module Houston module Adapters module ErrorTracker class ErrbitAdapter class << self def errors_with_parameters(project, app_id) return {errbit_app_id: ["cannot be blank"]} if app_id.blank? # !todo: validate that the app exists # begin # new_app(app_id).fetch! # rescue # binding.pry # end {} end def build(project, app_id) return Houston::Adapters::ErrorTracker::NullApp if app_id.blank? new_app(app_id) end def parameters [:errbit_app_id] end def connection @connection ||= end def open_problems(*args) connection.open_problems(*args) end def changed_problems(*args) connection.changed_problems(*args) end def all_problems(*args) connection.all_problems(*args) end def problems_during(*args) connection.problems_during(*args) end def notices_during(*args) connection.notices_during(*args) end private def new_app(project_id), project_id) end end end end end end