# encoding: utf-8 module Ayadn class Descriptions def self.options_new "Retrieve only new posts since your last visit" end def self.options_count "Specify the number of posts to retrieve" end def self.options_index "Use an ordered index instead of the posts ids" end def self.options_raw "Outputs the App.net raw JSON response" end def self.options_extract "Extract links from each object" end def self.options_force "Force retrieve posts if the user is muted/blocked and ignores posts index" end def self.unified <<-USAGE Show your App.net timeline, aka the Unified Stream. Basic usage: `ayadn timeline` `ayadn -tl` Scroll the stream: `ayadn -tl -s` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -tl -c5` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -tl -i` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -tl -i -c30` Show only new posts: `ayadn -tl -n` Force compact view: `ayadn -tl -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -tl -f` Show as JSON: `ayadn -tl -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.checkins <<-USAGE Show the Checkins Stream. Basic usage: `ayadn checkins` `ayadn -ck` Scroll the stream: `ayadn -ck -s` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -ck -c5` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -ck -i` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -ck -i -c30` Show only new posts: `ayadn -ck -n` Force compact view: `ayadn -ck -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -ck -f` Show as JSON: `ayadn -ck -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.global <<-USAGE Show the Global Stream. Basic usage: `ayadn global` `ayadn -gl` Scroll the stream: `ayadn -gl -s` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -gl -c5` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -gl -i` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -gl -i -c30` Show only new posts: `ayadn -gl -n` Force compact view: `ayadn -gl -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -gl -f` Show as JSON: `ayadn -gl -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.trending <<-USAGE Show the Trending Stream. Basic usage: `ayadn trending` `ayadn -tr` Scroll the stream: `ayadn -tr -s` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -tr -c5` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -tr -i` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -tr -i -c30` Show only new posts: `ayadn -tr -n` Force compact view: `ayadn -tr -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -tr -f` Show as JSON: `ayadn -tr -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.photos <<-USAGE Show the Photos Stream. Basic usage: `ayadn photos` `ayadn -ph` Scroll the stream: `ayadn -ph -s` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -ph -c5` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -ph -i` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -ph -i -c30` Show only new posts: `ayadn -ph -n` Force compact view: `ayadn -ph -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -ph -f` Show as JSON: `ayadn -ph -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.conversations <<-USAGE Show the Conversations Stream. Basic usage: `ayadn conversations` `ayadn -cq` Scroll the stream: `ayadn -cq -s` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -cq -c5` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -cq -i` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -cq -i -c30` Show only new posts: `ayadn -cq -n` Force compact view: `ayadn -cq -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -cq -f` Show as JSON: `ayadn -cq -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.mentions <<-USAGE Show posts containing a mention of @username. Basic usage: `ayadn mentions @ericd` `ayadn -m ericd` ("@" is optional) You can use "me" instead of your username for your own mentions. Scroll mentions: `ayadn -m -s me` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -m -c5 me` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -m -i me` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -m -i -c30 me` Force compact view: `ayadn -m -i -k me` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -m -f me` Show as JSON: `ayadn -m -x me` \n\n USAGE end def self.posts <<-USAGE Show @username's posts. Basic usage: `ayadn userposts @ericd` `ayadn -up @ericd` Scroll posts: `ayadn -up -s ericd` ("@" is optional) You can use "me" instead of your username for your own posts. # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -up -c5 me` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -up -i me` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -up -i -c30 me` Force compact view: `ayadn -up me -i -c30 -k` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -up -f me` Show as JSON: `ayadn -up -x me` \n\n USAGE end def self.whatstarred <<-USAGE Show posts starred by @username. Basic usage: `ayadn whatstarred @ericd` `ayadn -was ericd` ("@" is optional) You can use "me" instead of your username for your own stars. # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -was -c5 @ericd` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -was -i @ericd` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -was -i -c30 @ericd` Force compact view: `ayadn -was -i -c30 @ericd -k` Show result as JSON: `ayadn -was -x @ericd` Extracts all links contained in the starred posts: `ayadn -was -e @ericd` \n\n USAGE end def self.interactions <<-USAGE Show your recent ADN interactions. Usage: `ayadn interactions` `ayadn -int` # ----- Force compact view: `ayadn -int -k` Show result as JSON: `ayadn -int -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.whoreposted <<-USAGE List users who reposted post n°POST. Usage: `ayadn whoreposted 22790201` `ayadn -wor 22790201` # ----- Force compact view: `ayadn -wor -k 22790201` Show result as JSON: `ayadn -wor -x 22790201` \n\n USAGE end def self.whostarred <<-USAGE List users who starred post n°POST. Usage: `ayadn whostarred 22790201` `ayadn -wos 22790201` # ----- Force compact view: `ayadn -was -k 22790201` Show result as JSON: `ayadn -wos -x 22790201` \n\n USAGE end def self.convo <<-USAGE Show the conversation thread around post n°POST. Usage: `ayadn convo 23362788` `ayadn -co 23362788` Scroll the conversation: `ayadn -co -s 23362788` # ----- Show index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -co -i 23362788` Force compact view: `ayadn -co -i -k 23362788` Force display blocked/muted/blacklisted: `ayadn -co -f 23362788` Show as JSON: `ayadn -co -x 23362788` \n\n USAGE end def self.followings <<-USAGE List users @username is following. Usage: `ayadn followings @ericd` `ayadn -fwg ericd` ("@" is optional) You can use "me" instead of your username for your own account. # ----- Sort the list by username: `ayadn -fwg -u me` Sort the list by name: `ayadn -fwg -n me` Sort the list by posts/day: `ayadn -fwg -d me` Sort the list by total posts: `ayadn -fwg -p me` Sort the list by post date: `ayadn -fwg -t -l me` Reverse the list order: `ayadn -fwg -r me` `ayadn -fwg -u -r me` Force compact view: `ayadn -fwg -k me` Show as JSON: `ayadn -fwg -x me` \n\n USAGE end def self.followers <<-USAGE List users following @username. Usage: `ayadn followers @ericd` `ayadn -fwr ericd` ("@" is optional) You can use "me" instead of your username for your own account. # ----- Sort the list by username: `ayadn -fwr -u me` Sort the list by name: `ayadn -fwr -n me` Sort the list by posts/day: `ayadn -fwr -d me` Sort the list by total posts: `ayadn -fwr -p me` Sort the list by post date: `ayadn -fwr -t -l me` Reverse the list order: `ayadn -fwr -r me` `ayadn -fwr -u -r me` Force compact view: `ayadn -fwr -k me` Show as JSON: `ayadn -fwr -x me` \n\n USAGE end def self.muted <<-USAGE List the users you muted. Usage: `ayadn muted` `ayadn -mtd` # ----- Sort the list by username: `ayadn -mtd -u` Sort the list by name: `ayadn -mtd -n` Sort the list by posts/day: `ayadn -mtd -d` Sort the list by total posts: `ayadn -mtd -p` Reverse the list order: `ayadn -mtd -r` `ayadn -mtd -u -r` Force compact view: `ayadn -mtd -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -mtd -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.blocked <<-USAGE List the users you