/* * Copyright (C) the libgit2 contributors. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of libgit2, distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with * a Linking Exception. For full terms see the included COPYING file. */ #include "common.h" #include "smart.h" #include "util.h" #include "posix.h" #include "str.h" #include "oid.h" #include "git2/types.h" #include "git2/errors.h" #include "git2/refs.h" #include "git2/revwalk.h" #include #define PKT_DONE_STR "0009done\n" #define PKT_FLUSH_STR "0000" #define PKT_HAVE_PREFIX "have " #define PKT_WANT_PREFIX "want " #define PKT_LEN_SIZE 4 #define PKT_MAX_SIZE 0xffff #define PKT_MAX_WANTLEN (PKT_LEN_SIZE + CONST_STRLEN(PKT_WANT_PREFIX) + GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1) static int flush_pkt(git_pkt **out) { git_pkt *pkt; pkt = git__malloc(sizeof(git_pkt)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_FLUSH; *out = pkt; return 0; } /* the rest of the line will be useful for multi_ack and multi_ack_detailed */ static int ack_pkt( git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len, git_pkt_parse_data *data) { git_pkt_ack *pkt; size_t oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(data->oid_type); GIT_ASSERT(data && data->oid_type); pkt = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_pkt_ack)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_ACK; if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ACK ")) goto out_err; line += 4; len -= 4; if (len < oid_hexsize || git_oid__fromstr(&pkt->oid, line, data->oid_type) < 0) goto out_err; line += oid_hexsize; len -= oid_hexsize; if (len && line[0] == ' ') { line++; len--; if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "continue")) pkt->status = GIT_ACK_CONTINUE; else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "common")) pkt->status = GIT_ACK_COMMON; else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ready")) pkt->status = GIT_ACK_READY; else goto out_err; } *out = (git_pkt *) pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "error parsing ACK pkt-line"); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int nak_pkt(git_pkt **out) { git_pkt *pkt; pkt = git__malloc(sizeof(git_pkt)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_NAK; *out = pkt; return 0; } static int comment_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_comment *pkt; size_t alloclen; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, sizeof(git_pkt_comment), len); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, alloclen, 1); pkt = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_COMMENT; memcpy(pkt->comment, line, len); pkt->comment[len] = '\0'; *out = (git_pkt *) pkt; return 0; } static int err_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_err *pkt = NULL; size_t alloclen; /* Remove "ERR " from the line */ if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ERR ")) goto out_err; line += 4; len -= 4; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, sizeof(git_pkt_progress), len); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, alloclen, 1); pkt = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_ERR; pkt->len = len; memcpy(pkt->error, line, len); pkt->error[len] = '\0'; *out = (git_pkt *) pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "error parsing ERR pkt-line"); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int data_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_data *pkt; size_t alloclen; line++; len--; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, sizeof(git_pkt_progress), len); pkt = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_DATA; pkt->len = len; memcpy(pkt->data, line, len); *out = (git_pkt *) pkt; return 0; } static int sideband_progress_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_progress *pkt; size_t alloclen; line++; len--; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, sizeof(git_pkt_progress), len); pkt = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_PROGRESS; pkt->len = len; memcpy(pkt->data, line, len); *out = (git_pkt *) pkt; return 0; } static int sideband_error_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_err *pkt; size_t alloc_len; line++; len--; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, sizeof(git_pkt_err), len); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, alloc_len, 1); pkt = git__malloc(alloc_len); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_ERR; pkt->len = (int)len; memcpy(pkt->error, line, len); pkt->error[len] = '\0'; *out = (git_pkt *)pkt; return 0; } static int set_data( git_pkt_parse_data *data, const char *line, size_t len) { const char *caps, *format_str = NULL, *eos; size_t format_len; git_oid_t remote_oid_type; GIT_ASSERT_ARG(data); if ((caps = memchr(line, '\0', len)) != NULL) { caps++; if (strncmp(caps, "object-format=", CONST_STRLEN("object-format=")) == 0) format_str = caps + CONST_STRLEN("object-format="); else if ((format_str = strstr(caps, " object-format=")) != NULL) format_str += CONST_STRLEN(" object-format="); } if (format_str) { if ((eos = strchr(format_str, ' ')) == NULL) eos = strchr(format_str, '\0'); GIT_ASSERT(eos); format_len = eos - format_str; if ((remote_oid_type = git_oid_type_fromstrn(format_str, format_len)) == 0) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "unknown remote object format '%.