rio.Spec = { executeSpec: function(spec, stdout, env, context, specPage, doEval) { try { var stubManager = new; var mockManager = new; var stub = function(obj, method) { return new, method); }; var stubs = [ stub(env, "specPage").withValue(specPage), stub(env, "describe").withValue(, stdout, [], [], context, env.specPage, stubManager, mockManager) ), stub(env, "stub").withValue(stubManager.stub.bind(stubManager)), stub(env, "pending").withValue("PENDING"), stub(env, "fail").withValue( function(msg) { throw msg; } ), stub(env, "insertComponent").withValue( env.specPage.addComponent.bind(env.specPage) ), stub(env.Function.prototype, "active").withValue( function() { this._activeSpec = true; return this; } ), stub(Function.prototype, "active").withValue( function() { this._activeSpec = true; return this; } ), stub(env, "shouldBeDefined").withValue( function(val) { rio.Assertions.shouldNot(val == undefined, "expected '" + val + "' to be defined."); } ), stub(env, "shouldBeUndefined").withValue( function(val) { rio.Assertions.should(val == undefined, "expected '" + val + "' to be undefined."); } ), stub(env, "shouldEqual").withValue( function(val1, val2) { rio.Assertions.should(val1 == val2, "expected '" + val1 + "' to equal '" + val2 + "'"); } ), stub(, "mockManager").withValue(mockManager), stub(rio, "mockManager").withValue(mockManager) ]; var instrumentModel = function(model) { stubs.push(stub(model, "_idCache").withValue({})); stubs.push(stub(model, "_identityCache").withValue({})); stubs.push(stub(model, "_collectionEntities").withValue({})); stubs.push(stub(model, "_transaction").withValue([])); stubs.push(stub(model, "_transactionQueued").withValue(false)); stubs.push(stub(model, "__transactionInProgress").withValue(false)); stubs.push(stub(model, "prepareTransaction").withValue(function() { this.executeTransaction(rio.Undo.isProcessingUndo(), rio.Undo.isProcessingRedo()); }.bind(model))); var newInitialize = model.prototype.initialize.wrap(function(proceed) { this.__example = true; proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); stubs.push(stub(model.prototype, "initialize").withValue(newInitialize)); var newExample = model.example.wrap(function(proceed, exampleName) { var json = this._examples[exampleName]; if (json && { var id =; var fromCache = this.getFromCache(; if (fromCache) { return fromCache; } } return proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); stubs.push(stub(model, "example").withValue(newExample)) }; for (modelName in { instrumentModel([modelName]); } stubs.push(stub(env, "instrumentModel").withValue(instrumentModel)); var newRequest = env.Ajax.Request.prototype.request.wrap(function(proceed, url) { var resourceUrl = url.match(/^(\/[^\/]*).*$/)[1]; var model = Object.values( { return m.url && (m.url() == resourceUrl); }); if (model) { if (this.options.method == "delete") { this.options.onSuccess({}); return; } if (this.options.method == "put") { return; } var id = url.match(/^\/[^\/]*\/(.*)$/); var jsonFromParams = function(json) { if ( { var newJSON = {}; newJSON[model.NAME.underscore()] = json; json = newJSON; } return json; }; var json; if (id) { if (!id[1].isNumeric()) { return; } id = id[1]; var foundName = Object.keys(model._examples).detect(function(exampleName) { var exampleJson = model._examples[exampleName]; return == id; }); if (!foundName) { (this.options.onFailure || Prototype.emptyFunction)(); return; } json = jsonFromParams(model.exampleParams(foundName)); } else if (this.options.method == "get") { var parameters = this.options.parameters.conditions.evalJSON(); json = Object.keys(model._examples).select(function(exampleName) { var exampleJson = model.exampleParams(exampleName); return Object.keys(parameters).all(function(parameter) { var val = parameters[parameter]; var jsonVal = exampleJson[parameter.underscore()] || exampleJson[parameter.camelize()]; if (val && val.not) { return jsonVal != val.not; } else { return jsonVal == val; } }); }).map(function(exampleName) { var exampleJson = model.exampleParams(exampleName); var exampleId =; return jsonFromParams(exampleJson); }); } else { /* This is a very limited handling of 'POST' requests. -It doesn't handle transactions -It has no tests */ var newId = Object.values(model._identityCache).min() - 1; newId = isNaN(newId) ? -1 : newId; json = jsonFromParams({ id: newId }); } this.options.onSuccess({ responseJSON: json, status: 200 }); } else { return proceed(url); } }); stubs.push(stub(env.Ajax.Request.prototype, "request").withValue(newRequest)); stubs.push(stub(env, "preloadFixtures").withValue(function() { var callbackQueue = []; var requestStubMethod = env.Ajax.Request.prototype.request.wrap(function(proceed) { var oldOnSuccess = this.options.onSuccess; this.options.onSuccess = function() { var successArgs = arguments; callbackQueue.push(function() { oldOnSuccess.apply(this, successArgs); }); }; return proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); var requestStub = stub(Ajax.Request.prototype, "request").withValue(requestStubMethod); for (modelName in { var model =[modelName]; Object.keys(model._examples).each(function(exampleName) { model.example(exampleName); }); } callbackQueue.each(function(callback) { callback(); }); requestStub.release(); })); stubs.push(stub(env, "render").withValue(function(page) {; env.Element.body().insert(page.html()); page.render();; })); doEval(spec); } catch(e) { stdout(e, "warningLogItem"); // Ignore spec parsing errors. } finally { stubs.invoke("release"); } }, describe: function(that, stdout, befores, afters, context, specPage, stubManager, mockManager, cls, content) { try { var findActiveSpec = function(desc) { var activeSpec; Object.keys(desc).each(function(k) { var v = desc[k]; if (v == "PENDING") { return; } var vActiveSpec = (v._activeSpec && k) || (!Object.isFunction(v) && findActiveSpec(v)); if (vActiveSpec) { activeSpec = vActiveSpec; } }); return activeSpec; }; var activeSpec = findActiveSpec(content); if (activeSpec) { var removeNonActiveSpecs = function(desc) { Object.keys(desc).each(function(k) { var v = desc[k]; if (v == "PENDING") { delete desc[k]; } else if (Object.isFunction(v)) { if (!v._activeSpec && !(k == "beforeEach" || k == "afterEach")) { delete desc[k]; } } else { removeNonActiveSpecs(v); } }); }; removeNonActiveSpecs(content); } } catch(e) { stdout(e, "warningLogItem"); } befores = befores.clone(); if (content.beforeEach) { befores.push(content.beforeEach); } afters = afters.clone(); if (content.afterEach) { afters.unshift(content.afterEach); } if (content.builder) { var extraSpecs = content.builder(); for (extraSpecName in extraSpecs) { content[extraSpecName] = extraSpecs[extraSpecName]; } } Object.keys(content).without("beforeEach").without("afterEach").without("builder").each(function(k) { var specName = cls.toString() + " " + k; arg = content[k]; if (Object.isFunction(content[k]) || content[k].constructor == Function) { var specRun = new Object(); (function() { try { // ============================================================= // = BEGIN TEST OVERRIDES TO ACCOUNT FOR DEFER NON-DETERMINISM = // ============================================================= stub(rio.Undo, "_doAfterAction").andDo(function() { rio.Undo.afterAction() }); // ============================================================= // = END TEST OVERRIDES TO ACCOUNT FOR DEFER NON-DETERMINISM = // ============================================================= context.examples++; for (modelName in rio.models) { var model = rio.models[modelName]; model._idCache = {}; model._identityCache = {}; model._collectionEntities = {}; model._transaction = []; model._transactionQueued = false; model.__transactionInProgress = false; } // preloadFixtures(); befores.each(function(beforeEach) { beforeEach.bind(this)() }.bind(this)); content[k].bind(this)(); mockManager.verifyAll(); stdout("- " + specName, "passed"); } catch(e) { context.failures++; stdout("- " + specName + "\n" + " - (" + (e.message || e) + ") " + (e.detail || ""), "failed"); } finally { try { for (var i=0; i<afters.length; i++) { var afterEach = afters[i]; afterEach.bind(this)(); } } finally { try { mockManager.releaseAll(); stubManager.releaseAll(); } catch(e) { stdout("Failed to release mocks and stubs", "warningLogItem"); } finally { specPage.reset(); } } } }.bind(specRun))(); } else if (Object.isString(content[k]) && content[k] == "PENDING") { stdout("- " + specName, "pending"); context.examples++; context.pendings++; } else { that.describe(that, stdout, befores, afters, context, specPage, stubManager, mockManager, specName, content[k]); } }); }, toString: function() { return "Spec"; } }; rio.Assertions = { shouldEqual: function(val) { this.should(val == this, "expected '" + val + "', got '" + this + "'"); }, shouldNotEqual: function(val) { this.should(val != this, "expected not '" + val + "', got '" + this + "'"); }, shouldBeTrue: function() { var truthy = this.valueOf() ? true : false; this.should(truthy, "expected: 'true', got '" + this + "'"); }, shouldNotBeTrue: function() { var truthy = this.valueOf() ? true : false; this.shouldNot(truthy, "expected: 'false', got '" + this + "'"); }, shouldBeFalse: function() { this.shouldNotBeTrue(); }, should: function(result, msg) { if (!result) { throw msg; }; }, shouldNot: function(result, msg) { if (result) { throw msg; }; } }; Object.extend(rio.Id.