blocked. Usage: `ayadn blocked` `ayadn -bkd` # ----- Sort the list by username: `ayadn -bkd -u` Sort the list by name: `ayadn -bkd -n` Sort the list by posts/day: `ayadn -bkd -d` Sort the list by total posts: `ayadn -bkd -p` Reverse the list order: `ayadn -bkd -r` `ayadn -bkd -u -r` Force compact view: `ayadn -bkd -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -bkd -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.hashtag <<-USAGE Show recent posts containing HASHTAG. Usage: `ayadn hashtag thememonday` `ayadn -t thememonday` # ----- Extracts all links contained in the posts: `ayadn -t -e thememonday` Ignore the blocked/muted/blacklisted filters: `ayadn -t -f thememonday` Force compact view: `ayadn -t thememonday -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -t -x thememonday` \n\n USAGE end def self.search <<-USAGE Show recents posts containing WORD(S). # Basic usage `ayadn search oneword anotherone` `ayadn -s oneword anotherone` # ----- Retrieves only 5 posts: `ayadn -s -c5 screenshot iterm` Shows index instead of post numbers: `ayadn -s -i screenshot iterm` Shows index and retrieves 30 posts: `ayadn -s -i -c30 screenshot iterm` Extracts all links contained in the posts: `ayadn -s -e screenshot iterm` Ignore the blocked/muted/blacklisted filters: `ayadn -s -f screenshot iterm` Force compact view: `ayadn -s screenshot -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -s -x screenshot iterm` # ----- # Advanced usage ## Messages Search for WORD(S) in messages, including PMs. You have to specify a channel id (or an alias). Usage: `ayadn -s --messages 33642 ipad movies` `ayadn -s --messages my_alias ipad movies` ## Users Search for App.net users by searching WORD(S) in their bio/description. Usage: `ayadn -s --users anime` ## Channels Search for App.net channels by searching WORD(S) in their description. Usage: `ayadn -s --channels movies` ## Annotations Search for posts containing a specific App.net annotation. Usage: `ayadn -s --annotations net.app.core.crosspost` \n\n USAGE end def self.settings <<-USAGE List current Ayadn settings. Usage: `ayadn settings` `ayadn -sg` # ----- Force compact view: `ayadn -sg -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -sg -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.userinfo <<-USAGE Show detailed informations about @username. Usage: `ayadn userinfo @ericd` `ayadn -ui @ericd` ("@" is optional) You can use "me" instead of your username for your own account. `ayadn -ui me` # ----- Get infos about several users: `ayadn -ui ericd adnapi` Force compact view: `ayadn -ui ericd -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -ui -x me` \n\n USAGE end def self.userupdate <<-USAGE Update your user profile. Usage: `ayadn userupdate --bio` `ayadn -U --bio` `ayadn -U --name` `ayadn -U --birthday` `ayadn -U --twitter` `ayadn -U --blog` `ayadn -U --avatar ~/Pics/myface.jpg` `ayadn -U --cover ~/Pics/mycats.jpg` \n\n USAGE end def self.postinfo <<-USAGE Show detailed informations about post n°POST. Usage: `ayadn postinfo 23365251` `ayadn -pi 23365251` # ----- Force compact view: `ayadn -pi 23365251 -k` Show as JSON: `ayadn -pi -x 23365251` \n\n USAGE end def self.files <<-USAGE List the files in your ADN storage. Basic usage: `ayadn files` `ayadn -fl` # ----- Retrieves only 5 files: `ayadn -fl -c5` Retrieves all files: `ayadn -fl -a` Show as JSON: `ayadn -fl -c5 -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.delete <<-USAGE Delete a post. Usage: `ayadn delete 23365251` `ayadn -D 23365251` You can delete several posts at once: `ayadn -D 42371250 23365251 42253824` \n\n USAGE end def self.delete_m <<-USAGE Delete a message (private message or message in a channel). Usage: `ayadn delete_m 42666 3365251` `ayadn -DM 42666 3365251` `ayadn -DM my_channel_alias 3365251` You can delete several messages at once: `ayadn -DM mychan 3365251 3365252 3365253` \n\n USAGE end def self.unfollow <<-USAGE Unfollow a user. Usage: `ayadn unfollow @spammer` `ayadn -UF @spammer` You can unfollow several users at once: `ayadn -UF @spammer @myex @thickhead` \n\n USAGE end