# Gman [](https://travis-ci.org/benbalter/gman) [](http://badge.fury.io/rb/gman) [](http://makeapullrequest.com) A ruby gem to check if the owner of a given email address or website is working for THE MAN (a.k.a verifies government domains). It will also provide you with metadata about the domain, such as the country, state, city, or agency, where applicable. It does this by leveraging the power of [Naughty or Nice](https://github.com/benbalter/naughty_or_nice), the [Public Suffix List](http://publicsuffix.org/), and the associated [Ruby Gem](https://github.com/weppos/publicsuffix-ruby). You could theoretically [use regex](https://gist.github.com/benbalter/6147066), but either you'll get a bunch of false positives, or your regex will be insanely complicated. `gov.uk`, may be valid, for example, but `gov.fr` is not (it's `gouv.fr`, for what it's worth). The solution? Use Public Suffix to verify that it's a valid public domain, then maintain [a crowd-sourced sub-list of known global government and military domains](https://github.com/benbalter/gman/blob/master/config/domains.txt). It should cover all US and international, government and military domains for both email and website verification. See a domains that's missing or one that shouldn't be there? [We'd love you to contribute](CONTRIBUTING.md). ## Installation Gman is a Ruby gem, so you'll need a little Ruby-fu to get it working. Simply `gem install gman` Or add this to your `Gemfile` before doing a `bundle install`: `gem 'gman'` ## Usage ### In general ### Verify email addresses ```ruby Gman.valid? "foo@bar.gov" #=> true Gman.valid? "foo@bar.com" #=> false ``` ### Verify domain ```ruby Gman.valid? "http://foo.bar.gov" #=> true Gman.valid? "foo.bar.gov" #=> true Gman.valid? "foo.gov" #=> true Gman.valid? "foo.biz" #=> false ``` ### Determine the type of domain ```ruby domain = Gman.new "whitehouse.gov" domain.type #=> :federal domain.federal? #=> true domain.state? #=> false domain.city? #=> false domain.county? #=> false ``` ### Get information about the domain's geographic location (.gov and .us only) ```ruby domain = Gman.new "illinois.gov" domain.state #=> "IL" domain.city #=> "springfield" ``` ### Get information about a .gov domain's owner ```ruby domain = Gman.new "whitehouse.gov" domain.agency #=> "Executive Office of the President" ``` ### Get the ISO Country Code information represented by a government domain ```ruby domain = Gman.new "whitehouse.gov" #=> #<Gman domain="whitehouse.gov" valid=true> domain.country.name #=> "United States" domain.country.alpha2 #=> "US" domain.country.alpha3 #=> "USA" domain.country.currency #=> "USD" domain.conutry.calling_code #=> "+1" ``` ### Check if a country is on the US Sanctions list ```ruby Gman.new("foo.gov.kp").sanctioned? #=> true ``` ### Command line #### Getting information about a given domain ``` $ gman whitehouse.gov Domain : whitehouse.gov Valid government domain Type : federal Country : United States State : DC City : Washington Agency : Executive Office of the President ``` The command line tool will accept any domain-like string (email, url, etc.) ``` $ gman foo@illinois.gov Domain : illinois.gov Valid government domain Type : state Country : United States State : IL City : Springfield ``` #### Filter Filters newline-separated email addresses from stdin. Example usage: ``` $ gman_filter < path/to/list/of/addresses.txt ``` ## Contributing Contributions welcome! Please see [the contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for code contributions or for details on how to add, update, or delete government domains. ## Credits Heavily inspired by [swot](https://github.com/leereilly/swot). Thanks [@leereilly](https://github.com/leereilly)!