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(rio.Binding, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(String.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(Boolean.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(Number.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(Function.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(Array.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(Date.prototype, rio.Assertions); Object.extend(String.prototype, { shouldStartWith: function(val) { this.should(this.startsWith(val), "expected '" + this + "' to start with '" + val + "'") }, shouldMatch: function(val) { this.should(this.match(val), "expected '" + this + "' to match '" + val + "'"); } }); Object.extend(Function.prototype, { shouldBeCalled: function() { var count = 0; var wrapped = this.wrap(function(proceed) { count++; return proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); wrapped.expectation = function() { return count > 0; }; var expectation = function() { return wrapped.expectation(); }; var original = this; expectation.message = "\n\n" + original.toString() + "\n\n# should be called"; wrapped.times = function(times) { wrapped.expectation = function() { return count == times; }; expectation.message = "\n\n" + original.toString() + "\n\n# should be called " + times + " times."; return wrapped; }; wrapped.once = wrapped.times.curry(1); rio.mockManager.expect(expectation); return wrapped; }, shouldNotBeCalled: function() { var wrapped = this.wrap(function(proceed) { wrapped._called = true; proceed.apply(this, $A(arguments).slice(1)); }); var expectation = function() { return !wrapped._called; }; expectation.message = "\n\n" + this.toString() + "\n\n# should not be called"; rio.mockManager.expect(expectation); return wrapped; } }); Object.extend(Array.prototype, { shouldEqual: function(val) { var equal = true; if (val.size != undefined && val.length == this.length) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { equal = equal && this[i] == val[i]; } } else { equal = false; } this.should(equal, "expected '" + val + "', got '" + this + "'"); }, shouldInclude: function(val) { this.should(this.include(val), "expected " + this + " to include " + val); }, shouldNotInclude: function(val) { this.shouldNot(this.include(val), "expected " + this + " not to include " + val); }, shouldBeEmpty: function() { this.should(this.empty(), "expected " + this + " to be empty"); }, shouldNotBeEmpty: function() { this.shouldNot(this.empty(), "expected " + this + " to not be empty"); } }); Object.extend(Date.prototype, { shouldEqual: function(val) { this.should(this.getTime() == val.getTime(), "expected " + this + " to equal " + val); }, shouldBeBefore: function(val) { this.should(this < val, "expected " + this + " to come before " + val); }, shouldBeAfter: function(val) { this.should(this > val, "expected " + this + " to come after " + val); }, shouldBeBetween: function(val, val2) { this.should(this > val && this < val2, "expected " + this + " to be between " + val + " and " + val2); } }); rio.Stub = Class.create({ initialize: function(object, method) { this.object = object; this.method = method; this.oldMethod = this.object[this.method]; this.object[this.method] = function() {}; }, release: function() { if (this.oldMethod == undefined) { delete this.object[this.method]; } else { this.object[this.method] = this.oldMethod; } }, andReturn: function(value) { this.value = value; this.object[this.method] = function() { return value; } }, andDo: function(func) { this.andDo = func; this.object[this.method] = function() { return func.apply(this, arguments); } }, withValue: function(value) { this.object[this.method] = value; return this; }, shouldBeCalled: function() { this.andDo(function() {}.shouldBeCalled()); }, shouldNotBeCalled: function() { this.andDo(function() {}.shouldNotBeCalled()); } }); rio.StubManager = Class.create({ initialize: function() { this.stubs = []; }, releaseAll: function() { for (var i=0; i<this.stubs.length; i++) { var stub = this.stubs[i]; stub.release(); } this.stubs.clear(); }, stub: function(obj, method) { var stub = new rio.Stub(obj, method); this.stubs.unshift(stub); return stub; } }); rio.MockManager = Class.create({ initialize: function() { this.expectations = []; }, expect: function(expectation) { this.expectations.push(expectation); }, verifyAll: function() { this.expectations.each(function(expectation) { if (!expectation()) { throw({ message: "expectation failed", detail: expectation.message }); } }); }, releaseAll: function() { this.expectations.clear(); } });