def self.unmute <<-USAGE Unmute a user. Usage: `ayadn unmute @ericd` `ayadn -UM @ericd` You can unmute several users at once: `ayadn -UM @ericd @myex @thickhead` \n\n USAGE end def self.unblock <<-USAGE Unblock a user. Usage: `ayadn unblock @notspammeractually` `ayadn -UB @notspammeractually` You can unblock several users at once: `ayadn -UB @notspammeractually @myex @thickhead` \n\n USAGE end def self.unrepost <<-USAGE Unrepost a post. Usage: `ayadn unrepost 23365251` `ayadn -UR 23365251` You can unrepost several posts at once: `ayadn -UR 23365251 42253824` \n\n USAGE end def self.unstar <<-USAGE Unstar a post. Usage: `ayadn unstar 23365251` `ayadn -US 23365251` You can unstar several posts at once: `ayadn -US 23365251 42253824` \n\n USAGE end def self.star <<-USAGE Star a post. Usage: `ayadn star 23365251` `ayadn -ST 23365251` You can star several posts at once: `ayadn -ST 23365251 42253824` \n\n USAGE end def self.repost <<-USAGE Repost a post. Usage: `ayadn repost 23365251` `ayadn -O 23365251` You can repost several posts at once: `ayadn -O 23365251 42253824` \n\n USAGE end def self.follow <<-USAGE Follow a user. Usage: `ayadn follow @ericd` `ayadn -FO @ericd` You can follow several users at once: `ayadn -FO @ericd @ayadn @adnapi` \n\n USAGE end def self.mute <<-USAGE Mute a user. Usage: `ayadn mute @spammer` `ayadn -MU @spammer` You can mute several users at once: `ayadn -MU @spammer @myex @thickhead` \n\n USAGE end def self.block <<-USAGE Block a user. Usage: `ayadn block @spammer` `ayadn -BL @spammer` You can block several users at once: `ayadn -BL @spammer @myex @thickhead` \n\n USAGE end def self.channels <<-USAGE List your active channels. Usage: `ayadn channels` `ayadn -ch` # ----- Retrieve only the specified channel(s): `ayadn -ch --id 42133 42134` Retrieve only your broadcast channel(s): `ayadn -ch --broadcasts` Retrieve only your private messages channel(s): `ayadn -ch --messages` Retrieve only your patter room channel(s): `ayadn -ch --patter` Retrieve all channel(s) except broadcasts, messages or patter: `ayadn -ch --other` Show as JSON: `ayadn -ch -x` \n\n USAGE end def self.messages <<-USAGE Show recent messages in a channel. Basic usage: `ayadn messages 46217` `ayadn -ms 46217` Scroll messages: `ayadn -ms -s 46217` # ----- Retrieves only 5 messages: `ayadn -ms -c5 46217` Retrieves only new messages: `ayadn -ms -n 46217` Force compact view: `ayadn -ms -n 46217 -k` Ayadn will mark this PM channel as read after running this command. You can pass an option, `-z`, to avoid this temporarily: `ayadn -ms -z 46217` Or you can set it off permanently: `ayadn set marker messages false` If you've set an alias for the channel, you can use it instead of the channel id: `ayadn -ms my_alias` Show as JSON: `ayadn -ms -x 46217` \n\n USAGE end def self.messages_unread <<-USAGE Shows your unread private messages. Usage: `ayadn messages_unread` `ayadn -pmu` # ----- Ayadn will mark all your PM channels as read after running this command. You can pass an option, `-z`, to avoid this for the time of the command: `ayadn -pmu -z` Or you can set it off permanently: `ayadn set marker messages false` Force compact view: `ayadn -pmu -k` \n\n USAGE end def self.pin <<-USAGE Export a POST's link and text with tags to Pinboard. Usage: `ayadn pin 23365251 screenshot iterm` \n\n USAGE end def self.post <<-USAGE Simple post to App.net. Usage: `ayadn post 'Hello from Ayadn!'` `ayadn -P 'Hello from Ayadn!'` `ayadn -P Watching a movie with friends` # ----- Embed a picture: `ayadn -P "lol cat" -E ~/Pics/lolcat.jpg` You don't have to put quotes around your text, but it's better to do it. The 'write' method is recommended over this one: it's more secure and offers multi-line support. Embed an online video: `ayadn -P wave function -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY` `ayadn -P wargarbl -V http://vimeo.com/123234345` \n\n USAGE end def self.write <<-USAGE Multi-line post to App.net. Usage: `ayadn write` `ayadn -W` # ----- Embed a picture: `ayadn -W -E ~/Pics/lolcat.jpg` It enters the writing mode where you will type your