module Netzke module Core module DslSupport extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods # It's the easiest to be explained by an example: # # declare_dsl_for :components # # This creates: # # 1) DSL method `component` for declaration of child component in a given class, e.g.: # # component :simple_panel do |c| # # ... # end # # Each call to the created `component` method results in an instance method: # # def simple_panel_component(c) # # ... # end # # 2) Instance method `components` that returns a hash of all components configs. This hash is built by passing a new instance of `Netzke::Core::ComponentConfig` to each of the methods described in 1). Presence of `Netzke::Core::ComponentConfig` is assumed. # # Besides components, this method is being used in Core for DSL for actions. def declare_dsl_for(things) things = things.to_s storage_attribute = :"_declared_#{things}" class_attribute storage_attribute send("#{storage_attribute}=", []) define_dsl_method(things, storage_attribute) define_collector_method(things, storage_attribute) end def define_dsl_method(things, storage_attribute) thing = things.singularize define_singleton_method thing do |name, &block| self.send("#{storage_attribute}=", self.send(storage_attribute) | [name]) method_name = "#{name}_#{thing}" define_method(method_name, &(block || ->(c){c})) end end def define_collector_method(things, storage_attribute) thing = things.singularize config_class = "Netzke::Core::#{thing.camelcase}Config".constantize define_method things do # memoization return instance_variable_get("@#{things}") if instance_variable_get("@#{things}") config_hash = self.class.send(storage_attribute).inject({}) do |out, name| c =, self) send("#{name}_#{thing}", c) c.set_defaults! out.merge(name.to_sym => c.excluded ? {excluded: true} : c) end instance_variable_set "@#{things}", config_hash end end end end end end