/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Phusion * * "Phusion Passenger" is a trademark of Hongli Lai & Ninh Bui. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _EVENTED_BUFFERED_INPUT_H_ #define _EVENTED_BUFFERED_INPUT_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; #define EBI_TRACE(expr) P_TRACE(3, "[EventedBufferedInput " << this << " " << inspect() << "] " << expr) /** * Provides input buffering services for non-blocking sockets in evented I/O systems. * * Wrap an EventedBufferedInput around a socket and provide a data handler callback. * The handler is called every time there is incoming socket data. The handler must return * the number of bytes that it has actually consumed. If not everything has been * consumed, then the handler will be called with the remaining data in the next * tick. */ template class EventedBufferedInput: public enable_shared_from_this< EventedBufferedInput > { private: enum State { LIVE, /** * @invariant * paused * socketPaused */ END_OF_STREAM, /** * @invariant * paused * socketPaused */ READ_ERROR, CLOSED }; SafeLibev *libev; FileDescriptor fd; ev::io watcher; StaticString buffer; State state: 2; /** * Whether this EventedBufferedInput is paused (not started). If it's * paused it should not emit data events. * * @invariant * if paused: * socketPaused */ bool paused: 1; /** * Whether the underlying socket is also paused. This does not * necessarily mean the EventedBufferedInput is also paused because * it may be emitting data events from its internal buffer. */ bool socketPaused: 1; /** * Whether the code is inside a processingBuffer() call. */ bool processingBuffer: 1; /** * Whether processBuffer() is scheduled to be called in the next * event loop iteration. */ bool nextTickInstalled: 1; /** * Increment this number to ensure that previously scheduled * processBuffer() calls will do nothing, effectively canceling * its scheduled calls. */ unsigned int generation; int error; char bufferData[bufferSize]; void verifyInvariants() { // !a || b: logical equivalent of a IMPLIES b. assert(!( state == END_OF_STREAM ) || ( paused )); assert(!( state == END_OF_STREAM ) || ( socketPaused )); assert(!( state == READ_ERROR ) || ( paused )); assert(!( state == READ_ERROR ) || ( socketPaused )); assert(!( paused ) || ( socketPaused )); } void resetCallbackFields() { onData = NULL; onError = NULL; userData = NULL; } void onReadable(ev::io &watcher, int revents) { // Keep 'this' alive until function exit. shared_ptr< EventedBufferedInput > self = EventedBufferedInput::shared_from_this(); EBI_TRACE("onReadable"); verifyInvariants(); assert(!nextTickInstalled); ssize_t ret = readSocket(bufferData, bufferSize); if (ret == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { error = errno; EBI_TRACE("read error " << error << " (" << strerror(error) << ")"); assert(state == LIVE); assert(!socketPaused); assert(buffer.empty()); assert(!paused); watcher.stop(); state = READ_ERROR; paused = true; socketPaused = true; verifyInvariants(); if (onError != NULL) { onError(self, "Cannot read from socket", error); verifyInvariants(); } } } else if (ret == 0) { EBI_TRACE("end of stream"); assert(state == LIVE); assert(!socketPaused); assert(buffer.empty()); assert(!paused); watcher.stop(); state = END_OF_STREAM; paused = true; socketPaused = true; verifyInvariants(); onData(self, StaticString()); verifyInvariants(); } else { EBI_TRACE("read " << ret << " bytes"); assert(state == LIVE); assert(!socketPaused); assert(buffer.empty()); assert(!paused); buffer = StaticString(bufferData, ret); processBuffer(); verifyInvariants(); } } void processBufferInNextTick() { if (!nextTickInstalled) { nextTickInstalled = true; libev->runLater(boost::bind( realProcessBufferInNextTick, weak_ptr< EventedBufferedInput >(this->shared_from_this()), generation )); } } static void realProcessBufferInNextTick(weak_ptr< EventedBufferedInput > wself, unsigned int generation) { shared_ptr< EventedBufferedInput > self = wself.lock(); if (self != NULL && generation == self->generation) { self->verifyInvariants(); self->nextTickInstalled = false; self->processBuffer(); self->verifyInvariants(); } } struct SetProcessingBufferToFalse { EventedBufferedInput *self; SetProcessingBufferToFalse(EventedBufferedInput *_self) { self = _self; } ~SetProcessingBufferToFalse() { self->processingBuffer = false; } }; void processBuffer() { EBI_TRACE("processBuffer"); assert(!processingBuffer); processingBuffer = true; SetProcessingBufferToFalse flagGuard(this); if (state == CLOSED) { return; } assert(state == LIVE); if (paused || buffer.empty() || fd == -1) { return; } assert(buffer.size() > 0); size_t consumed = onData(EventedBufferedInput::shared_from_this(), buffer); EBI_TRACE("Consumed " << consumed << " bytes"); if (state == CLOSED) { return; } if (consumed == buffer.size()) { buffer = StaticString(); if (!paused && socketPaused) { socketPaused = false; watcher.start(); } cancelScheduledProcessBufferCall(); } else { buffer = buffer.substr(consumed); if (!socketPaused) { socketPaused = true; watcher.stop(); } if (!paused) { // Consume rest of the data in the next tick. EBI_TRACE("Consume rest in next tick"); processBufferInNextTick(); } else { cancelScheduledProcessBufferCall(); } } afterProcessingBuffer(); } void cancelScheduledProcessBufferCall() { if (nextTickInstalled) { nextTickInstalled = false; generation++; } } void _reset(SafeLibev *libev, const FileDescriptor &fd, bool firstTime = false) { if (firstTime) { generation = 0; } else { verifyInvariants(); } this->libev = libev; this->fd = fd; buffer = StaticString(); state = LIVE; paused = true; socketPaused = true; processingBuffer = false; nextTickInstalled = false; generation++; error = 0; if (watcher.is_active()) { watcher.stop(); } if (libev != NULL) { watcher.set(libev->getLoop()); } if (fd != -1) { watcher.set(fd, ev::READ); } verifyInvariants(); } protected: virtual ssize_t readSocket(void *buf, size_t n) { return syscalls::read(fd, buf, n); } virtual void afterProcessingBuffer() { // Do nothing. To be overridden in unit tests. } public: typedef size_t (*DataCallback)(const shared_ptr< EventedBufferedInput > &source, const StaticString &data); typedef void (*ErrorCallback)(const shared_ptr< EventedBufferedInput > &source, const char *message, int errnoCode); DataCallback onData; ErrorCallback onError; void *userData; EventedBufferedInput() { resetCallbackFields(); _reset(NULL, FileDescriptor(), true); watcher.set, &EventedBufferedInput::onReadable>(this); EBI_TRACE("created"); verifyInvariants(); } EventedBufferedInput(SafeLibev *libev, const FileDescriptor &fd) { resetCallbackFields(); _reset(libev, fd, true); watcher.set, &EventedBufferedInput::onReadable>(this); EBI_TRACE("created"); verifyInvariants(); } virtual ~EventedBufferedInput() { cancelScheduledProcessBufferCall(); watcher.stop(); EBI_TRACE("destroyed"); } bool resetable() const { return !nextTickInstalled; } void reset(SafeLibev *libev, const FileDescriptor &fd) { EBI_TRACE("reset()"); _reset(libev, fd); } void stop() { if (state == LIVE && !paused) { EBI_TRACE("stop()"); verifyInvariants(); paused = true; if (!socketPaused) { socketPaused = true; watcher.stop(); } cancelScheduledProcessBufferCall(); verifyInvariants(); } } void start() { if (state == LIVE && paused) { EBI_TRACE("start()"); verifyInvariants(); assert(socketPaused); paused = false; if (!buffer.empty()) { processBufferInNextTick(); } else { socketPaused = false; watcher.start(); cancelScheduledProcessBufferCall(); } verifyInvariants(); } } bool isStarted() const { return !paused; } bool isSocketStarted() const { return !socketPaused; } bool endReached() const { return state == END_OF_STREAM; } void readNow() { assert(!nextTickInstalled); onReadable(watcher, 0); } const FileDescriptor &getFd() const { return fd; } string inspect() const { stringstream result; const char *stateStr; result << "fd=" << fd; switch (state) { case LIVE: stateStr = "LIVE"; break; case END_OF_STREAM: stateStr = "END_OF_STREAM"; break; case READ_ERROR: stateStr = "READ_ERROR"; break; case CLOSED: stateStr = "CLOSED"; break; default: stateStr = "UNKNOWN"; break; } result << ", state=" << stateStr; result << ", buffer(" << buffer.size() << ")=\"" << cEscapeString(buffer) << "\""; result << ", paused=" << paused; result << ", socketPaused=" << socketPaused; result << ", nextTickInstalled=" << nextTickInstalled; result << ", generation=" << generation; result << ", error=" << error; return result.str(); } }; typedef shared_ptr< EventedBufferedInput<> > EventedBufferedInputPtr; } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _EVENTED_BUFFERED_INPUT_H_ */