require "omnicontacts/http_utils" require "base64" # This module represent a OAuth 1.0 Client. # # Classes including the module must implement # the following methods: # * auth_host -> the host of the authorization server # * auth_token_path -> the path to query to obtain a request token # * consumer_key -> the registered consumer key of the client # * consumer_secret -> the registered consumer secret of the client # * callback -> the callback to include during the redirection step # * auth_path -> the path on the authorization server to redirect the user to # * access_token_path -> the path to query in order to obtain the access token module OmniContacts module Authorization module OAuth1 include HTTPUtils OAUTH_VERSION = "1.0" # Obtain an authorization token from the server. # The token is returned in an array along with the relative authorization token secret. def fetch_authorization_token request_token_response = https_post(auth_host, auth_token_path, request_token_req_params) values_from_query_string(request_token_response, ["oauth_token", "oauth_token_secret"]) end private def request_token_req_params { :oauth_consumer_key => consumer_key, :oauth_nonce => encode(random_string), :oauth_signature_method => "PLAINTEXT", :oauth_signature => encode(consumer_secret + "&"), :oauth_timestamp => timestamp, :oauth_version => OAUTH_VERSION, :oauth_callback => callback } end def random_string (0...50).map { ('a'..'z').to_a[rand(26)] }.join end def timestamp end def values_from_query_string query_string, keys_to_extract map = query_string_to_map(query_string) keys_to_extract.collect do |key| if map.has_key?(key) map[key] else raise "No value found for #{key} in #{query_string}" end end end public # Returns the url the user has to be redirected to do in order grant permission to the client application. def authorization_url auth_token "https://" + auth_host + auth_path + "?oauth_token=" + auth_token end # Fetches the access token from the authorization server. # The method expects the authorization token, the authorization token secret and the authorization verifier. # The result comprises the access token, the access token secret and a list of additional fields extracted from the server's response. # The list of additional fields to extract is specified as last parameter def fetch_access_token auth_token, auth_token_secret, auth_verifier, additional_fields_to_extract = [] access_token_resp = https_post(auth_host, access_token_path, access_token_req_params(auth_token, auth_token_secret, auth_verifier)) values_from_query_string(access_token_resp, (["oauth_token", "oauth_token_secret"] + additional_fields_to_extract)) end private def access_token_req_params auth_token, auth_token_secret, auth_verifier { :oauth_consumer_key => consumer_key, :oauth_nonce => encode(random_string), :oauth_signature_method => "PLAINTEXT", :oauth_signature => encode(consumer_secret + "&" + auth_token_secret), :oauth_version => OAUTH_VERSION, :oauth_timestamp => timestamp, :oauth_token => auth_token, :oauth_verifier => auth_verifier } end public # Calculates a signature using HMAC-SHA1 according to the OAuth 1.0 specifications. # # The base string is given is a RFC 3986 encoded concatenation of: # * Uppercase HTTP method # * An '&' # * A url without any parameters # * An '&' # * All parameters to use in the request encoded themselves and sorted by key. # # The signature key is given by the concatenation of: # * RFC 3986 encoded consumer secret # * An '&' # * RFC 3986 encoded token secret def oauth_signature method, url, params, secret encoded_method = encode(method.upcase) encoded_url = encode(url) # params must be in alphabetical order encoded_params = encode(to_query_string(params.sort)) base_string = encoded_method + '&' + encoded_url + '&' + encoded_params key = encode(consumer_secret) + '&' + secret hmac_sha1 = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest('sha1', key, base_string) # base64 encode results must be stripped encode(Base64.encode64(hmac_sha1).strip) end end end end