post. Embed an online video: `ayadn -W -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY` `ayadn -W -V http://vimeo.com/123234345` \n\n USAGE end def self.pmess <<-USAGE Send a private message to @username. Usage: `ayadn pm @ericd` # ----- Embed a picture: `ayadn pm @ericd -E ~/Pics/lolcat.jpg` Embed an online video: `ayadn pm @ericd -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY` `ayadn pm @ericd -V http://vimeo.com/123234345` It enters the writing mode where you will type your message. Ayadn will mark your PM channel as read after running this command. You can pass an option, `-z`, to avoid this for the time of the command: `ayadn pm -z @ericd` Or you can set it off permanently: `ayadn set marker messages false` \n\n USAGE end def self.send_to_channel <<-USAGE Send a message to a channel. Usage: ayadn send 46217 ayadn -C 46217 It enters the writing mode where you will type your message. # ----- If you've set an alias for the channel, you can post to it with 'ayadn -C my_alias' Embed a picture: `ayadn -C 46217 -E ~/Pics/lolcat.jpg` Embed an online video: `ayadn -C 46217 -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY` `ayadn -C 46217 -V http://vimeo.com/123234345` It enters the writing mode where you will type your message. Ayadn will mark your PM channel as read after running this command. You can pass an option, `-z`, to avoid this for the time of the command: `ayadn -C -z 46217` Or you can set it off permanently: `ayadn set marker messages false` \n\n USAGE end def self.reply <<-USAGE Reply to post n°POST. Usage: `ayadn reply 23365251` `ayadn -R 23365251` It enters the writing mode where you will type your reply. Mentions and/or username will be detected and your text will be inserted appropriately. # ----- If you reply to a repost, Ayadn will automatically replace it by the original post, following the App.net guidelines. But you can force respond to the reposted one by passing the 'noredirect' option: `ayadn -R --noredirect 23365251` If you just viewed a stream with the -i (--index) option, you can also reply to a post by its index: `ayadn -R 3` Embed a picture in a reply: `ayadn -R 23365251 -E ~/Pics/lolcat.jpg` Embed an online video: `ayadn -R23365251 -Y https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei8CFin00PY` `ayadn -R23365251 -V http://vimeo.com/123234345` \n\n USAGE end def self.set <<-USAGE Set (configure) a parameter and save it. Example: `ayadn set color mentions blue` See the list of configurable parameters with: `ayadn -sg` \n\n USAGE end def self.set_color <<-USAGE Set ITEM to color COLOR. Example: `ayadn set color mentions blue` \n\n USAGE end def self.set_timeline <<-USAGE Set ITEM to true or false. Example: `ayadn set directed true` \n\n USAGE end def self.set_backup <<-USAGE Set ITEM to be activated or not. Example: `ayadn set lists true` \n\n USAGE end def self.set_counts <<-USAGE Set ITEM to retrieve NUMBER of elements by default. Example: `ayadn set count unified 100` \n\n USAGE end def self.set_nicerank <<-USAGE Set NiceRank values. Examples: `ayadn set nicerank filter true` `ayadn set nicerank threshold 2.1` \n\n USAGE end def self.set_defaults <<-USAGE Sets back the configuration to default values. `ayadn set defaults` \n\n USAGE end def self.alias <<-USAGE Manage your channel aliases. Commands: create, delete, list, import. Usage: `ayadn alias list` `ayadn -A list` `ayadn -A create 33666 my_alias` `ayadn -A delete my_alias` (Once an alias is set, you can display the messages in this channel with `ayadn -ms my_alias`, post to it with `ayadn -C my_alias`, etc) \n\n USAGE end def self.alias_create <<-USAGE Creates an alias for a channel. Usage: `ayadn alias create 33666 my_alias` `ayadn -A create 33666 my_alias` (Once an alias is set, you can display the messages in this channel with `ayadn -ms my_alias`, post to it with `ayadn -C my_alias`, etc) \n\n USAGE end def self.alias_delete <<-USAGE Deletes a previously created alias. Usage: `ayadn alias delete my_alias` `ayadn -A delete my_alias` \n\n USAGE end def self.alias_list <<-USAGE Lists previously created