This document describes the license for the fonts distributed with JLDrill. kanjistrokeorders ================= Note: I got this from Debian, so I'm including the copyright notice that Debian gave me. This package was debianized by Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 22:50:59 +0900. It was downloaded from Upstream Author: Tim Eyre Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2008 Ulrich Apel, the AAAA project and the Wadoku project All rights reserved. License: BSD-style Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the author may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The Debian packaging is (C) 2008, Hideki Yamane and is licensed under same license as upstream. kochi-mincho ============ Note: I got this from Debian, so I'm including the copyright notice that Debian gave me. This package was debianized by GOTO Masanori on Tue, 5 Aug 2003 21:05:06 +0900. It was downloaded from Upstream Authors: * Kazuhiko * KANOU Hiroki * efont-devel Copyright: Maintainer's explanation: The family of ttf-kochi-{gothic,mincho}, ttf-kochi-{gothic,mincho}-naga10 consists of the 2 font; gothic and mincho. I describe ttf-kochi-{gothic,mincho} as ttf-kochi-*, ttf-kochi-{gothic,mincho}-naga10 as ttf-kochi-*-naga10. The difference of between ttf-kochi-* and ttf-kochi-*-naga10 is that ttf-kochi-*-naga10 includes naga10 font, but ttf-kochi-*-naga10 is removed all naga10 information by me. Naga10 font is DFSG non-free, and the other part of ttf-kochi-* is DFSG free, so ttf-kochi-* is main and ttf-kochi-*-naga10 is non-free. ttf-kochi-gothic-naga10 is based on Wadalab Gothic font (you can use it as ttf-xtt-wadalab-gothic debian package), ttf-kochi-mincho-naga10 is based on Watanabe Mincho font (you can use it as ttf-xtt-watanabe-mincho debian package), but the upstream author introduced naga10 (xfonts-naga10 as debian non-free section package), shinonome (xfonts-shinonome in main section), tachibana k14 (it's included in X11 standard distribution, in main section), kappa20 (xfonts-kappa20 in main section), for the truetype bitmap hinting information. The upstream author says the license of his derrived work is followed by Wadalab Gothic/Watanabe Mincho font, so his part of license is the DFSG free. The shinonome, tachibana k14, kappa20 is also DFSG free. The part of naga10 is non-free. ttf-kochi-* removes all naga10 informations by me, so ttf-kochi-* is DFSG free. ttf-kochi-*-naga10 includes naga10 information, so it's DFSG non-free. Upstream author's license information about the part of gothic: (In Japanese EUC-JP) このフォントを構成する各フォントのライセンスに強く依存します。とり あえず、非商用で自由に再配付することなら問題ありません。 オリジナル和田研ゴシックのライセンス文書: フォントをそのまま, あるいはフォーマット変換して使用, 配布する 場合, 個人, 会社を問わず, こちらの許可は必要ありません. ただ, 配布する場合はそのフォントがに由来する こと, どのような変換をしたかを付記して下さい. フォントはこれか らも, バージョンアップする予定なので, 末端ユーザが最新のバージョ ンを自分で手に入れられるようにしたいためです. ナガ10 フォントを使用している関係で、10ドットビットマップ部分の改編 および、商用利用に関しては、docs/naga10/READMEを御覧下さい。また、 10ドットフォント以外の部分を修正したものについても、それを再配付し たり商用利用する場合は、ナガ10ビットマップを含む限り、それに従いま す。注意してください。 逆に、このフォントから、ナガ10のビットマップ部分を削除したものにつ いては、和田研フォントライセンス相当になります。 Upstream author's license information about the part of gothic: (In English, I translate it) The license depends on the each font to compose this font. It's sure that it's no problem to distribute freely as non- commercial purpose. The license of original Wadalab Gothic: If you as an individual use the distribution as font as such, or convert it, there is no necessity to inform the Wadalab group. But in case you redistribute it, we request you kindly to forward a note to with the additional information of what has been altered. At that location we also plan to store the upgrade, to give the user the possibility to receive always the latest version. In case you want to point out mistakes in the outline of Kanjis or are not satisfied with the poor design, please do not hesitate to contact You have to read docs/naga10/README using as commercial purpose, or modifing data, because this font uses naga10 font. In addition, if you modify other part of this font except for naga10 font, the license of this is followed as naga10 font when you redistribute or use for commercial purpose. On the contrally, if you remove the part of naga10 bitmap information, this font becomes corresponding to Wadalab font license. Maintainer's supplement: ttf-kochi-{mincho,gothic} removes all naga10 information, so you can use it as DFSG-free. Kappa20's license is DFSG-free (see kappa20 package). I notice you that upstream author is not familliar with license issue, so his statement has some confusion. And please read README.Debian. Old ttf-kochi-{mincho,gothic} and ttf-kochi-{mincho,gothic}-naga10 are replaced with new ttf-kochi substitute family. This is because "Watanabe truetype font" has license problem, and newer debian package replaces all problem stuff.