{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Data.Foldable (for_) import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe) import Test.Hspec.Runner (configFastFail, defaultConfig, hspecWith) import Meetup (Weekday(..), Schedule(..), meetupDay) main :: IO () main = hspecWith defaultConfig {configFastFail = True} specs specs :: Spec specs = describe "meetupDay" $ for_ cases test where test Case{..} = it description assertion where assertion = returnedDay `shouldBe` expectedDay returnedDay = meetupDay week dayofweek year month expectedDay = fromGregorian year month dayofmonth data Case = Case { description :: String , year :: Integer , month :: Int , week :: Schedule , dayofweek :: Weekday , dayofmonth :: Int } cases :: [Case] cases = [ Case { description = "monteenth of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "monteenth of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "monteenth of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "tuesteenth of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "tuesteenth of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "tuesteenth of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "wednesteenth of January 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 1 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "wednesteenth of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "wednesteenth of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "thursteenth of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "thursteenth of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "thursteenth of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "friteenth of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "friteenth of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "friteenth of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "saturteenth of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "saturteenth of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "saturteenth of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "sunteenth of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "sunteenth of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "sunteenth of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = Teenth , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "first Monday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = First , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 4 } , Case { description = "first Monday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = First , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 1 } , Case { description = "first Tuesday of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = First , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 7 } , Case { description = "first Tuesday of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = First , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 4 } , Case { description = "first Wednesday of July 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 7 , week = First , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 3 } , Case { description = "first Wednesday of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = First , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 7 } , Case { description = "first Thursday of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = First , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 5 } , Case { description = "first Thursday of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = First , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 3 } , Case { description = "first Friday of November 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 11 , week = First , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 1 } , Case { description = "first Friday of December 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 12 , week = First , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 6 } , Case { description = "first Saturday of January 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 1 , week = First , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 5 } , Case { description = "first Saturday of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = First , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 2 } , Case { description = "first Sunday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = First , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 3 } , Case { description = "first Sunday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = First , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 7 } , Case { description = "second Monday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Second , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 11 } , Case { description = "second Monday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Second , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 8 } , Case { description = "second Tuesday of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Second , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 14 } , Case { description = "second Tuesday of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Second , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 11 } , Case { description = "second Wednesday of July 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 7 , week = Second , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 10 } , Case { description = "second Wednesday of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Second , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 14 } , Case { description = "second Thursday of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Second , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 12 } , Case { description = "second Thursday of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = Second , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 10 } , Case { description = "second Friday of November 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 11 , week = Second , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 8 } , Case { description = "second Friday of December 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 12 , week = Second , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 13 } , Case { description = "second Saturday of January 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 1 , week = Second , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 12 } , Case { description = "second Saturday of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = Second , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 9 } , Case { description = "second Sunday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Second , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 10 } , Case { description = "second Sunday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Second , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 14 } , Case { description = "third Monday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Third , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 18 } , Case { description = "third Monday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Third , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 15 } , Case { description = "third Tuesday of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Third , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 21 } , Case { description = "third Tuesday of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Third , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 18 } , Case { description = "third Wednesday of July 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 7 , week = Third , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 17 } , Case { description = "third Wednesday of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Third , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 21 } , Case { description = "third Thursday of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Third , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "third Thursday of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = Third , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 17 } , Case { description = "third Friday of November 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 11 , week = Third , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 15 } , Case { description = "third Friday of December 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 12 , week = Third , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 20 } , Case { description = "third Saturday of January 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 1 , week = Third , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 19 } , Case { description = "third Saturday of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = Third , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 16 } , Case { description = "third Sunday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Third , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 17 } , Case { description = "third Sunday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Third , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 21 } , Case { description = "fourth Monday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 25 } , Case { description = "fourth Monday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 22 } , Case { description = "fourth Tuesday of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 28 } , Case { description = "fourth Tuesday of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 25 } , Case { description = "fourth Wednesday of July 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 7 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 24 } , Case { description = "fourth Wednesday of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 28 } , Case { description = "fourth Thursday of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 26 } , Case { description = "fourth Thursday of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 24 } , Case { description = "fourth Friday of November 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 11 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 22 } , Case { description = "fourth Friday of December 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 12 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 27 } , Case { description = "fourth Saturday of January 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 1 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 26 } , Case { description = "fourth Saturday of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 23 } , Case { description = "fourth Sunday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 24 } , Case { description = "fourth Sunday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Fourth , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 28 } , Case { description = "last Monday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Last , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 25 } , Case { description = "last Monday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Last , dayofweek = Monday , dayofmonth = 29 } , Case { description = "last Tuesday of May 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 5 , week = Last , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 28 } , Case { description = "last Tuesday of June 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 6 , week = Last , dayofweek = Tuesday , dayofmonth = 25 } , Case { description = "last Wednesday of July 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 7 , week = Last , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 31 } , Case { description = "last Wednesday of August 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 8 , week = Last , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 28 } , Case { description = "last Thursday of September 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 9 , week = Last , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 26 } , Case { description = "last Thursday of October 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 10 , week = Last , dayofweek = Thursday , dayofmonth = 31 } , Case { description = "last Friday of November 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 11 , week = Last , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 29 } , Case { description = "last Friday of December 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 12 , week = Last , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 27 } , Case { description = "last Saturday of January 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 1 , week = Last , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 26 } , Case { description = "last Saturday of February 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 2 , week = Last , dayofweek = Saturday , dayofmonth = 23 } , Case { description = "last Sunday of March 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 3 , week = Last , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 31 } , Case { description = "last Sunday of April 2013" , year = 2013 , month = 4 , week = Last , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 28 } , Case { description = "last Wednesday of February 2012" , year = 2012 , month = 2 , week = Last , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 29 } , Case { description = "last Wednesday of December 2014" , year = 2014 , month = 12 , week = Last , dayofweek = Wednesday , dayofmonth = 31 } , Case { description = "last Sunday of February 2015" , year = 2015 , month = 2 , week = Last , dayofweek = Sunday , dayofmonth = 22 } , Case { description = "first Friday of December 2012" , year = 2012 , month = 12 , week = First , dayofweek = Friday , dayofmonth = 7 } ]