aliases. Usage: `ayadn alias list` `ayadn -A list` Force compact view : `ayadn -A list -k` \n\n USAGE end def self.download <<-USAGE Download the file with id FILE. Usage: `ayadn download 23344556` `ayadn -df 23344556` \n\n USAGE end def self.mark <<-USAGE Bookmark a conversation and manage your bookmarks. Usage: `ayadn mark add 30594331` `ayadn mark add 30594331 convo_name` `ayadn mark list` `ayadn mark delete 30594331` `ayadn mark rename 'convo name' 'other name'` \n\n USAGE end def self.mark_add <<-USAGE Add a conversation to your conversations bookmarks. Usage: `ayadn mark add 30594331` `ayadn mark add 30594331 'title'` You don't have to specify the root post of the conversation, any post within the thread will work. \n\n USAGE end def self.mark_list <<-USAGE List your bookmarked conversations. Usage: `ayadn mark list` Force compact view : `ayadn mark list -k` \n\n USAGE end def self.mark_delete <<-USAGE Delete entry from your bookmarked conversations. Usage: `ayadn mark delete 30594331` \n\n USAGE end def self.mark_rename <<-USAGE Rename a bookmarked conversation. Usage: `ayadn mark rename 30594331 'new title'` \n\n USAGE end def self.blacklist <<-USAGE Manage your blacklist. Commands: add, remove, list, import. Usage: `ayadn blacklist list` `ayadn -K list` `ayadn -K add mention @shmuck` `ayadn -K add hashtag sports` `ayadn -K add client IFTTT` `ayadn -K add client 'Spammy Unknown Client'` `ayadn -K add word poo` `ayadn -K remove mention @shmuck` `ayadn -K remove hashtag sports` `ayadn -K remove client IFTTT` `ayadn -K remove word poo` \n\n USAGE end def self.blacklist_add <<-USAGE Adds a mention, hashtag, client or keyword to your blacklist. You don't have to respect the case as all data is recorded downcase. Usage: `ayadn blacklist add mention @shmuck` `ayadn -K add mention @shmuck` `ayadn -K add hashtag sports` `ayadn -K add client IFTTT` `ayadn -K add client 'Spammy Unknown Client'` `ayadn -K add word poo` \n\n USAGE end def self.blacklist_remove <<-USAGE Removes a mention, hashtag, client or keyword from your blacklist. You don't have to respect the case as all data is recorded downcase. Usage: `ayadn blacklist remove mention @shmuck` `ayadn -K remove mention @shmuck` `ayadn -K remove hashtag sports` `ayadn -K remove client IFTTT` `ayadn -K remove word poo` \n\n USAGE end def self.blacklist_list <<-USAGE Lists the content of your blacklist. Usage: `ayadn blacklist list` `ayadn -K list` Force compact view : `ayadn -K list -k` \n\n USAGE end def self.nowplaying <<-USAGE Post the track you're listening to. Ayadn will insert the album cover, a link and a description. Usage with iTunes (Mac Os X only): `ayadn nowplaying` `ayadn -NP` Usage with Last.fm: `ayadn nowplaying -l` `ayadn -NP -l` Specify a custom hashtag: `ayadn -NP -h listeningto` Specify a custom text: `ayadn -NP -t "I loved this song so much when I was young."` Don't resolve the names (ignores iTunes Store): `ayadn -NP -n` \n\n USAGE end def self.random_posts <<-USAGE Show random posts from App.net. Usage: `ayadn random` `ayadn -rnd` With 'wait 30 seconds' option: `ayadn -rnd -w30` \n\n USAGE end def self.authorize <<-USAGE Authorize Ayadn to access your App.net account. Usage: `ayadn authorize` `ayadn -auth` `ayadn -AU` Ayadn will give you a link to an App.net login page. After a successful login, you will be redirected to the Ayadn user token page. Copy this token and paste it into Ayadn. \n\n USAGE end def self.unauthorize <<-USAGE Unauthorize an Ayadn account. Usage: `ayadn unauthorize @ericd` `ayadn -UA @ericd` You can specify the `--delete` (`-D`) option to force delete the account folders: `ayadn -UA -D @ericd` \n\n USAGE end def self.switch <<-USAGE Switch between already authorized App.net accounts. Usage: `ayadn switch @myotheraccount` `ayadn -@ myotheraccount` List your authorized accounts: `ayadn -@ -l` \n\n USAGE end def self.auto <<-USAGE Auto post every line of input. `ayadn auto` In this mode, each line you type (each time you hit ENTER!) is automatically posted to ADN. Hit CTRL+C to exit this mode at any moment. \n\n USAGE end end end