# frozen_string_literal: true require "thor" require "thor/actions" require "refinements/strings" require "runcom" module Pennyworth # The Command Line Interface (CLI) for the gem. # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions using Refinements::Strings package_name Identity.version_label def self.source_root File.expand_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates") end def self.configuration Runcom::Configuration.new project_name: Identity.name end def initialize args = [], options = {}, config = {} super args, options, config end desc "-s, [--string=VALUE]", "Manipulate strings." map %w[-s --string] => :string method_option :downcase, aliases: "-d", desc: "Downcase string.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :upcase, aliases: "-u", desc: "Upcase string.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :titleize, aliases: "-t", desc: "Capitalize each word and delimit with space or forward slash.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :camelcase, aliases: "-c", desc: "Capitalize each word and delimit with nothing or double colon.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :snakecase, aliases: "-s", desc: "Downcase each word and delimit with underscore or forward slash.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :size, aliases: "-s", desc: "Calculate string size.", type: :boolean, default: false # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def string value if options.downcase? then say(value.downcase) elsif options.upcase? then say(value.upcase) elsif options.titleize? then say(value.titleize) elsif options.camelcase? then say(value.camelcase) elsif options.snakecase? then say(value.snakecase) elsif options.size? then say(value.size) else say("Type 'pennyworth help string' for usage.") end end desc "-i, [--install]", "Install Alfred Workflows." map %w[-i --install] => :install # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength def install say alfred_settings_root = self.class.configuration.to_h[:alfred_settings_root] if valid_file?(alfred_settings_root, "Invalid directory for Alfred settings root") if yes? "Installing Alfred Workflows will destroy exiting workflows of the same name. Continue (y/n)?" say_status :info, "Installing Alfred Workflows...", :green workflows = Dir.glob File.join(self.class.source_root, "workflows", "**") alfred_workflows_root = File.join alfred_settings_root, "workflows" workflows.each do |workflow| name = File.basename workflow destination = File.join alfred_workflows_root, name remove_file destination directory File.join("workflows", name), destination end say_status :info, "Alfred Workflows installed.", :green else say_status :info, "Alfred Workflows installation cancelled.", :green end else say_status :error, "Invalid Alfred settings directory: #{alfred_settings_root}", :red end say end desc "-c, [--config]", "Manage gem configuration." map %w[-c --config] => :config method_option :edit, aliases: "-e", desc: "Edit gem configuration.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :info, aliases: "-i", desc: "Print gem configuration.", type: :boolean, default: false def config path = self.class.configuration.path if options.edit? then `#{ENV["EDITOR"]} #{path}` elsif options.info? path ? say(path) : say("Configuration doesn't exist.") else help(:config) end end desc "-v, [--version]", "Show gem version." map %w[-v --version] => :version def version say Identity.version_label end desc "-h, [--help=COMMAND]", "Show this message or get help for a command." map %w[-h --help] => :help def help task = nil say and super end end end