*s'", (int)format_len, format_str); return -1; } } else { remote_oid_type = GIT_OID_SHA1; } if (!data->oid_type) { data->oid_type = remote_oid_type; } else if (data->oid_type != remote_oid_type) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_INVALID, "the local object format '%s' does not match the remote object format '%s'", git_oid_type_name(data->oid_type), git_oid_type_name(remote_oid_type)); return -1; } return 0; } /* * Parse an other-ref line. */ static int ref_pkt( git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len, git_pkt_parse_data *data) { git_pkt_ref *pkt; size_t alloclen, oid_hexsize; pkt = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_pkt_ref)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_REF; /* Determine OID type from capabilities */ if (!data->seen_capabilities && set_data(data, line, len) < 0) return -1; GIT_ASSERT(data->oid_type); oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(data->oid_type); if (len < oid_hexsize || git_oid__fromstr(&pkt->head.oid, line, data->oid_type) < 0) goto out_err; line += oid_hexsize; len -= oid_hexsize; if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, " ")) goto out_err; line++; len--; if (!len) goto out_err; if (line[len - 1] == '\n') --len; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, len, 1); pkt->head.name = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt->head.name); memcpy(pkt->head.name, line, len); pkt->head.name[len] = '\0'; if (strlen(pkt->head.name) < len) { if (!data->seen_capabilities) pkt->capabilities = strchr(pkt->head.name, '\0') + 1; else goto out_err; } data->seen_capabilities = 1; *out = (git_pkt *)pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "error parsing REF pkt-line"); if (pkt) git__free(pkt->head.name); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int ok_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_ok *pkt; size_t alloc_len; pkt = git__malloc(sizeof(*pkt)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_OK; if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ok ")) goto out_err; line += 3; len -= 3; if (len && line[len - 1] == '\n') --len; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloc_len, len, 1); pkt->ref = git__malloc(alloc_len); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt->ref); memcpy(pkt->ref, line, len); pkt->ref[len] = '\0'; *out = (git_pkt *)pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "error parsing OK pkt-line"); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int ng_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_ng *pkt; const char *ptr, *eol; size_t alloclen; pkt = git__malloc(sizeof(*pkt)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->ref = NULL; pkt->type = GIT_PKT_NG; eol = line + len; if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ng ")) goto out_err; line += 3; if (!(ptr = memchr(line, ' ', eol - line))) goto out_err; len = ptr - line; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, len, 1); pkt->ref = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt->ref); memcpy(pkt->ref, line, len); pkt->ref[len] = '\0'; line = ptr + 1; if (line >= eol) goto out_err; if (!(ptr = memchr(line, '\n', eol - line))) goto out_err; len = ptr - line; GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_ADD(&alloclen, len, 1); pkt->msg = git__malloc(alloclen); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt->msg); memcpy(pkt->msg, line, len); pkt->msg[len] = '\0'; *out = (git_pkt *)pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "invalid packet line"); git__free(pkt->ref); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int unpack_pkt(git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len) { git_pkt_unpack *pkt; pkt = git__malloc(sizeof(*pkt)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_UNPACK; if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "unpack ok")) pkt->unpack_ok = 1; else pkt->unpack_ok = 0; *out = (git_pkt *)pkt; return 0; } static int shallow_pkt( git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len, git_pkt_parse_data *data) { git_pkt_shallow *pkt; size_t oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(data->oid_type); GIT_ASSERT(data && data->oid_type); pkt = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_pkt_shallow)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_SHALLOW; if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, "shallow ")) goto out_err; line += 8; len -= 8; if (len != oid_hexsize) goto out_err; git_oid__fromstr(&pkt->oid, line, data->oid_type); line += oid_hexsize + 1; len -= oid_hexsize + 1; *out = (git_pkt *)pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "invalid packet line"); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int unshallow_pkt( git_pkt **out, const char *line, size_t len, git_pkt_parse_data *data) { git_pkt_shallow *pkt; size_t oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(data->oid_type); GIT_ASSERT(data && data->oid_type); pkt = git__calloc(1, sizeof(git_pkt_shallow)); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC(pkt); pkt->type = GIT_PKT_UNSHALLOW; if (git__prefixncmp(line, len, "unshallow ")) goto out_err; line += 10; len -= 10; if (len != oid_hexsize) goto out_err; git_oid__fromstr(&pkt->oid, line, data->oid_type); line += oid_hexsize + 1; len -= oid_hexsize + 1; *out = (git_pkt *) pkt; return 0; out_err: git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "invalid packet line"); git__free(pkt); return -1; } static int parse_len(size_t *out, const char *line, size_t linelen) { char num[PKT_LEN_SIZE + 1]; int i, k, error; int32_t len; const char *num_end; /* Not even enough for the length */ if (linelen < PKT_LEN_SIZE) return GIT_EBUFS; memcpy(num, line, PKT_LEN_SIZE); num[PKT_LEN_SIZE] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < PKT_LEN_SIZE; ++i) { if (!isxdigit(num[i])) { /* Make sure there are no special characters before passing to error message */ for (k = 0; k < PKT_LEN_SIZE; ++k) { if(!isprint(num[k])) { num[k] = '.'; } } git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "invalid hex digit in length: '%s'", num); return -1; } } if ((error = git__strntol32(&len, num, PKT_LEN_SIZE, &num_end, 16)) < 0) return error; if (len < 0) return -1; *out = (size_t) len; return 0; } /* * As per the documentation, the syntax is: * * pkt-line = data-pkt / flush-pkt * data-pkt = pkt-len pkt-payload * pkt-len = 4*(HEXDIG) * pkt-payload = (pkt-len -4)*(OCTET) * flush-pkt = "0000" * * Which means that the first four bytes are the length of the line, * in ASCII hexadecimal (including itself) */ int git_pkt_parse_line( git_pkt **pkt, const char **endptr, const char *line, size_t linelen, git_pkt_parse_data *data) { int error; size_t len; if ((error = parse_len(&len, line, linelen)) < 0) { /* * If we fail to parse the length, it might be * because the server is trying to send us the * packfile already or because we do not yet have * enough data. */ if (error == GIT_EBUFS) ; else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, linelen, "PACK")) git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "unexpected pack file"); else git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "bad packet length"); return error; } /* * Make sure there is enough in the buffer to satisfy * this line. */ if (linelen < len) return GIT_EBUFS; /* * The length has to be exactly 0 in case of a flush * packet or greater than PKT_LEN_SIZE, as the decoded * length includes its own encoded length of four bytes. */ if (len != 0 && len < PKT_LEN_SIZE) return GIT_ERROR; line += PKT_LEN_SIZE; /* * The Git protocol does not specify empty lines as part * of the protocol. Not knowing what to do with an empty * line, we should return an error upon hitting one. */ if (len == PKT_LEN_SIZE) { git_error_set_str(GIT_ERROR_NET, "Invalid empty packet"); return GIT_ERROR; } if (len == 0) { /* Flush pkt */ *endptr = line; return flush_pkt(pkt); } len -= PKT_LEN_SIZE; /* the encoded length includes its own size */ if (*line == GIT_SIDE_BAND_DATA) error = data_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (*line == GIT_SIDE_BAND_PROGRESS) error = sideband_progress_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (*line == GIT_SIDE_BAND_ERROR) error = sideband_error_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ACK")) error = ack_pkt(pkt, line, len, data); else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "NAK")) error = nak_pkt(pkt); else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ERR")) error = err_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (*line == '#') error = comment_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ok")) error = ok_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "ng")) error = ng_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (!git__prefixncmp(line, len, "unpack")) error = unpack_pkt(pkt, line, len); else if (!git__prefixcmp(line, "shallow")) error = shallow_pkt(pkt, line, len, data); else if (!git__prefixcmp(line, "unshallow")) error = unshallow_pkt(pkt, line, len, data); else error = ref_pkt(pkt, line, len, data); *endptr = line + len; return error; } void git_pkt_free(git_pkt *pkt) { if (pkt == NULL) { return; } if (pkt->type == GIT_PKT_REF) { git_pkt_ref *p = (git_pkt_ref *) pkt; git__free(p->head.name); git__free(p->head.symref_target); } if (pkt->type == GIT_PKT_OK) { git_pkt_ok *p = (git_pkt_ok *) pkt; git__free(p->ref); } if (pkt->type == GIT_PKT_NG) { git_pkt_ng *p = (git_pkt_ng *) pkt; git__free(p->ref); git__free(p->msg); } git__free(pkt); } int git_pkt_buffer_flush(git_str *buf) { return git_str_put(buf, PKT_FLUSH_STR, CONST_STRLEN(PKT_FLUSH_STR)); } static int buffer_want_with_caps( const git_remote_head *head, transport_smart_caps *caps, git_oid_t oid_type, git_str *buf) { git_str str = GIT_STR_INIT; char oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE]; size_t oid_hexsize, len; oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(oid_type); git_oid_fmt(oid, &head->oid); /* Prefer multi_ack_detailed */ if (caps->multi_ack_detailed) git_str_puts(&str, GIT_CAP_MULTI_ACK_DETAILED " "); else if (caps->multi_ack) git_str_puts(&str, GIT_CAP_MULTI_ACK " "); /* Prefer side-band-64k if the server supports both */ if (caps->side_band_64k) git_str_printf(&str, "%s ", GIT_CAP_SIDE_BAND_64K); else if (caps->side_band) git_str_printf(&str, "%s ", GIT_CAP_SIDE_BAND); if (caps->include_tag) git_str_puts(&str, GIT_CAP_INCLUDE_TAG " "); if (caps->thin_pack) git_str_puts(&str, GIT_CAP_THIN_PACK " "); if (caps->ofs_delta) git_str_puts(&str, GIT_CAP_OFS_DELTA " "); if (caps->shallow) git_str_puts(&str, GIT_CAP_SHALLOW " "); if (git_str_oom(&str)) return -1; if (str.size > (PKT_MAX_SIZE - (PKT_MAX_WANTLEN + 1))) { git_error_set(GIT_ERROR_NET, "tried to produce packet with invalid caps length %" PRIuZ, str.size); return -1; } len = PKT_LEN_SIZE + CONST_STRLEN(PKT_WANT_PREFIX) + oid_hexsize + 1 /* NUL */ + git_str_len(&str) + 1 /* LF */; git_str_grow_by(buf, len); git_str_printf(buf, "%04x%s%.*s %s\n", (unsigned int)len, PKT_WANT_PREFIX, (int)oid_hexsize, oid, git_str_cstr(&str)); git_str_dispose(&str); GIT_ERROR_CHECK_ALLOC_STR(buf); return 0; } /* * All "want" packets have the same length and format, so what we do * is overwrite the OID each time. */ int git_pkt_buffer_wants( const git_fetch_negotiation *wants, transport_smart_caps *caps, git_str *buf) { const git_remote_head *head; char oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE]; git_oid_t oid_type; size_t oid_hexsize, want_len, i = 0; #ifdef GIT_EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256 oid_type = wants->refs_len > 0 ? wants->refs[0]->oid.type : GIT_OID_SHA1; #else oid_type = GIT_OID_SHA1; #endif oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(oid_type); want_len = PKT_LEN_SIZE + CONST_STRLEN(PKT_WANT_PREFIX) + oid_hexsize + 1 /* LF */; if (caps->common) { for (; i < wants->refs_len; ++i) { head = wants->refs[i]; if (!head->local) break; } if (buffer_want_with_caps(wants->refs[i], caps, oid_type, buf) < 0) return -1; i++; } for (; i < wants->refs_len; ++i) { head = wants->refs[i]; if (head->local) continue; git_oid_fmt(oid, &head->oid); git_str_printf(buf, "%04x%s%.*s\n", (unsigned int)want_len, PKT_WANT_PREFIX, (int)oid_hexsize, oid); if (git_str_oom(buf)) return -1; } /* Tell the server about our shallow objects */ for (i = 0; i < wants->shallow_roots_len; i++) { char oid[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1]; git_str shallow_buf = GIT_STR_INIT; git_oid_tostr(oid, GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE + 1, &wants->shallow_roots[i]); git_str_puts(&shallow_buf, "shallow "); git_str_puts(&shallow_buf, oid); git_str_putc(&shallow_buf, '\n'); git_str_printf(buf, "%04x%s", (unsigned int)git_str_len(&shallow_buf) + 4, git_str_cstr(&shallow_buf)); git_str_dispose(&shallow_buf); if (git_str_oom(buf)) return -1; } if (wants->depth > 0) { git_str deepen_buf = GIT_STR_INIT; git_str_printf(&deepen_buf, "deepen %d\n", wants->depth); git_str_printf(buf,"%04x%s", (unsigned int)git_str_len(&deepen_buf) + 4, git_str_cstr(&deepen_buf)); git_str_dispose(&deepen_buf); if (git_str_oom(buf)) return -1; } return git_pkt_buffer_flush(buf); } int git_pkt_buffer_have(git_oid *oid, git_str *buf) { char oid_str[GIT_OID_MAX_HEXSIZE]; git_oid_t oid_type; size_t oid_hexsize, have_len; #ifdef GIT_EXPERIMENTAL_SHA256 oid_type = oid->type; #else oid_type = GIT_OID_SHA1; #endif oid_hexsize = git_oid_hexsize(oid_type); have_len = PKT_LEN_SIZE + CONST_STRLEN(PKT_HAVE_PREFIX) + oid_hexsize + 1 /* LF */; git_oid_fmt(oid_str, oid); return git_str_printf(buf, "%04x%s%.*s\n", (unsigned int)have_len, PKT_HAVE_PREFIX, (int)oid_hexsize, oid_str); } int git_pkt_buffer_done(git_str *buf) { return git_str_put(buf, PKT_DONE_STR, CONST_STRLEN(PKT_DONE_STR)); }