.span7 %section.recent-actions %h3 Recent Activity - # HACK: This is a cheap way to failover. Refactor. - if @feed.blank? - if @recent_actions.blank? %p= t(".no-actions", :default => "When someone buys a ticket, makes a donation, or updates a record, it will be noted here. Get started by adding some new contacts to your People database.") -if current_user.can? :manage, new_person_path = link_to "Add a Contact", new_person_path, :class => 'btn' - else %ul#recent-list - @recent_actions.each do |action| =render :partial => 'action', :locals => {:action => action} = will_paginate @recent_actions, :id => 'endless-scroll-pagination', :params => { :action => 'recent_activity' } - else %ul#recent-list - @feed.each do |feed| =feed.html_safe