module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues VERSION_NUMBER ||= :VERSION_NUMBER # originally defined in IncrementVersionNumberAction end class GetVersionNumberAction < Action require 'shellwords' def folder = params[:xcodeproj] ? File.join(params[:xcodeproj], '..') : '.' target_name = params[:target] configuration = params[:configuration] # Get version_number project = get_project!(folder) target = get_target!(project, target_name) plist_file = get_plist!(folder, target, configuration) version_number = get_version_number_from_plist!(plist_file) # Get from build settings if needed (ex: $(MARKETING_VERSION) is default in Xcode 11) if version_number =~ /\$\(([\w\-]+)\)/ version_number = get_version_number_from_build_settings!(target, $1, configuration) # ${MARKETING_VERSION} also works elsif version_number =~ /\$\{([\w\-]+)\}/ version_number = get_version_number_from_build_settings!(target, $1, configuration) end # Store the number in the shared hash Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::VERSION_NUMBER] = version_number # Return the version number because Swift might need this return value return version_number end def self.get_project!(folder) require 'xcodeproj' project_path = Dir.glob("#{folder}/*.xcodeproj").first if project_path return else UI.user_error!("Unable to find Xcode project in folder: #{folder}") end end def self.get_target!(project, target_name) targets = project.targets # Prompt targets if no name unless target_name # Gets non-test targets non_test_targets = targets.reject do |t| # Not all targets respond to `test_target_type?` t.respond_to?(:test_target_type?) && t.test_target_type? end # Returns if only one non-test target if non_test_targets.count == 1 return targets.first end options = target_name ="What target would you like to use?", options) end # Find target target = targets.find do |t| == target_name end UI.user_error!("Cannot find target named '#{target_name}'") unless target target end def self.get_version_number_from_build_settings!(target, variable, configuration = nil) target.build_configurations.each do |config| if configuration.nil? || == configuration value = config.build_settings[variable] return value if value end end UI.user_error!("Unable to find Xcode build setting: #{variable}") end def self.get_plist!(folder, target, configuration = nil) plist_files = target.resolved_build_setting("INFOPLIST_FILE") plist_files_count = plist_files.values.compact.uniq.count # Get plist file for specified configuration # Or: Prompt for configuration if plist has different files in each configurations # Else: Get first(only) plist value if configuration plist_file = plist_files[configuration] elsif plist_files_count > 1 options = plist_files.keys selected ="What build configuration would you like to use?", options) plist_file = plist_files[selected] else plist_file = plist_files.values.first end # $(SRCROOT) is the path of where the XcodeProject is # We can just set this as empty string since we join with `folder` below if plist_file.include?("$(SRCROOT)/") plist_file.gsub!("$(SRCROOT)/", "") end plist_file = File.absolute_path(File.join(folder, plist_file)) UI.user_error!("Cannot find plist file: #{plist_file}") unless File.exist?(plist_file) plist_file end def self.get_version_number_from_plist!(plist_file) plist = Xcodeproj::Plist.read_from_path(plist_file) UI.user_error!("Unable to read plist: #{plist_file}") unless plist plist["CFBundleShortVersionString"] end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Get the version number of your project" end def self.details "This action will return the current version number set on your project." end def self.available_options [ :xcodeproj, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_PROJECT", description: "Path to the main Xcode project to read version number from, optional. By default will use the first Xcode project found within the project root directory", optional: true, verify_block: proc do |value| UI.user_error!("Please pass the path to the project, not the workspace") if value.end_with?(".xcworkspace") UI.user_error!("Could not find Xcode project at path '#{File.expand_path(value)}'") if !File.exist?(value) && !Helper.test? end), :target, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_TARGET", description: "Target name, optional. Will be needed if you have more than one non-test target to avoid being prompted to select one", optional: true), :configuration, env_name: "FL_VERSION_NUMBER_CONFIGURATION", description: "Configuration name, optional. Will be needed if you have altered the configurations from the default or your version number depends on the configuration selected", optional: true) ] end def self.output [ ['VERSION_NUMBER', 'The version number'] ] end def self.authors ["Liquidsoul", "joshdholtz"] end def self.is_supported?(platform) [:ios, :mac].include?(platform) end def self.example_code [ 'version = get_version_number(xcodeproj: "Project.xcodeproj")', 'version = get_version_number( xcodeproj: "Project.xcodeproj", target: "App" )' ] end def self.return_type :string end def self.category :project end end end end