open source library for face detection in images. The face detection speed can reach 1500FPS.
One has no future if he couldn't teach himself.
Run VS Code on a remote server.
Simple & light weight (2kb minified & zipped) vanilla javascript plugin to create smooth & beautiful animations when you scrolllll! Harness the power of the most intuitive interaction and make your websites come alive!
Rich, real-time user experiences with server-rendered HTML
Simple, private file sharing from the makers of Firefox
A complete ML study path, focused on TensorFlow and Scikit-Learn
Windows Calculator: A simple yet powerful calculator that ships with Windows
A delightful list of personal tech blogs
📬 Easily and securely share files from the command line. A fully featured Firefox Send client. -
Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
【Java学习+面试指南】 一份涵盖大部分Java程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。
A collection of essential TypeScript types
LAnguage Representations Kit
PanModal is an elegant and highly customizable presentation API for constructing bottom sheet modals on iOS.
A fast, bump-allocated virtual DOM library for Rust and WebAssembly.
使用 Vue.js 开发跨平台应用的前端框架
😋 技术面试必备基础知识 -
🌈 Chrome插件英雄榜, 为优秀的Chrome插件写一本中文说明书, 让Chrome插件英雄们造福人类~ ChromePluginHeroes, Write a Chinese manual for the excellent Chrome plugin, let the Chrome plugin heroes benefit the human~ -
Thoughts on Go performance optimization
Unbelievably space efficient data structures in Golang.
Visual Studio Code
Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
NSFW detection on the client-side via Tensorflow JS
微信公众号排版编辑器,转化 Markdown 微信特制的 HTML